
Chapter 21 | Conversation


Arthur squirms under my intense gaze, obviously uncomfortable with the conversation. But I need to know more about my origin. I say, "What powers do I have? You said you used to have other children, and they got too strong from consuming too much. What powers were common with them?"

His cheeks puff out as he gives a long exhale and says, "The speed is common with everyone, fast reflexes, um... most didn't experience much outside of that."

"But some did?" I question.

His eyes narrow at me, he now is looking at me with a rather intense gaze and he asks, "Raya, are you experiencing some abilities you haven't talked about?"

I shift uncomfortably in my seat, feeling exposed under Arthur's piercing eyes. "I don't know," I mutter, averting my eyes. "Sometimes I feel like I can sense things before they happen, like a premonition or something. But... it hasn't happened frequently. And... the more blood I consume, the more I can see how my human side is fading. I'm starting to be unable to
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