
Episode 2

The Vin’s companies was so massive that Sonia was astonished by it. She made to the lady behind the desk.

"Hello, my name is Sonia, I am here for the job of a clerical staff".

The receptionist smiled at her and directed her towards an office.

Sonia walked through the corridor while taking in the view, she opened the door to the office that she was directed to and smiled at what she saw.

"Wow" were the first words that came out of her mouth.

The spacious office she walked into was so astonishing, she couldn't believe it was her office.

"If this is an office for a clerical staff, then what would the CEOs office look like" she hinted to herself enjoying how spacious it was.

She moved closer to the table running her hands on them before she sat on the chair, it felt so soft and comfortable.

"I am going to do a lot of me time here" she thought to myself.

Just as she was rummaging through the files on the desk, the door opened, a tall and handsome young man walked in followed by another.

"I would need a new secretary" he said as he walked in, he halted noticing her and the look on his face was more than disgusting to see.

"Who are you?" he asked,

"I'm Sonia, im the new staff" she said as she stood up from the chair.

"Get off my chair” he ordered in a strict tone.

“So sorry” Sonia hastily stood up from the seat ashamed.

“You have been promoted to my secretary, now get out of my office" he said coldly.

Sonia closed her eyes and bent my head in shame over what has just happened.

She couldn't bare to look at the man, as she walked out silently.

"Well done Sonia, you have officially humiliated yourself" she said to herself in disdain as she walked down the corridor.

“That stupid receptionist, she will get what is coming to her” she cursed rushing towards her.

"Hi miss Sonia, have you seen the CEO?” the lady askedonce she reached.

"Why didn't you tell me that it was his office " she replied almost shouting at her.

"I'm sorry, but every new employee is always directed to the CEO's office for introduction" she replied as she smiled at me.

"Atleast you could have told me, I made a fool of myself there" Sonia lamented cursing underneath her breath when she heard a laugh. The receptionist laughed so hard it made her mad, Sonia could guess this wasn't the first time she had experienced this scenario.

All of a sudden she stopped laughing and concentrated on her work completely ignoring me as if she was scared of a ghost.

"I believe you must be miss Sonia" a voice said from behind her and she turned to meet the same man she has seen earlier.

"My name is David, come I will show you to your office" he said.

Sonia walked quietly behind David until they entered an office quite close to the CEO's.

"This is your office, you are to report directly to Mr Alberto or me, understood? He said as he handed over a stack of documents to her.

"Please who is Mr Alberto?" Sonia asked as she dropped the documents on the table.

David looked at me and smiled, wondering if she was just naive otherwise she would get in a lot of trouble with Alberto.

"You met him earlier".

“Oh” she responded awkwardly.

Two hours later,

The rings of a telephone startled Sonia and she picked it up,

"Office now" a voice said from over the phone before she could ask who he was, he had already hung up.

Sonia ignored it thinking it was one of the employees trying to play a prank on me like the receptionist.

Minutes later, the phone rang again and she picked "Get to my office now or you are fired" the voice spoke angrily.

No one had the right to fire other people except the Ceo, she ran straight to his office and barged in without knocking.

He looked at her coldly as he ordered her to sit.

Sonia sat down waiting patiently for what he had to say, he took him two minutes before he said " 1" .

She picked up my pen and paper getting ready to write her first task when she heard him say,

" I don't like calling twice, if this repeats itself then you are fired".

Sonia dropped her pen and paper knowing it wasn't something she should write, she was being given her first warning right on her first day at work.

He continued, "On no account are you allowed to come late, and report to me first before taking a leave of absence.

Take this"

He threw a file on the table "review it and report back to me" he ordered.

"Okay sir", she got up and left.

"Who the hell does he think he is commanding me like that?" she fumed as she dropped the file on her desk. Did he have to be so arrogant about it, if she had the chance she would bash his head against the wall for speaking to her in such manner.

After reviewing the file, Sonia headed back to his office, knocking on the door,

"Come in" a voice said from inside and she walked in.

Almano looked so serious in his work that Sonia just stood there with the file in her hand watching him that she didn't know he had stretched out his hand to her.

“The file” he snapped at her.

Coming back to her senses, she quickly gave them to him, he looked at the file and then back at her,

"Leave" he uttered.

"What" she couldn't help but ask, Alberto looked at her like he had the urge to kill, the terror in his eyes were scary but not to her.

"I am done for the day sir, and I would be leaving", she stormed out of his office without looking back leaving Alberto dumbfounded.


The next morning, Sonia strolled into the company feeling confident when she heard a commotion.

Rushing to see what was happening,

She saw a lady kneeling at Alberto’s feet,

"Please sir, I'm begging you, I need this job" the lady cried as she kept begging him.

Dylan stared at her coldly and signalled for the security to take her out. The lady was dragged out as she kept kicking and screaming.

"Good morning Sonia" the receptionist greeted,

"Good morning Cara" Sonia replied ready to leave when she pulled her back,

"Don't you want to know what happened?" Cara asked raising a eyebrow.

"No" she replied reluctantly.

"Well, that's the girl that you replaced, the old secretary" She blurted.


A knock came on Alberto’s door and David peeped in,

“Everyone is ready, Sir" he said.

"Get Anabel, I need her in the meeting” Alberto replied.

In the meeting Hall, everyone was already seated waiting for him,

"Good morning everyone, shall we begin?" He said after he sat down.

David began his presentation while Alberto listened to it when he noticed something.

One of the guest was staring fondly at Sonia, he turned to Sonia who was oblivious of it concentrating on what David was saying, he turned back to him.

"I'm sorry Mr Luca but we have declined your offer" He stated.

"What's the meaning of that? Luca yelled angrily hearing such nonsense from him.

"Go ahead, yell all you want, the deal is already over, get your perverted ass out of my building" he yelled back.

There was so much confusion in the room, Luca had no idea why his offer was declined abruptly. He got up from his seat and walked out, slamming the door behind him.

"You may all leave" Alberto ordered as everyone took their turns leaving.

"Sonia sit" he added.

Sonia had on a look of confusion but decided to sit anyways,

"Do you know Mr Luca?" He asked her.

"No Sir" she replied.

"Okay you may leave" he said as he watched her leave.

In the office, the thoughts of Luca staring at Sonia kept playing in my head over and over again, not letting me concentrate.

"Why am I affected by this young lady, why can't I concentrate" he thought to myself.

He opened his drawer and picked up a lighter and cigarette, smoking had always calmed my nerves and it was bound to repeat itself.

A few minutes later, he was clear-headed and decided to continue working when a soft knock was heard on the door,

"Come in" he said.

"Good day Sir" Sonia greeted.

"Get out" he replied coldly.

Sonia was shocked by his outburst but she had no choice but to close the door quietly with a frown on her face.

“Great!! just when I had cleared my thoughts, you had to appear, Damn it” Alberto sighed.

Another knock came again.

"Didn't you hear me say get out? He yelled.

David opened the door and walked in,

"No, I didn't, I need you to sign this, it's from your father” He said.

Albert picked up his pen and signed it immediately.

"Don't let anybody in my office for the rest of the day" He ordered David.

He nodded and left.

The last thing Alberto needed was for anyone to disturb him and he won't take it likely with that person.

Checking through his watch and it was already past six, Alberto needed to have a word with his father so he stepped out of his office when he noticed David and Sonia walking and giggling together, for no reason he felt angry so he walked right past them completely ignoring them.

"Good bye Sir” David greeted.

Alberto turned back to check why Sonia didn't greet me but she had a frown on her face.

‘Ofcourse she wouldn't greet me after I yelled at her’

He turned back and left. Looking through the window of his car, he could see her smiling again.

Parked in the Vin’s mansion was a black Suv. Alberto stepped out in a black suit to meet his father waiting for him.

"You are late" Almano said.

"I never saw you as someone who cares about time, were you that anxious to see your son?” he asked.

“I just found out about the mv9" Almano uttered and he picked up a serious face. The Mv9 was something sensitive to the both of them and they had been trying to lay their hands on it for a while now.


"it's a chip containing all the MFT agents in Tokyo,were you intending on destroying it?” Almano suddenly paused to see if he was on the same page with his son.

"Now that I know what it is, No.

Get some rest old man, I had a long day".

Leaving Almano behind in the living room was the first thing that shocked him, as a boy he had always waited for his elders to finish their conversation and leave last, Almano couldn't help but feel proud of the tyrant his son was turning into.

In his dark and shady room, Alberto smoked a cigarette as he watched the garden through his window, he couldn't help but imagine Sonia standing outside but when he looked again she wasn't there.

"How long does this have to go on" he thought to himself. It hadn't been hours since he left her and now he was already hallucinating about her.

Realizing that having a smoke was not enough to clear his head, he laid on his bed and slept.

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