

Helena’s P.O.V.

The noise of two men talking nonstop pierced through my ears, forcing me to flick my eyes open. White walls, beeping monitors made me realize that I was alone in a hospital room, but who were those men outside?

As I was regaining consciousness slowly, my hazy mind was finding it difficult to process that loud conversation. But as soon as the haziness dissipated, a lightning bolt struck me.

“Liam! Where is my brother?”

The scenes of false accusation, Sylvia’s threat and that near-to-death experience came crashing to my mind, a wave of desolation washed over me. My eyes welled up as Zayden’s cold face flashed before my eyes, my misty vision didn't help me to see the person who just entered the room.

“Oh, you are awake. I’ll report to Alpha right now.”

That hurried man rushed out to see Alpha Jerald, I rubbed my teary eyes and got up slowly.


A whimper escaped my mouth as my left shoulder was in immense pain, the heavy bandage had immobilized it. That wolf’s claw was deadly, it was my luck that I could survive that attack.

Then I tried to move my feet but two solid rocks greeted me, my stiff muscles were crying for rest. But how could I relax when my brother wasn’t with me?

After using the last speck of my strength, I tilted my upper body to access the distance between the bed and floor, a soft voice stopped me.

“Relax, dear. You aren't healed enough to move freely.”

That lady doctor came to me, she was carrying my chart.

“It's a miracle that you both are safe. Based on the injuries, I was even scared for your life.”

Emotional or physical injury? As the doctor was unaware of my trauma, I went with my physical wounds, and sighed in relief that Liam was also fine.

“When can I see my brother, doctor? Please ask him to come to me.”

The professional smile on her face disappeared after hearing my query, she knitted her brows.

“Your brother is still unconscious; we have kept him in the I.C.U. Unfortunately, the brain bleed was serious, so we had to perform surgery to fix it.”

The doctor was explaining to me the pros and cons of brain surgery, but my own mind refused to accept this reality. Didn’t she just say that we both were fine? Then why this surgery?

It may have sounded rude to her, but I cut her off abruptly and yelled.

“Why did you lie to me before? My brother is in the I.C.U. and you said we were fine.”

The monitors went into a frenzy, beeping continuously during my lash out, the doctor swiftly injected a liquid into my I.V.

“Please try to calm down. We are doing everything in our power to save him. And for my former statement...”

She disposed of that syringe and held my hand.

“I thought you must be worried about your twins, that’s why I told you about them.”


My breath stuck in my throat as I gaped, she continued with a polite smile.

“You are twelve weeks along, Helena. Did I disclose for the first time that you are expecting twins?”

I just stared at her wide-eyed, unable to speak or react. She was the first one to tell me about my pregnancy!

My hand slipped to my lower belly and spread over it protectively, a tear rolled out of my eye.

“My babies!”

After that horrendous treatment, the world literally ceased to exist for me, the darkness of despair surrounded me. But this news, this blessing, lit a thousand-volt bulb, showing me a path to move forward in my life.

“Mommy will take care of you, my pups.”

For a moment, the thought of informing Zayden crossed my mind; however, his stern voice slumped my shoulders.

“Arrest this vile woman, I don't want to see her again!”

In just one night, he threw me out of his life like trash, consummating his relationship with his real Luna.

Would he accept my children after this?

This question forced me to imagine the current situation in Moon Howler’s pack, the failed attempt of Sylvia’s touts must have created havoc there. She would be pouring venom in Zayden’s ears, urging him to kill us at first sight.

What if Zayden had decided to attack rogues? After all, he loved to participate and win battles!

The possibility of having a peaceful conversation, let alone telling him about the pregnancy, was out of the charts. Sylvia was a lethal snake; she would harm my pups for sure.

No, I couldn’t let that happen!

The rogue Alpha Jerald came to my room shortly after that doctor’s exit, an old man was accompanying him.

“The Moon Goddess has saved your life; she’ll bless your brother too. Keep faith.”

His comparatively gentle tone was an attempt to comfort me, or he was behaving well before that white-haired man.

“Meet my father, Alpha Jake, he was once saved by your father.”

Now observing him keenly, I realized that Alpha Jake was blind. Alpha Jerald helped him sit on the visitor’s chair; the dominant aura of the two Alphas was making the air heavy with tension.

Alpha Jake spoke while shuffling his memories of the past.

“Twenty years ago, it was a bloody battle against the silver Moon pack, we were defeated by the enemy. I was on the brink of death when an angel rescued me, his timely help saved my life.

But he was a highly cautious man, he didn’t speak or reveal his face, although my wolf moved heaven and earth to see his savior.

Life debt is not a casual matter!”

He paused for a moment to catch his breath; he was winded after this small talk.

“However, my begging melted his heart, he told me his name.

‘Arthur Hensley.’

When my son found me, he was already gone, only his scent was left on my clothes. Jerald investigated his whereabouts, his location was traced too, but we couldn’t repay him.

The Moon Goddess is really gracious towards her creation. After twenty years, she gave me a chance to fulfill my duty.”

Alpha Jerald placed his hand on his father’s shoulder and smiled generously.

“We have informed your dad about your condition. He is on his way.”


My heart thumped as the world tilted on its axis, leaving me speechless. How in this world was it possible that my dad was coming to meet us?

My mom had told us about our dad’s death in an unfortunate car accident, and then his family members kicked my pregnant mom out mercilessly. Zayden’s parents were kind enough to take pity on her and provided her shelter, that was how she survived that heartbreak.

I was deep in my thoughts when a stern-faced warrior entered the room and bowed his head.

“Mr. Hensley is here, Alpha.”

Genuinely Curious

Hi, lovelies 💕💕 Thank you so much for reading so far. This is my first exclusive book on Goodnovel, please support me in my journey. Happy reading 💕💕

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