

I waited nervously in front of the doctor's examination room, wrapping my hands tightly to ease my nervousness. I have been completely frustrated this week by all the troubles that are happening to me right now. After I tried the test pack Junhyu gave me, I also decided to try the five test packs that I bought at home. I still don't really believe the test pack results that Junhyu gave me. But unfortunately when I tried the five test packs, the same results were seen on each of my test pack screens. I'm positive for the pregnant of that damn bastard. God, I don't think I want to live anymore. I want to submerge myself to the bottom of the ocean, then sleep peacefully there without anything disturbing my life.

"Miss Im Anna ..."


I immediately stood up when the nurse called me while giving me a soft smile. She must be trying to ease my nervousness because this is the first time I have come to this maternity clinic. I've decided carefully if I'm going to abort my pregnancy here. During this week I kept looking for references from obstetricians who practice abortion as well. And thank goodness I found this clinic in Hongdae area. I've seen that many young mothers have come to abort or just have their womb checked here. But of course, I've always been the youngest patient sitting alone in this terrifying hallway. There is even one woman who I think is still in college, she came here with her lover. At least the man still has a sense of responsibility by taking his girlfriend to the clinic to have an abortion. Whereas the jerk? huh, I wouldn't expect much of him. He can't even take care of himself, how could he possibly take me to this clinic to take responsibility for his lecherous act.

"Good morning, Miss Im, can I help you?"

"I want to abort my pregnancy." I answered flatly. It seemed like I had no desire to do anything anymore, and just wanted this to end quickly. My hope, I can go home soon with a heavy burden that has been released on my shoulders. I don't want to be haunted by terrible shadows about my child and my future that will soon be destroyed. Moreover, lately I always dream about my father and mother who was furious after knowing the news of my pregnancy. I don't want that to actually happen in real life.

"How many months are you pregnant?"

"I don’t know."

Maybe he's three months old now, I'm not sure. But I guess he had indeed grown up there since that promnight. Until this second, I still can't believe that a boy who looks weird like Lee Junhyu can make a popular woman like me pregnant in just one time? Huh, is this a coincidence? But it sure was terrible. Maybe he has genes that are so fertile that he is capable of impregnating a woman at one time. My God, I honestly don't want to think about this, but sometimes those thoughts of cursing poison my brain. Maybe if he doesn't look weird and is often the butt of Jihoo oppa and his friends, he will become a man who is quite popular among Kirin students. But unfortunately he has a strange appearance that always makes all women choose to avoid him rather than knowing him.

"Please lie down, I will check your uterus."

I lay nervously on the examination bed feeling the soothing chill of the gel the doctor had rubbed on the surface of my skin. This was the first experience that tormented me because somehow I suddenly wanted to cry. I used to always think that I would be accompanied by my mother when I was going through my pregnancy. But in fact, I was experiencing this time earlier than I thought. While I was still very childish and still enjoyed playing with other boy's feelings, I had to endure a terrible disaster like this.

“Look, your fetus is growing very healthy. You have a strong uterine structure, whereas usually teenagers your age have a uterine structure that is still weak because they are not ready to receive a fetus in their uterus."

"But I don't want it, I want to abort it."

Even though there was a little sadness when I said that, I couldn't keep it there either. I wasn't ready to become a mother at such a young age. So please forgive me Lord for committing this very big sin.

“Let me in! Or I'll report you to the police if something bad happens to the woman in there!”

"What is that?"

I vaguely heard a noise outside the examination room. The doctor who examined me immediately asked permission to go outside because it seemed like something bad was happening. But before the doctor actually came out, the door to the examination room opened wide, revealing Lee Junhyu's figure staring at me with an angry gaze while trying to control the howl of his panting breath.

“What kind of stupid thing are you going to do Im Anna? You're going to kill your own son?” he asked emotionally.

But I chose to turn my face to the side, and looked at the monitor screen that showed a small fetus developing in my womb. I honestly don't want to do this either. I will be labeled a murderer for the rest of my life because it will destroy that innocent little baby. But what should I do? I'm not ready to take care of him! I will become the worst mother in the world because I gave birth at the wrong time.

"Don't do that stupid thing, I'll be responsible."

"So you are the father of this baby?"

"Yes, I had impregnated her. If you dare to abort her, I will sue you right away."

This man… I don't know what's really inside his brain, why is he so brave to take such a big risk? Being a parent at such a young age? I guess I can't. But he meant it what he said. Should I follow his wish?

"So far, the baby is good, the pregnancy has entered the third month. Do you feel nauseous too? " asked the doctor, suddenly getting kinder to me. Whereas previously she was not that friendly. Haha, she must be afraid of Junhyu's bluff. Tsk, she must be afraid that Junhyu will report this illegal clinic to the police. But that's good, now she won't be so mean to me anymore.

“Not bad, I'm having morning sickness right now. What should I do?"

"I will give you anti-nausea medicine and some vitamins. You better listen to your lover, don't abort your baby."

"Hmm... yes, I won't do it."

I won't do it, but I'm going to make this baby die by itself. It's useless if I want to keep aborting this fetus if in fact the lustful Lee Junhyu will do all kinds of ways to prevent it. So while he's off guard, I'll try to kill this baby slowly.

"Are you following me?" I asked coldly without looking at him. I heard him sigh softly next to me while clenching his fists on the obstetrician's table. Maybe he's still angry with my reckless actions today. But I also have the right to be angry with him for spying on me this far.

“I've been watching you since that day. I had predicted that this would happen.”

Without realizing it I had squeezed the hem of my dress tightly to channel all my anger to him. If he had predicted why he didn't choose to stay away that night. Instead, he acted as a hero to stop me from spending two bottles of soju. Look at the result of his actions now, he has created a baby in my womb. You damn man!

"Don't forget to take the medicine and vitamins I gave you, see you again next month."

After the doctor gave me a prescription that I had to redeem at the pharmacy, she invited me to come out, motioning her assistant to open the door.

"Where are your car keys?"

"What would you do?"

"Drive you home safely."

"I can go home alone." I replied curtly. What does he want? Is he going to be pretentious again in my presence? Oh come on, I'm sick of seeing his face today. And I'm too tired to argue with him too. My head suddenly got dizzy when I saw the pretentious innocent eyes hidden behind the thick glasses.

"I don't want to risk you doing stupid things like today again."

"I told you I can go home alone, don't bother me!" I said harshly while pushing his shoulders. But this time my push didn't affect him anything. He was even more aggressively pursuing my wide footsteps, then he immediately grabbed my car keys when I was off guard and felt a little dizzy because of too many emotions I felt today.

"Are you okay?"

Somehow Lee Junhyu was behind me while holding my waist so that I wouldn't fall. His attention immediately disgusted me and immediately pushed him back so he wouldn't touch me again.

"Don't ever touch me."

"You're going to fall, Anna. I'm doing this for your good." he replied coldly. Good, now he's starting to act bossy in front of me. You damn bastard! I know now, all this time he only pretended to be a weak man helpless to cover up his lecherous nature. And unfortunately I was the one who became the victim of his depravity.

"Come in, I'll take you home."

            I was forced to immediately get into the car without giving him any resistance. Obviously I would lose if I tried to argue with him one more time since my condition wasn't possible. I then chose to close my eyes while Lee Junhyu drove my car quietly beside me. Hopefully when I open my eyes, I'll just find this a dream. Hopefully all of this never comes true, and I will return to my normal good life.

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