
Chapter 3

July 13

Grace, Tara and I stood in the entry hall for what felt like a lifetime as our Alpha greeted his visitors, conversing in low tones that echoed around the room in a way that it was impossible to make out their words.

Somehow, I had managed to regain my sanity, and now stood, as the other girls did, with my back straight and my head down, waiting for our orders, but my mind wouldn’t stop turning.

Mate. What did this mean?

Considering I hadn’t been called forward I assumed that the Alpha Williams hadn’t said anything. Did that mean he didn’t want me? Would he simply reject me and move on? Or would he take me with him. To a new pack, a pack that could be a whole hell of a lot worse than this one.

I was starting to panic, there were too many unknowns, and the man scared the shit out of me. He had seemed angry enough to see me in the first place, but once I realised he was my mate I was so shocked that I couldn’t keep the horror off my face, his anger had transformed into rage at that, I was surprised he had managed to control it if I was honest, he didn’t seem to be very old, maybe twenty.

I tried not to think about it as I kept my head down, focusing instead on my breathing, but with every new breath I took a new thought invaded my mind, a new worry added to the pile, but the one that my head kept coming back to wasn’t about me at all. If I was taken away with this Alpha, who would send food to the pack members? Who would help Brent and his family?

My hands were shaking by the time the conversation came to an end.

“The girls will show you to your rooms and unpack your belongings.” The Luna stated, at that the three of us lifted our heads to face the visitors, none of us were smiling, we had nothing to smile about. Visitors at this house never meant good things for us. “Let them know if you need anything, they will see to your needs for the evening.”

“All your needs. If you know what I mean.” Our Alpha laughed and the three of us visibly winced at that, even the Luna looked repulsed for a moment. The Alpha had just given his permission for these three men to do anything they wanted to us. I watched with horror and disgust as the man led his mate up the stairs away from the six of us. Grace and Tara seemed frozen in place.

I wasn’t surprised by grace’s reaction, she was the one that nursed Carly back to health after the last visit we had, she had seen first hand what these kind of monsters were capable of. Tara however always seemed to be tougher that the rest of us.

The three men stood staring at us, their eyes equally dark, their faces each set in anger and I swallowed hard.

This night was no doubt going to be hell on all three of us, the last thing we needed was for our own Alpha to add to that pain, should he discover we had not done our jobs. So, with a deep breath I stepped out from between the girls, placing a comforting hand on each of their shoulders as I passed, I stepped before the men and bowed my head in servitude.

“Good evening, Alpha Williams, Beta, Gamma.” I greeted, trying to ignore the wobble in my voice. “Welcome to Red mist pack. Would you care for any refreshments before you retire?” I asked, trying hard to emulate Mrs H.

None of the men spoke, but footsteps sounded, and the Alpha took a step closer to me, his fingers grasped my chin in a gentle grip, and I barely held in the gasp at the sensation that created, like electrical sparks entering my body and going straight to the part of me that generated desire. He lifted my chin until I was looking him in the eye. His expression was murderous as he took in my face and I worried that he was going to kill me there and then, but I suppose that was a better alternative to having to be mated to the man.

I swallowed hard as I met his eyes and wondered what he could see, I hadn’t looked in a mirror yet today, but I knew my face was still partially swollen, and I had no doubt that I was still covered in bruises.

“How badly are you hurt?” The Alpha asked, his voice barely a whisper and I turned that question over in my mind, trying to figure out what he was actually asking before I answered.

“Not badly Alpha. I am capable of performing my duties.” I stated, leaving him to take that as he will. I didn’t want offence to be taken if the visitors thought our Alpha had assigned a girl that was unwell or broken. I mean I was, but they didn’t need to know that.

He growled lightly still looking over my face as one of the other men stepped forward. His Beta.

“We are fine without refreshments, if you could just show us to our rooms for the evening.” The man stated, his expression seeming to show a little concern and I wondered if he was worried about the Alpha killing a girl on another pack’s territory. Didn’t he know that our Alpha wouldn’t care? We had been given to these men, for them to do as they wished.

“Of course, Beta.” I stated taking a step away from the Alpha, tugging my chin from his hands I bowed my head to them both before stepping back and eyeing the three men.

“Grace, if you could show the Beta to his quarters for his stay, please.” I stated and heard a whimper behind me. Grace was terrified, I could feel it from here, and I prayed that the concern I saw on his face meant that the man would be gentle with her.

I turned and stepped back to the girls, placing a kind hand on Graces’ face I pulled her attention to me. “None of that now, pull yourself together and do your job.” I tried to calm her. “You will be fine. They cannot do anything that you can’t survive. Remember that.” I stated and watched as the girl took shaky steps towards the Beta.

“Would you like me to carry your bags Beta.” Her voice was so shaky that I was surprised she got the words out, but the man seemed appalled by the offer and simply shook his head, throwing a confused expression at his Alpha. But I ignored the exchange and turned to face Tara. The brunette was looking at me with pleading eyes and I knew what she wanted.

“Tara, if you could please see that the Gamma is settled in for the night.”

“Of course.” She stated letting out a quiet sigh as she mouthed a thank you at me. It wasn’t my job not even remotely, but somehow, I had ended up taking charge of this evening, and Tara was terrified of the visiting Alpha, with good reason, the man was beyond scary, although I wasn’t sure he would allow one of the other girls to attend to him anyway given that we were fated mates. Something neither of us had made move to mention.

I watched as Tara greeted the packs gamma and stepped back to the Alpha, who’s eyes were still along the corridor that Grace and the Beta had disappeared down.

“Why is she so scared?” The Alpha asked, his voice deep and rumbly sent shivers through me, how could I be equally attracted to and terrified of this man. I thought over his question before deciding that the truth wouldn’t hurt anyone here.

“She has never been with a man Alpha, she’s scared of being hurt.” I answered and watched as his eyes swung back to me.

“And what, she assumes that my Beta will be the one to take her?” He asked seeming angry again, but I couldn’t quite figure out why.

“Our Alpha gave us to you and your men Alpha. To do with as you wish. I do not know what your Beta prefers or wishes to do.” I stated trying to be diplomatic and hide my own fear at the same time.

The tall man before me growled again, his wolf close to the surface as his eyes darkened while he took me in. He took a step closer to me, his fingers brushing the undamaged skin on my chin, sending tingles through me again.

“And how often exactly does your Alpha give away something that is not his to give.” He stated but I frowned at that one.

“We are his slaves Alpha, we are his to command.”

“And you? Have you been given to other men?” He asked and I swallowed hard.

“Not before tonight, Alpha.” I stated and watched his eyes flicker as he looked over my face.

“Very well then. If you wouldn’t mind showing me to my room.” He stated with a raised brow and I swallowed hard, nodding before going to pick up the bag by his feet, a gentle hand wrapped around my wrist, stopping me even as I tried not to cry out with the pain of simply bending over. “I can manage my own bag.” He informed and I blinked as I stood, taking another deep breath.

“Of course, Alpha.” I nodded before turning my back and heading to the visitors’ quarters and the room that was set up for visiting Alphas.

The walk through the house was silent, not a word spoken between us and I felt myself flinch as his arm brushed against mine as he walked beside me. The entire time my head was turning over the worst horrors that this man could inflict. Carly had seen brutality at the hands of a man who was only half the size of this Alpha, I couldn’t comprehend just how much damage he could cause.

With a deep breath that stung and shaking hands, I opened the door to the quarters that would be his for the duration of his stay and led the way inside the room.

I turned the bedside lamp on and stepped to the window to close the curtains on the dark grounds of the house.

This was actually one of my favourite rooms in the whole building. The view from the window was perfect and the decorations were simple, elegant, calming.  

I turned so my back was to the window and watched as the Alpha placed his bag on the foot of the bed and bowed my head in submission. For tonight at least I belonged to this man. The thought was more than unsettling, it was terrifying, but I would do my duty and try hard not to cry too much. I would push through the pain and deal with it tomorrow. I would not embarrass myself.

“What’s your name?” The Alpha asked standing before me but not touching me.

“Amara, Sir.”

“Amara.” He whispered, lifting my chin again. “My name is Abel.”

“Yes Alpha.” I returned and watched as he frowned, I wasn’t sure what he expected here, I was not nor would I ever be stupid enough to call an Alpha by his first name. “What would you like me to do Sir?” I asked and watched as his eyes flashed again.

He stood still, watching me watch him for entirely too long as his fingers continued to caress my skin.

“Do you feel that Amara?” He asked, ignoring my question and I nodded tentatively.

“Yes sir.” I stated holding my breath now for what would come next. Wasn’t this something all men fantasised about, mating with the one person they were destined to be with, the one that made them feel truly alive, and I couldn’t deny that’s what it did, but I knew better than to believe the fairy tales I read in books, there would be no happy ending for me, no matter what this man did next. If I didn’t belong to one Alpha I would belong to another, my life would never be my own.

“I will not do anything to you that you do not want.” He stated and my brows rose at that statement, not that I believed him, but that would be a first. “But I would like to get to know you while I am here.” He stated and I swallowed hard, I had no idea what that meant.

“Do you need to go?”

I frowned as I answered. “No Alpha, I am at your disposal for the evening.” I stated, he didn’t seem to like that for some reason but took a step back from me.

“Well then why don’t you take a seat while I unpack my things.” He stated and I swallowed, the only place to sit in here was on the bed.

With shaking limbs and a dry mouth, I did as he instructed and sat on the bed.

“Where are you from Amara?”

“I don’t know Alpha, I was brought here when I was three, I don’t remember anything from my life before that.”

He nodded as he unzipped the huge bag on the bed and started pulling out clothes to hang up. “I can do that for you Sir if you would prefer.” I offered, hoping he didn’t take offence.

“No, you just sit. You looked like you were ready to drop.” He stated his tone as angry as ever and I felt my body relax a little bit in resignation. I had no idea what game he was playing here, but whatever it was it was out of my control, I had no say, no free will. I was his to use and abuse if he chose to, all I could do was accept whatever fate he had in store for me. “How old are you Amara?”

“Sixteen sir, almost seventeen.” I was answering automatically now, too lost in my own head to really pay attention to what was going on.

“Are you injured anywhere other than your face?”

“My ribs.” The answer came automatically, and I regretted the words instantly when his face turned to ice.

“And what did you do to deserve your punishment?” He asked but this time I hesitated. In truth I hadn’t done anything, but blaming it on someone else likely wouldn’t go down well with this man either.

“Broke a vase Alpha.” I stated instead and watched as he raised a brow at me.

“That’s the first lie you have told me tonight. I won’t tolerate being told lies Amara. The truth, now!” His voice was harsh, demanding, just like my own Alphas although he didn’t use his aura to force me into telling the truth, something I was thankful for.

“The vase was broken by the Alphas daughter, she blamed me, so I was punished for breaking a vase sir.” I answered, thinking that I hadn’t really lied. I just hadn’t told the full truth, but then I wouldn’t say that aloud either.

The Alpha nodded, accepting my answer this time before he went back to unpacking his belongings. “Have you received medical treatment?” He asked and I thought about my answer before giving it.

“Kind of yes, Mrs Henderson is the head housekeeper, she looks after us, but I haven’t seen a doctor.” I stated and watched as he frowned wondering why he was asking so many questions, why did he even care, surely there were more entertaining things for him to do, although I guess if he was going to accept me as his mate he would need to know at least a little about me. No one would willingly mate to a complete stranger, surely.

 “Then why don’t you shift, that would aid with the healing, you have found your wolf have you not?”

“Yes sir, but we are only allowed to shift on the full moon.” I stated, wondering just how different it must be for the slaves in his own pack, the frown and anger on his face indicated that this was news to him, but then he constantly seemed angry, so maybe that was just his normal expression.

“Are you educated?” He asked turning his back on me and I felt myself actually relax, this question at least seemed to make sense, I figured he was trying to make a decision on if he would accept the mate bond.

“Not formally sir.” I stated and watched from behind as he shook his head. It seemed as though he was not getting the answers he wanted here, and I wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not.

From everything I had read I knew that rejecting a mate bond was beyond painful, but I could deal with the pain, then my life would carry on the way it was, until the Alpha saw fit to sell me on. What I couldn’t work out is if my life would be better or worse if he accepted the bond, you know that saying better the devil you know? because the grass isn’t always greener. I knew that much for sure, but I didn’t know what this man’s grass looked like, I didn’t know what life with him would look like, so far, he wasn’t doing anything to build my trust, he had looked at me with nothing but anger and disgust, not that I could blame him. After all, he is an Alpha, and a powerful one judging from the vibes he gave off, and I’m nothing more than a slave.

The questions continued in a similar vain for as long as it took the man to unpack his bag. Once he was finished, he turned and leant against the wardrobe, facing me from across the room and I felt my nerves and fears start up again. Goddess how I wished I had never gotten out of bed this evening. It was now the early hours of the morning, I was exhausted, terrified and all I wanted to do was curl up in my bed and sleep for a week.

“Do you live in the pack house?” He asked, continuing with the questions and I nodded.

“Yes sir.”

“So, I will see you around?” He asked and I nodded again, trying to contain my flinch at that thought. “Go to bed then Amara.” He stated and I froze for a moment looking back at the bed I sat on, did he mean? “Your own bed. I’ll see you soon.” He stated and I sucked in a deep breath. He wasn’t going to touch me? I had sat in here for at least an hour while he asked silly questions and he wasn’t even going to?

Well, I wasn’t about to give him time to rethink his decision. I stood from the bed and made my way to the door before remembering my manners. “Good night Alpha.”

“Good night Amara. Sweet dreams.” He whispered, for the first time since we met his voice didn’t sound angry and I turned my head to see him watching me, his expression more thoughtful than anything and I swallowed passed the lump in my throat.

He may be a monster, and I honestly didn’t know anything about the man, but in that moment part of me couldn’t shake the thought that life with him would be greener.

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