
An Old Couple

He was profusely sweating as drops of saliva dripped down his hairy chin. The building in front of him was drenched in darkness as mostly everyone residing in it was plunged into their own worlds of dreams.

He preferred taking stairs than elevators for he knew taking an elevator would not be a safe option for him in his current avatar.

Like a shaft of light, he accelerated on the stairs and reached his destination in a matter of some minutes.

"Huh, don't ever challenge the running speed of a wolf." He smirked as a spark of pride crossed his eyes.

Carefully he crossed the corridor of the 8th floor, a single glimpse of a bloodied wolf caught in the security camera could have risen an upheaval in the building, alerting the security forces and he would not be weed out from the building alive.

Outstretching his left paw, he approached the doorbell located on the wall near the door on his left.

"Beep, Beeppp" the soft sound of the Bell ringed with such velocity in the room that it probed its residents to respond to it immediately.

A middle-aged woman dressed in her black silk nightgown appeared at the door, her eyes widened with sudden shock at seeing their uninvited guest.

Bloodied guest. A wolf as a guest either of them had expected on a night which they had planned to spend in the naked arms of each other, relishing each other's body and satisfying their physical needs in the flickering lights of burning candles.

She dropped her hands down from the doorknob and ran inside the flat towards the only bedroom where her husband was sitting on a couch with his lower body wrapped in a white towel.

"What happened? Honey! It seems like you've seen a ghost at the door." Her husband inquired in a sarcastic tone.

Still terrified, her whole body was trembling, and her face grew pale, she tried to force out some words from her mouth, but they got stuck in there.

In her hurry, she forgot to shut the door and he followed her to the room. He had heard her husband jesting her moments ago but now he could see a similar expression on his face as well. The only difference is his color grew grey because of his dull completion.

Wh- who are yo-yo you? He stammered.

Mm... Quite a romantic atmosphere you guys have created. It seems like you'd like to die while fucking your wife?" He smirked standing in the door as his red orbs glinted in the semi-dark room saturated in the yellowish lights of candles.

The man sitting on the couch shivered as a cold chill went down his spine, drops of sweat emerged on his forehead and glinted as he hurriedly rushed towards the phone resting on the chest of the side table, but he was cut off by a hairy creature.

"It's impossible to compete for a wolf." He huffed.

The man stepped back in shock, hit on the edge of the bed, his body fell on the spring mattress, and bounced a little.

He tried to get up and run away from this beast coming his way. Before he could do that, he found himself buried under the dark, black hairy creature, a wolf.

The instant danger his sense recognized urged him to shout, ask for help, but unfortunately, his cries would not reach so far as there were only two rooms occupied on their floor and the second room was several rooms away from theirs.

He protested against him, used his full force to turn him down but he couldn't do much except moving his arms and legs because he was on him, his sharp long fangs dug into his flesh. A thick red liquid ran down his body, his arms gradually became still and lifeless, his breathing stopped, and he was dead after some countable moments.

The lady seeing all this happening in front of her while standing in a corner of the room shrieked as she saw her husband took his last breath while the beast sucked out his blood and soul.

He looked up as blood plopped down his mouth smeared the white satin sheets of the bed and jumped towards her. She didn’t get the chance to let another cry out of his mouth and scream for help. In the matter of a blink, she found herself pinned to the wall as his breath brushed his neck, his sharp nails trailed off her cheeks as he whispered in her ear,

“Let me play with my prey before slicing it into little pieces and have a candlelight dinner.” His lips stretched out formed a carve around his lips as he came closer to her. She felt suffocated as a stingy smell of rotten blood contracted her sense. She nauseated, panicked, and felt like she just took her last breath, but no the play hadn’t finished there.

He twisted around her waist and threw her on the couch, as a result of hitting the spring sofa her slim body bounced and she felt a bump in her stomach that sent a sharp pain to her mind. she winced. He again hopped on her; with his succulent tongue, he licked her cheeks, sniffed down her body, and tore her dress with his sharp nails.

Before he could proceed further something hit his temple, he stopped himself right there and marched down her body. The lady took a breath of relief, not knowing whether she should be thankful for this or what. With a lopsided sight, she tried to figure what he was doing.

With his back towards her, he stared at the car lights illuminating the road in the dark outside the building. Engrossed in his thoughts, he pondered about it, an idea.

‘Why didn’t it come to me before?’ he beseeched his mouth.

After leaving his home, he moved to the city in search of his mate, but to maintain a normal lifestyle here in the city he must have a normal family and live like other normal people. But how is it possible? He spent days wondering about it. Who would be ready to be his parents in this state?

He had rented a single-storey house for himself, in the old town away from the traffic of city but he could not stay here as he came here for a mission and it is impossible for him to achieve it while living in this area.

 Moreover, he had planned to admit himself to some college as it’s the only suitable way he could think of to get interacted with many girls. For him, every solution was coming with a bundle of other issues to solve; to get himself enrolled in the college he was required to show his guardians documents and their identity was as important as his.

He was worried about the identity of his parents. Whom would he show up as his parents? He thought of renting a couple first, but the idea flopped as soon as it came to his mind because in that case, he would have to expose himself in front of them which he could not afford to do. So, he dismissed the idea and started scratching his head to peal out another idea to deal with this issue.

It was midnight when he came across this couple out on the street as he was strolling to get some fresh air in the night. A 25-year-old drunk man roaming on the streets with a middle-aged woman was of no concern to him until he heard something.

“You old bitch, I’ll not tolerate your shit once I’ll get the property paper signed.”

As Asher passed by them, he heard the man’s thoughts. It had enraged his soul; his nature was just like a coconut; hard from outside but soft and kind-hearted from inside. Famous for his cruelty and ruthlessness, Asher always respected women and treated them delicately.

Unfortunately, the couple got arrested by the police that night but today the man unluckily happened to cross his road. Though he didn’t intend to go after him and waste his precious time hunting a man with whom he had no personal conflicts until he heard something again.

“Ah, this liquid will take your life while you’ll sleep in my arms.”

Asher’s ears grew red like someone had sprinkled red chilly on them, upon hearing this. As the men sat in the cab waiting for him outside the pharmacy, he stomped his foot on the road as he groaned with anger on missing his pry.

He wouldn’t let that happen, knowing that he wouldn’t let that devil took the life of an innocent woman.

His boiling aggression turned him into his real shape. Blood brewed up to the brim of his eyes, his skin started to crack and black hair emerged on his skin. Energy penetrated through his body lifting him and threw him down with twice speed.

He ran on the roads matching the speed of the cab, he crossed it and went through the hidden passages, tracing the cab, he reached outside a tall grey building of a five-star hotel amid the city.

He could not enter the right way in his current avatar, it’d be like inviting the forces to shoot him. He chose the hidden path, took the stairs, and reached floor number eight, the exact floor number the man had pressed on the elevator’s keypad.

“Yes. Yes, it’d be perfect.” He mumbled while parting his mouth.

“She would be perfect for the role of my mother.”

As she observed him lost in his thoughts, she searched for things that could help him in a fight with this beast and get away from here.

Soon she saw a glass vase resting on the table, she sneaked from the sofa and grabbed the vase, and targeted it on his head.

With shivering hands, she proceeded towards him. Asher was still lost in his thoughts, relaxed for a bit upon solving his one problem. A triumphant smile emerged on his lips. She tiptoed, holding up the vase like a sword to slicing through the flesh of her enemy.

“Ahh..” she yelled.

Asher leaped on her quickly and she felt like the wall had fallen on her and she’s suffering underneath it, her intricate figure crushed under his hefty weight and she tried to move her arms to take him off her, but it was of no help.

“Don’t you try to act smartly in front of me! Or even at my back.” he blew out.

Asher stretched his nail on her forehead and sliced it, blood trickled down her face. Asher slid his tongue on it and licked her raw blood. The lady let out a mousy cry as she lost her energy to protest and yell loudly, he dug his teeth in his neck and sucked out her soul and reserved their bodies for his master play.

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