
n i n e


"You got to be kidding me." Justin threw back his head in frustration.

"I don't know how it happened, it just happened. I was really horny and if he didn't stop then I would've definitely had sex with him."


"Come on, what's the big deal if I had sex with him? It's just sex." I explained.

He breathed out. "You don't know anything, Hazel. Sometimes you're so dumb that I feel stupid to have friend like you."

"Best friend." I grinned.

"Tell me one thing honestly. Have you ever had any romantic feeling for Atlas?"

"No." I replied.

Come to think of it, I haven't seen Atlas romantically. Sure, we had our moments in the past but I never felt that kind of feeling. I liked him but not romantically. It was something different. Something that I never felt for anybody else.

"Look, just don't get involve with him, alright?"

"It isn't like we're really dating." I rolled my eyes.

"There are two things that I want to make clear. First don't go around my back fucking him because for hi
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