


Cool air slapped over my skin, forcing me to relax onto this soft thing my body was on. Cindy must have taken me home. This feels softer than my bed, though, I thought, as I stretched. Maybe I was in her room.

With a little twist of the body, I felt the blanket on my body slip off, allowing the wind to graze my skin more.

Needing reassurance of where I ended up for the night, I pulled my eyes apart and immediately cussed for making such a foolish mistake.

The dim light of the room I was lying in stung my eyes with such vehemence that had me shutting them almost immediately, a groan escaping from my lips.

As though summoned by the sight of light, a headache like never before sank into all the parts of my head, forcing me to twist and turn and-

I hadn't noticed it because I thought I might have been in my room but now with the headache, inability to open my eyes and the air, it settles.

I was stark naked.

Placing one tender hand over my chest, my head went blank — headache and thoughts alike. My hands roamed my chest, feeling the swell of each breast, soft and in need of a man's touch. A man I'd never haveanymore.

Slowly, as though I was doing it to a body that wasn't mine, the hand moved lower, skimming over the soft flesh of my stomach, pausing at my belly button to make a circle before travelling lower, and lower, until I got to the point I was searching for.

Nothing was stopping my movement, no silk obstruction whatsoever. Just my body — bare, and wanting.

It was in that instant my head came with the question my want didn't allow sooner. Where was I and why was I naked? Immediately the question posed itself, my ears resumed office.

From one part of wherever I was, I heard the sound of water running in the way they run in showers.

Am I in Cindy's room or mine?

Tired of guessing and worrying over things I couldn't figure out, I gave my eyes another try, pulling them aside slowly. My mouth hung wide apart as the place came to view.

I was in what could only be described as a billionaire's room. Because the way the room was designed, it fit such affluence.

The room was large, way too large to be a room. The floor was wrapped in some rug I couldn't place, the smell of coffee owning the length of the space and a chandelier? Who placed a chandelier in a room?

Where in the good world was I?

Reality settled in briskly after that question and now, it was a race against time. I wasn't sure where I was but whoever was in that shower knew and once they came out…

They couldn't come out with me still in here. That would be deadly.

I stumbled off the bed, my head banging in multiple directions with the reminder of how my evening went. I moved around as noiselessly as I had seen in movies, looking around to locate my clothes. I found them in a bundle by the bed.

My pants had clasped themselves around my hips, bra in hand, when I made the craziest decision of my life.

With time being the only leverage I had, and hoping that he would stay another minute longer in the bathroom, I was lost for choices. I flunk on the gown I had been given to wear just hours ago, leaving the bra on the table and off I went.

Once I had managed to walk out of the door with not even the tiniest noise — I hoped, I leaned back on it and breathed, hard. But people didn't wait behind doors in movies. It was a stupid move and if I stayed any longer. I could get caught.

I moved down and realised there was someone missing from all of this. Where was Cindy? Was she kidnapped? In an accident? Was she in another room, waking up naked to another man? Should I try all the rooms and see if she's there? She'd be terrified if she found herself in that position.

There would have been a steady progression of thoughts but I was stopped by the image of the person sitting on a chair by one side of the hallway.

Perched with her face away from me, phone in hand, body sagging into foam, Cindy was as relaxed as ever. Thank the good heavens she was safe.

“Hey," I whispered, unable to help myself.

Cindy turned towards me, a look that spoke of surprise holding her features. She looked at me for too long — did she notice I wasn't wearing bras? I'd explain later.

“Where are we? What happened?"

She blinked and the surprise washed off, masked by what can only be described as a sinister glare. Had I said something wrong?

“You're awake?"

“Yeah. Where are we?"

“You guys are done?"

“Who's we? I don't really understand what's going on here."

“The man in your room. Are you guys done?"

“Oh," I said, forcing the laughter that was building in my chest to sleep. Cindy had also gone through the same. I wish she hadn't though. I had managed to escape. Maybe I'll show her some of those movies later. “No, I'll explain to you later. I managed to escape the room and-"

“What?" She screamed at me.

“What?" I asked.

“You ran away?"


“So, how am I going to get my money?"

I froze, the ache vanishing again. I blinked. Blinked again. Then again. And again.

“I'm sorry?"

Cindy placed a hand over her forehead and rubbed gently. She let out a sigh.

“You're so insufferable, you know that? All your life you're moving about, being super nice and thinking it would make any difference, offering to help, giving when you're not asked, making others look like a fool. And the one time, the one time I get to ask for your body, you decided you'd wake up and escape. How the fuck am I supposed to get my money now?"

I blinked again, the words not mingling with my insides.

“I don't even know where your dream of being model comes from. Have you seen your face?" She screamed. I have! I see it every day in the mirror. “With that thing on your face, there's no way you can be a model. No way in the world. And you're not the kind of person the industry needs. You just don't fit. Don't you get it? You don't fit! Now you've gone and wasted my efforts at making you beautiful."

I'm not certain what decided next. I only recall moving, my legs directing me without taking my mind along, just my eyes. I was running, just like I’d done after Gale had broken up with me.

Onwards. Don't look back. Don't cry. Keep it all in until you're in your room. Till you're alone and no one is seeing. Till the world is a blanket of nothing and you're free to be.

And I did just that. I kept moving onwards without minding who looked at me and thought I looked too cheap for this place. Not worrying that my scar was on my face, not worrying that others could see it.

I took off the thought of how I couldn't hide it.

Cindy had given me out for money? On the same day I broke off with my boyfriend? I had confided in her because she was my best friend, told her everything and she had decided the best way to go was sell me off?

Was that why she'd gotten me this dress?

I had an insane urge to yank the cloth off, tear it into tiny shreds but when I remembered I'd be left with nothing but my pant, I shifted the urge around. I'd do it when I get home, I decided.

I kept on moving, not really realising I was moving, wading past bodies and lights and tables and a door and greetings until…

There was a flash of bright light, the sound of tires screeching hard, and finally, before my eyes gave out, the head sign of a Porsche.

My miserable life flashed before my eyes — the pain of being called by my boyfriend and being betrayed by my best friend. It all flashed vividly before me.

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