
Chapter 50

Alfredo’s Pov

“Hey, Alfie.”

I woke up to Sheila’s caresses on my face. She lay with her eyes closed as she called my name. I turned around to look at the time, wondering the reason she would call me by this time of the morning.

“I think someone has been calling for your attention,” she said as she turned the other way, humming her way to another round of sleep.

I sighed as I threw the sheets off my body, dropping both legs onto the floor. It was barely dawn with the rays of the sun having a hard time to pierce the night sky.

“I’m coming,” I said as another round of knocks graced my door. I knew the only person who would dare to disturb me at the hour. A deep breath after and

I was on my feet, trudging through the cold floor until I was at my door.

It clicked open to my beta’s face, disgruntled from having to wake up early and also waiting for me.

“You are naked,” she said with the scowl on her face deepening."

“Like you’ve never seen them before.” I clicked my tongue at her. “Why
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