
Chapter 5

Anna was able to hear the two men shouting, and despite the fact that she detested the notion of confronting David, her concern for poor Bryan overwhelmed her anxiety about the situation. She got to her feet and then immediately launched into the Korean rant in a voice that was calm and controlled effectively. Excuse me, Mr. Miller, but your grandpa isn't feeling very well, and yelling at him won't do anything to improve his condition.

Anna was giving him a piece of her mind! David was completely speechless since the woman had such courage.

In case you had forgotten, he was involved in an accident, and at this point, he ought to be resting at home.

“I was not shouting,” David said after it took him some time to find his voice. He intentionally reminded her of the intensity they had shared by stating, “We Koreans are as passionate in conversation as we are in everything.” He did not do so in a very subtle manner. “And I am fully aware of what it is that Bryan requires.” He cast a murderous glare at Bryan and saw that the other guy was smiling; he was taking pleasure in this, damn him! David was adamant that Bryan was not going to cast him in the role of the evening's antagonist. He was not about to show any deference to a married lady who openly and frequently slept with other men, he fiercely thought to himself. Regardless of how stunningly beautiful she is.

David explained, “I tried to make him stay at home, but he insisted on coming to the party because he wanted to meet you again, Anna.” Despite my efforts, David added, “he wanted to meet you again.” Because he hasn't stopped talking about you since the board meeting, it appears that you had quite an effect on him there. He mentioned to me that you were in business, but he failed to mention that you had a partner...' He paused and deliberately looked down at her ring finger before adding, 'But then, his English is not so good.' David gave his grandfather a withering look because it was obvious that the elderly man still did not realize the woman was married. “Is your husband in the house?” It was a sharp question that he asked her while his steely stare roamed insultingly over her. “I would quite like to meet him,” he said. His inquiry was meant to point out to Bryan that he had made a fundamental error, but it was also intended to serve as a sarcastic reminder to Anna that there had been no mention of a husband when David was making out with her...

Anna was unable to stop the rapid flushing that broke out in her cheeks in response to the obvious masculine gaze he was casting her way and the subtle jab he was taking at the fact that she was married. She was not willing to sit idly by and let the conceited David demean his grandfather's command of the English language.

She looked at Bryan with compassion in her eyes. There is nothing incorrect about the way you are using English. She reassured him, “I can perfectly understand you,” before lifting her head to look at the man who towered above her. The man was taller than she was. “And you should know better than to demean your grandfather's abilities in front of others,” Anna added tensely, her flashing chocolate eyes clashing violently with his. It was as if they were the only two people in the room, with the tension between them being a force that could be physically felt. “And perhaps if you were better at listening to your grandfather, you wouldn't feel the need to resort to such measures.

It just so happens that my partner is my closest friend Sara, but I never once mentioned to Bryan that I had a partner when we first met.' This statement gives the impression that David is dishonest. “And with regard to my spouse, he passed away quite a while ago. Are you pleased with this?'  David was struck into silence for the second time in as many minutes as he thought about the opportunity he may have had with her if Bryan had gotten his facts straight. David was thinking about how Bryan had gotten his facts wrong. It didn't matter to him when Anna's husband had passed away; it was enough for him to know that she was available now. However, there was one little problem: he was seeing Anna's stepsister at the time. He needed to find a way to limit the amount of damage that might be done to his reputation as quickly as possible.

When he straightened his shoulders, he saw a flash of melancholy in her enormous brown eyes that she was unable to conceal completely, and he felt like a heel as a result.

“I'm very sorry to bother you, Anna. It was never my intention to hurt either you or Bryan. Could I give you my most sincere condolences on the passing of your husband?'

“Thank you,” Anna said harshly, finally forcing her gaze away from his, and not for a second thinking he was telling the truth. She was speechless from the shock; she couldn't continue. She was very irate because of David Miller's actions. to the point that she had announced Allen's passing in front of other people, which was something she had very seldom had the fortitude to do in the past, and it terrified her.

“I beg your pardon, since my grandson has been so crude. When Bryan chimed in and said, “I know exactly how you feel,” she was relieved that the elderly guy had decided to step in. After offering her comfort with a compassionate grin, the man turned his attention back to his grandson and said, “I have also lost my wife, but let me assure you it does get easier.” But David, Anna is correct; perhaps I was a touch hasty in coming out today.' Suddenly jumping to his feet with more agility than Anna would have believed he was capable of, he grabbed David's elbow just as Annet walked in. “But Anna is right, David, perhaps I was a bit hasty in coming out tonight.”

“My sweet David, how are you doing? Everything okay?” Anna got the strangest impression that Bryan and David had silently spoken with one another while she was looking back and forth between the two of them.

Annet exerted a possessive touch on David by placing her hand on the front of his shirt.

“No, I'm afraid my grandfather isn't in the best of health, so I'll have to take him back home right away.” David stated with a pleasant tone, “I'm sorry, but we have to leave early, but it is necessary.”

“Oh, do you have to? Annet glared at her grandfather and asked, “Surely you can stay, even if your grandfather has to leave?” I'll get him a taxi,'” she said.

David took Annet's hand off of his chest and said in a firm tone, “No, I couldn't possibly allow him to go home alone.” Anna had the impression that Annet had just made a significant error in judgment with this man. David withdrew Annet's hand from his chest.

Annet exclaimed, “Oh, but you don't need to,” and then she cast a beseeching glance in Anna's direction. “ Anna, could you kindly do David and me another favor and drive Mr. Miller back to his house? You are aware that you do not particularly enjoy going to parties, and he will have no problem with this. In addition, David has not yet had the opportunity to adequately communicate with James.'

Anna was on the verge of laughing. Annet's self-centeredness never ceased to astonish her, even after all these years. When Bryan stepped in, she was in the process of providing a noncommittal response to his question. “I'm sorry, but I have to decline, Miss Williams. It is not something I would feel comfortable doing to impose on your sister in such a way. It's time I got going,' he said, grabbing David by the arm and explaining that he was sorry for pulling his grandson away. “I am feeling rather feeble,” He said.

David wasn't in the best of moods himself at the time. It was embarrassing for a man who was always in charge to acknowledge that he had no idea what was going to happen that evening, since everything had caught him by surprise. He desired to have a conversation with Anna. Who did he think he was kidding? He had a lot of other plans besides just talking to her. But this wasn't the right moment, and this wasn't the right location. He concluded that she would remain his, and the sooner he escaped from this horrible gathering, the better.

David replied, “Sorry, ladies, but unfortunately, we have to leave.”

“Please accept my apology on behalf of your father, and I'll be sure to contact you later, Annet. I have no doubt that we will cross paths again, Anna.”

Not if I catch sight of you first, Anna reasoned. Then, while Annet continued to command David's undivided attention, she leaned in close to the elderly guy and planted a peck on his cheek. “I want you to be careful, Bryan.”

“Yes, I will. Anna, you have been so considerate of me. Even though, I am dissatisfied with not being able to buy back the property. I would like to show my appreciation for your compassion by taking you out to lunch the day after tomorrow before I go back to Seoul.

Anna was relieved that her explanation seemed plausible and therefore declined, saying, “I can't tomorrow.” She had already misled Bryan into believing that she had never met David before, and she would like to avoid having to deceive him once more. But it just so happened that she was in Fullerton at the time having lunch with Allen's parents, which was something she did once a month. “Even though it's been almost two years since I lost my spouse, we still remain in touch, and tomorrow I'm having lunch with his parents. Therefore, perhaps at another time,” she replied in a low voice.

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