


"Are you sure you want to do this, sir?" Samuel, my second, asked from behind me. I could feel him watching me closely as I watched the girl being auctioned off on stage; he no doubt disapproved of my interest in her. 

"Why wouldn't I?" I asked casually without turning from the glass panel where I watched the blonde-haired girl stare up at the booth I occupied on the balcony with contempt. I knew the lights would be blocking her vision of Samuel and I, but luckily, I could see her perfectly. 

"Well, she is not like the usual stock we purchase," Samuel admitted plainly, stating the obvious. "I am not sure we have enough sedatives to dull her feistiness and make her compliant." He lamented, looking out the window at her. 

"Why would we dull her ‘sparkle’?" I asked, loving how she stared into the glass; it was like watching a tiger at the zoo. It was beautiful, majestic but wild! You could see its power, its killer instinct, and its need for survival as clearly as you could see the stripes on its back. But the glass barrier gave you the security needed to make you feel safe! 

Something told me she was not much different from that caged animal, and once those restraints were off, she, like the tiger, she would be fighting for her freedom. Freedom she would never taste again now that she was mine.

"You mean to put her to work?" Samuel asked as he approached the glass to access her like he did all other purchases. A smirk played on my lips as the host came to pull her from the stage, but her eyes remained locked on mine, and I wondered for a second if I was wrong and she could see through the glass and see the smile painting my lips. 

With no warning, she lifted her elbow, slamming it into the host's nose; blood exploded all over her, and the white nightgown splattered in more of his lifeforce.

"I don't think she would like that, do you?" I asked Samuel with a chuckle. 

"Since when does it matter what the slaves want?" He countered, making me smirk. Usually, he would be correct, but there was something about her that I liked, something that drew me to her. Even my wolf Blaze, who mostly lay dormant in the back of my mind, had stirred seeing her fight. 

"Do you like her?" I asked Blaze, but as expected, he ignored me and slithered back into the hole he had crawled out of. 

"I am pretty confident that if she is dumped in one of our establishments, she will bite off more cocks than she will suck!" I expressed, watching as the security came in and three enormous men restrained her trashing body, dragging her backstage. 

"I am not sure whether to be impressed that it took three men to restrain her or disappointed in the security team who work the auction," I stated dryly, making a move to leave. 

"Both!" Samuel snapped as he followed, sighing heavily. "But sir, the elders will not be happy; they will want to see a return on their investments." My second started to say as we headed from the room and down to where I would lay eyes up to my most recent purchase. 

"You have spent a small fortune on this girl, and you don't plan to put her to work?!” He continued whining.

"That is correct!" I grinned as we approached the door, my eyes flicking to the security team that stood outside. I allowed them a minute to radio through to find out where I needed to go. 

"Realistically, this should have been sorted before I arrived; I do not appreciate being made to wait." I expressed calmly as I crossed my arms and waited. 

"Then what is she for?" Samuel huffed moodily, unable to hold his tongue, hating that he would have to explain to those on my board that I had spent the 50 Million that was meant to go on a slave for one of their whore houses. 

"I guess we shall see." I grinned, not caring; it was his job, not mine. Straightening my suit, I nodded to the staff as the door opened for me. A beautiful woman wearing far too much make-up and not enough clothes beckoned us to follow her down the hall to where Samuel would make the deposit, and I would lay eyes on the newest item in my collection. 

A metal door opened for Samuel and I; the smell of blood and sex filled the air, but the overwhelming scent of fear that oozed into the room did surprise me. Turning, I eyed the host, a smirk coming to my face, realising the scent was coming from him, and something told me it wasn't because of me. But rather, the dainty blonde he had left to come and greet me. 

"Are you sure you want to go through with this sale, she is a handful?" He grunted roughly, still sulking as he held his bloodied nose, which was undoubtedly broken.

"I have large hands!" I stated dismissively. "I didn't realise you were in such a position to turn down 50 Million?" I walked around the dimly lit room, taking in the chains that hung from the ceiling and whips and other floggers lined the walls, no doubt used for pleasure, just not the girls that I knew had hung from the chains. 

"I am not! But 50 Million isn't worth the holy hell that will rain down on me if she slits your throat in your sleep!" The male in charge expressed through a wheezing nose that evidently was giving him breathing issues, a smirk toying at my lips as I stared at his ageing face, his eyes as dead as my cold heart. The wrinkles that loitered his face made him look much older than I suspected he was. 

"Perhaps we should listen to Mr white!" Samuel sniffed from beside me, pleased that the fat prick in front of me had given us a way out. I flashed my eyes at Samuel, a dangerous warning swimming in my green hues.

"I am just trying to look out for you, Mr Accardo, the host rasped through his broken nose. 

"I don't pay you to protect me, I pay you to deliver my package." I barked, flicking my eyes to dismiss him. With a heavy sigh, he nodded and shuffled from the room, one hand covering his nose the other on his thigh where she had bitten him. Turning around, my gaze locked on Samuels, a warning swimming in my green hues. 

"I suggest you remember your place, or it will be YOU sucking cock in the whore house. Do I make myself clear?" 

"Crystal!" Samuel nodded, holding his breath. 

"Very good!" I winked, as he left to make the payment. Walking over to a chair that sat in the corner of the room; pulling my pocket square from my pocket, I wiped the chair off, placing the red fabric down on top of the dirty wooden surface so I could sit on it. My suit cost more than this shithole.

"If you push me one more time, I am going to break more than your fucking nose!" A feminine voice boomed as the doors opened, and a scent of lavender and spring floated through the room, invading my senses. She smelt like fucking heaven! I don't think I have ever smelt anything so sweet, and never will I again. 

Blaze stirred in the back of my mind, forcing himself to the forefront of my mind, watching her through my eyes, a baffling amount of lust and need suddenly washing through me. 

I could feel him bouncing from paw to paw as the image of a feisty female dressed in a bloodied nightshirt, her blonde hair tangled from the chaos of the last hour. Bruises lined her delicate skin that had Blaze furiously growling as she stepped closer. A hand gripped her arm, pulling her back, misunderstanding my intentions. 

"MATE!" Blaze screamed in my head, confirming my early suspicions as a smile etched across my face; crossing my arms and falling back into the darkness the chair offered, I watched her.

'Well, isn't this going to be fun!' I mused to myself.

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