
the show

Every other staff left the hallway leading to the models and dressing room while Nathan stayed behind to ensure everything went well. The door opens and Jane walks out in a slit dress, the same clothing which was meant to be worn by Leslie. It looked, even more, prettier on Jane than it had looked on Leslie when she did the fitting.

 “Miss Cowell, you ….you look breathtaking, however, I would like to point out you got the wrong dress.” Nathan could not hide the blush on his face seeing Jane in her dress.

 “I know, I love this one. Or don’t you want me to stand in for Leslie again?”

 “oh no…no miss Cowell. It hasn't gotten to that. I appreciate you going out of your way to help her at such a time.”

 “I feel comfortable in this dress so I wear it. I will have a mask on so why border?” Jane walked past a confused Nathan, he did not want to hear her angry at a point like this knowing very well, it was the last minute. 

The runway was filled with so many guests and models from other agencies. They did not see why Leslie had to wear a mask, but her actions did not make them hate her any less for her attitude and pompous behavior.

 “You know wearing a mask won't make you any better right?” Cassie blocks Jane’s path with her 7-inch heels. 

“Step aside,” Pamela warns her but she refuses to listen. “Oh!!!! Sorry, my bad, I did not see you bring a new pet, so what is her name? And why do I have the feeling she looks so familiar?” 

Cassie has always had issues with Leslie and it was no rumor she constantly taunted her in the flesh. They were ash enemies and did not spare each other the chance to humiliate themselves. 

“Jane walked passed her without a word, what she was about to do was a risky game, and she could not afford to lose her triumph card before her turn. Cassie was about to approach Jane when her agent called her back. It was her turn and they had to carry out a little touch-up on her makeup, while Jane waited patiently for her turn.

Soft music and cheers could be heard from backstage the judges were very kind and focus on taking the details of the contesting models. It was not just a show for designers to showcase their art but also for the best dress and model.

Such shows brought great endorsement to both models and their companies. Every model dreams of becoming the crown queen of the event, for it means she is the best of the best in terms of beauty and brains.

The show was already at its climax with the judges tired of seeing the same stuff, just when all thought it was finished, Jane walked down the runway, the lights against her skin looked so flawless, and her legs displayed a piece of jewelry, which caught the attention of everyone. It was no ordinary piece for it was the latest collection of Gain the most popular jewelry brand both at home and abroad.

Around her ankles, displayed to the view of all, this made her legs more noticeable and flawless. It was time the show the seed of doubt had been planted. Jane walked away leaving the audience gushing over her and wanting more. As she walked back into her dressing room, Pami locks eyes with her, she knew at once trouble was lurking around. 

She started undressing as soon as the doors closed behind her, not bordered by the presence she felt.

 “And what was all that about? Do you know you could have thrown everything Leslie has worked so hard for the past years away, with just some stupid stunt?” Dave roared at her with his hands held up tightly against her shoulders, the force was great making her shrink in pain. 

“Youre hurting” her voice comes out like a whisper not how she intended however the pain was intense.

 “Janie, we have been friends for a very long time, and I know you meant well for me, but please next time act according to what you are told. I gave a simple instruction and all you had to do was follow it.”: Jane could feel her anger rush up threatening to tear her throat. No form of gratitude nor remorse, she felt even worse than him standing her up on their wedding day. 

“Leslie, all I wanted was great opportunities for you but it won't happen again” she mustered the courage to hold back her tears. Pamela interrupts the trio as she helps Jane undress. 

“I will see you after the show” Dave voices out as she walks away. He stares her back and disappears through the corner. 

“I told you it wasn't a good idea, didn't I? Now look, everyone is comparing me to her online and they think she was the one and not me” Leslie complained, but that was the least of Dave’s problems.

 “Just dont wear the mask and change to the ball dress so no one will suspect the legs weren't yours” he instructed leaving the room. He had to make sure he secured as much new endorsement for Leslie, his dream is to create a second Jane.

All models rallied up, waiting for the judges to announce who the queen was. Everyone’s eyes searched for the model with long beautiful legs to no avail. Leslie knew without a doubt the crown was hers, the entertainment industry sure has its loops holds and she made sure to tangle her way through. 

“It has been a beautiful evening and I know we all are waiting for our crown queen, it is no doubt all our models are exceptional and talented, however, 2 will emerge today as crown queen and king. Join me to welcome our guest of the night and presenter of the crown Mr. Damon Miles”. 

Damon was originally not the presenter of the day, but seeing he showed up for the event brought about quick chances. He was known for avoiding the public eye, and such opportunities were very rare to come by hence the quick decision. Damon Walked up to the stage, his eyes took a quick glance and there she was, all dressed up in an imprinted design ball gown. His suit matches her attire and it was no coincidence. 

“We have beauties, and today we crown one” an envelope is handed to him with the winner's name. 

“The winner and crown queen of Galaxy Arts 2022 is Miss Leslie Straguat” Leslie could not hide the smile on her face as the lights fall on her. She walked gracefully and is crowned by Damon, but this was not the lady the audience wanted, the applause was not loud and whispers could be heard.

 “Today and I am very much happy to be here, it is a day I will forever remember not just as the crown queen but also for the chance and trust I was given by Gain to be their Model.” her speech felt more like a clarification or assurance directing to the fuel which was slowly building online. Everyone was having a hard time believing she was indeed the model under the mask.

 Damon rejects taking a picture with her making the situation rather embarrassing, the host jumps in just in time to save the situation calling on the next presenter who crowns the king of the night. 

Damon walks back to his seat, picks up the items he left, and heads for the exit, he bumps into Jane was apologizes. Her dress had a slit just like the one she wore earlier on. The Cameras were quick to capture the moment, reporters could not help but notice the significant resemblance to their clothes, and Damon picked up an ankle chain, from the ground which they all assumed must have fallen from Jane, and put it back on her leg. Just like the jewelry she wore earlier on. 

“Wow!!! Isn't that Miles?” other top personalities questioned themselves not sure if to believe what their eyes were seeing. He was not only known for his ruthlessness, but they all waited for him to lash out at an ignorant model who dare create Hype using him.

 “Mr. Miles, you look good today, miss Jane is sure lucky to have a similar outfit to yours” the reporter drew his attention to the dress, making him take a quick glance, while everyone held on their breath. Leslie could not wait for the backlash or Jane, she smiled inwardly knowing her little taunt will help deviate the attention of the public from her.

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