

"You wanted to see me?"

"Yes, I did" the man replied in deep, silky baritone that seemed to wash over Genie like the ocean current and hi accent, exotic. A blend of American and something she couldn't quite place.

Woah, easy there girlie, she told herself. 

Remember your no involvement rule. It doesn't matter if his voice is silky or not. A rule is a rule.

So, she folded her arms across her chest and asked the most obvious question.

"I didn't quite catch your name"

"That's because I did not tell you"

Oh, nice comeback. Other men might have began proper introductions with an apology, Genie thought in silent approval.

"Well, what is it?"

"Malik. Abdulmalik"

Malik, Malik. Genie tested the name on her tongue silently. Oh, well...

" I don't get involved with customers, Malik. It's a rule that Max knows. I don't know why he broke the rule for you but I don't care. The other girls can help you out though and I'm sure you'll not have any problem considering you're quite the catch. 

But it's a no for me", 

Genie informed him. 

Even though Malik looked sinfully handsome and had a voice that made her get all the nice goosebumps, she had to pass.

"I'm not a customer"

"Doesn't matter to me. I met you here, that automatically makes you one. It doesn't matter if you'll never come back"

" If I had other ways of meeting you I would have done the earlier", Malik replied her in a matter of fact tone.

Okay, the guy was pretty serious. Maybe she could hear him out. Maybe be wanted something else.

Like, one of people she needed to pay the balance of the down payment of her house mortgage?, Genie thought, panicking for a moment.

No, he couldn't be. Those motherfuckers were rough people. This guy, Malik, looked different. Polished, refined, exotic.

"Alright then. Let's hear it. What did you want?", Genie asked him, leaning against the bar counter.

" I want to buy you"

Her eyes which had been drowsy with tiredness popped open. Did she hear exactly what he said?

"I'm sorry, what did you just say?"

Studying her calmly, he repeated.

" I want to buy you"

Oh yeah, she heard him right the first time. Genie leaned away from the counter and gave him her best excuse me who the fuck are you face.

"You want to?"

"I just said it twice"

"And I think I misheard twice. Could you repeat that again?"

Sighing impatiently, he repeated himself.

" I want to buy you"

Genie felt anger bubbles rising to her chest. Who did this asshole think he was?

"The fuck? You want to buy me? What do I look like? Some market commodity? Are you being reasonable right now?

"Very reasonable", Malik replied her, looking like he had just said the most logical thing in the world.

"See, I don't know if your head is screwed on tight or not and I'm guessing it's not but I'm not for sale, okay? Go and find someone else who is willing to play your jokes", Genie said and turned to walk away.

" Everybody has a price, name yours and I'll pay"

She whirled back on him, anger clearly written on her face.

" Not every freaking person you meet that has a lower networth than yours can be bought, okay?Idon't have a fucking price and I'll appreciate if you can just fuck off"

"Ten million dollars? Twenty? Thirty?We'll discuss terms and come to a negotiable agreement", Malik told her, still in a calm tone as though they were sitting in a board room carrying on a business deal.

Genie shook her head. This guy was clearly nuts. 

" I don't know if you are senile or just  purely and stupidly egocentric. 

I just said that I do not have a price.

You can take your money and go to hell. I'm not interested"

" You'll be, eventually. Everyone usually is", he called out after her.

"And if it isn't because of the fact that I need this job, I would have walked back to you and wacked you across the face. Maybe talk some sense into you", Genie replied angrily and strode off.

Genie walked out of the club, entered her six year old hybrid, started it about a million times, the stupid car needed repairs but she couldn't afford it and drove home white with anger.

How dare he? To buy her like she was some cheap thing? She had a lot of things she needed money to do, yes but she wasn't going to be someone's sex slave, - and she was sure that was why he wanted to buy her-, no sir. She was already in a job she wouldn't have contemplated in the first place.

She got into her one bedroom apartment and sat down on the chair with a plop, adrenaline still coursing through her veins. 

Then she sighed.

He wasn't worth her getting worked up about. He was just another nut job who managed to pass off as a rational human being to Max. Not that Max was a good judge of character anyways, considering he had his tongue down as many throats as possible and his dick in as many females as were willing.

His friend had to be another version of him, people who thought they could get whatever they wanted as long they could pay the price. She had seen the likes of them to know that they we'rent worth their word, not one bit.

Well, she wasn't interested and she had said her piece. The only thing she was interested in at the moment was the Ben and Jerry double flavoured giant tub of ice cream that sat in her freezer and maybe a movie if she could keep her eyes open.

She had a shift at six pm that same day and she needed all the sleep she could get.

Malik and his undressing eyes could go to whatever place for all she cared.

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