
Dream of Secrets

Alaric watches her. Maybe- it probably won’t work, but- maybe he could try and give her the images he’d seen during their kiss? Walking over to her, his hands grasp her head just like Gwenael had done and he tries forcing those images from that brief kiss into her mind. She could maybe see her parents, or spot something else that he might have missed.

He feels her body start to shake under his touch and he lets go of her, worried she’s not strong enough yet. He sits down across the room to wait until she wakes. Maybe she’ll come to see by herself? An hour passes as he watches her sleep, her body jerking slightly every now and again but nothing serious enough for him to worry.

Meanwhile, while Olivia sleeps, her mind screams at her as she tries to fight back the images and hide them. Her mind is not yet ready to accept the truth, though for some reason something is forcing the pictures into her mind. A cry escapes from inside her as she sees a wo

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