
Chapter Thirteen

Xavier's POV:

"Uhh... baby, there is a new toy in my room. Why don't you go get it?" I asked, looking at her with my arms still around Rebecca.

"Okay," she nodded and ran to my room while I quickly removed myself from her and adjusted my hard-on.

God, what the hell was I going to tell my daughter?

"Oh my god, she thought you were hurting me." Rebecca burst into laughter and I couldn't help but admire how beautiful she looked. I started to laugh too but soon Hannah joined us in the living room with a pout on her face.

"There is no toy, dad, and leave Becca alone," she had her tiny hands on her hip and tried to scare me away but u just chuckled, swooping her in my arms.

"I wasn't hurting Becca, baby. I was uhh... giving her a romantic hug," I prayed she would let it go at that and turned around to find Rebecca, trying so hard not to smile.

"What is a romantic hug?"

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