
Chapter 44.


She stared out the window, trying to get the thought of how good Shawn looked out of her head.

His cologne was not helping matters as it kept drifting towards her nostrils teasing her and messing with her head.

She stole glances at him at intervals to admire his handsome masculine features.

“Sir, I think that grey sedan is following us.” Mark suddenly said, bringing her out of the reverie.

“Following us?” Shawn asked.

“Yes. I noticed it started following us from the estate gate.” Mark said, looking at his rearview mirror.

“No, don't turn!” Mark yelled as Tiffany made to turn and take a look at the car.

“Can you make him lose us?” Shawn asked calmly.

“Yes, I can.” Mark replied confidently.

“Then do it.” Shawn said.

Mark immediately stepped on the car's accelerator and the car picked speed. He changed direction and drove towards the route that led to the state mall. The mall is always crowded on Saturdays because families love to shop on Saturdays.

He manoeuvred his way t
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