


When he left, I jumped up happily because I never expected that from someone I was sold to.

I thought he would be that hard guy that will never have compassion but he is a different guy.

He might look tough from the outside but soft on the inside.

I flash back to how he place me on his laps to feed me and how he was concerned about me.

I began to imagine how tall my kids will be now, I began to think back to if my kids will ever accept me after a whole seven years.

They were taken away from me when they were just a few weeks old.

I flashback to when I would carry them in my arms back then , their cries in the middle of the night and how I would always sit on the rocking chair to make them sleep or sometimes that they wouldn’t want to leave my arm. I miss those things .

Tears dripped down my face when I flash back to how they were forced out of my hands.

Claire might be stronger and think she has the full custody of my kids but I will never let her have my kids, I am going to take
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