
Chapter Two

My alarm went off at exactly six in the morning. I groaned softly as I tried to turn off the annoying sound. Usually i hated mondays, today however, I welcomed it with open arms knowing that the dreadful Sunday was already over. I smiled at myself as i got out of the king sized bed and walked into the connecting bathroom to get ready for school. I was extremely surprised and grateful that my skirt chaser of a husband didn't force himself on me last night.

As i stared at myself on the bathroom mirror, images from last nights heated kiss came flooding back. My cheeks blushed a pretty pink while my fingertips gently glazed over my full bottom lip as i recalled how his beautiful soft lips felt against mine. I wished i could have a replay of what happened this morning before I left for school. 

I shook my head to dispel the feelings.

Maybe all kisses were like that, not that i had previous experience to compare with. I reminded myself that whatever I was feeling was normal and definitely not special.

As i brushed my teeth, i mentally noted that 8 should call my father sometime today, i needed to ask him the details of our marriage contract to make sure i won't be missing any important specifics such as producing an heir. I didn't want to be surprised again like last night and have Alex have the upper hand. It was dangerous to give this already over confident man any advantage.

As i went downstairs it w*s very silent, the house manager told me Aelx had already left for work. I w*s a little disappointed, i didn't get to see him but i assumed it's for my own good. I w* getting late for school anyw*y.

There was a buffet for breakfast but i really didn't feel like eating alone, I just took a few sips of orange juice and dashed to my car. I was glad Alex was letting me drive myself to school until he made it public we were married. This gave me time to atleast get used to this life. 

I grabbed a coffee latte on my way to school, i took a sip of my drink and closed my eyes as i savored the taste. I loved coffee in the morning it was one of my simple joys in life. I took another sip again before the lights turned green.

My first three classes went smoothly since they were lectures and i just had to take notes. The last one was the dreadful one since i had to participate in group discussions. I hated anything that remotely involved public speaking of any kind even in small groups. Luckily i won't have to worry about these awful class until after lunch.

I exited the five storey science building and walked in the direction of the fast food restaurants. My stomach was growling since i had skipped breakfast this morning.

Normally I would always eat breakfast because my brain needed the calories to function until lunch. Otherwise, i would turn into a grumpy hungry monster and no one would want to be around me. But today after i found out Alex left for work i lost my appetite. 

"Maya, wait for me" Olivia called from somewhere behind me. 

I turned to see her, my best friend running towards me with a big smile plastered on her face. 

"Hey, ready for lunch? Am starving" i was trying to tame the beast for a little longer. 

"Oh, yeah" she responded with a laugh

Olivia and i met when she transferred to my school during freshman year and we have been inseparable ever since. Now we are both seniors 

She assessed me up and down "i love your outfit" she said sweetly

"Thanks" I had on a simple white sleeveless blouse and dark pair of jeans. 

Olivia was an orphan, she grew up doing everything for herself without much help from anyone. She was probably the nicest and strongest person i have ever met. She was also the smartest. She got a full ride scholarship to go to this university. 

I wrapped my arms around her small shoulders as we walked and asked "what do you want to eat? My treat" 

"I am craving Mexican" she said smiling

We went to a place nearby that we would go to regularly. It was bustling with students. 

"You find us seats, i will go order, what do you want? my treat" 

"the usual" she said after thinking for a full minute 

Her usual consisted of three shrimp tacos and chips and salsa on the side. 

She never ordered anything different, she liked to order the same thing every where we went. 

"Why order something new when i already know that this would taste good. Why take chances?" she said philosophically and shrugged. 

I laughed and sat down across her once i got the orders. 

"So... Wanna hear some unexpected sudden news?" i said casually.

"You got a tattoo" she guessed with excitement 

"No" she knew i was afraid of needles "i got married over the weekend" i said as i put my elbows on the table and rested my face on my palm. 

"Ha ha, very funny missy" Olivia was not amused 

"No am serious" i said with more feelings this time

"Yeah, sure and am married to Chris Evans" olivia rolled her eyes "How can you get married when you don't even have a boyfriend" 

"you got me there, but somehow I managed" i gave her a sad smile. 

"You are fucking married??" she exclaimed loudly

I instantly got up and covered her open mouth with one hand "Shhhhh, keep it down, it's not exactly public knowledge yet" 

"How?" she whispered. I let go of her and sat back down across from her

"It happened kinda fast to be honest" i sighed and hunched over as i tried to keep other people from hearing. "A Month ago my parents told me that their company was struggling and the only way to save it was by me marrying Alex Smith ." 

Olivia sucked in her breath immediately she heard the name "You are married to fucking Alex Smith?" she interrupted me. 

“Keep it down, you don't want the whole cafeteria to hear am married to him Olivia”

Everyone knew the Smith family, they were practically royalty in this city, hell probably the whole state. 

Finally our food arrived and we started digging in like starved pigs. 

"Anyway" i said between bites "as i was saying, after alot of hickering back and forth between my parents and i, they won. And now am married."

She let out a wide whistle "wow, so you are married, who would have thought with your dating history, i mean the lack of dating history that you would be married first" 

"Well i never thought too that the first guy i will date leave alone marry would be the world's most biggest asshole,but here i am with the most arrogant man or human generally I have ever met.” i sad getting mad again” I don't know how am honestly going to put up with him”

Between the two of us Olivia was the one who pretty much had a social life and boyfriends plural, i on the other hand had none, she was always mocking me about it. So it came as a shocker that i was the one who got married first and to he most famous play boy to walk this earth. But I was determined to make it work. 

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