
My Departure


Freya's acting weird…


I called for her attention but she didn't pay me a glance. 

Should I let her just be? 

We continued arranging the logs but as we're doing it, Freya seems to have a problem from time to time. 

Like, she's dozing off sometimes then she'll bumped into me and won't say anything.

I'm not even sure what's happening to her… 

We finished arranging the logs and she's still acting like that. 

even we are having a dinner freya seems to avoid me 

Did I do something wrong to her?

 I think I should talk to her later- no, I really need to talk to her because I am so confused about what is happening. 

 She is not telling me anything so I wonder what is going on with her. if this continues, for sure i won't get any sleep as i want to clear things with her first.

 When we finished cleaning the table, the twins went straight to the backyard to watch the stars again.

While Mui and Shoyo went to the sala to relax, Freya was about to go to the backyard when I pulled her hand.

 Freya, can we talk?

 I ask her, she just glances at me and looks away. 

"I am busy right now."

No she's not…Why is she saying that she's busy?

 I can tell that she is really avoiding me this time.

"Please, I want to clear things between us. You can tell me if something is wrong. Did I do something that you don't like? You can say it to me so I won't do it again."

She can tell me what's her problem so I can change what she doesn't like about me next time…

"No, I am really busy right now, excuse me…"

She harshly pulled her hand from my grasp and walked away to the backyard.


My jaw almost drops at what she does, I am thinking of what I have done these past few days for her to be like that to me. 

Since I didn't have the chance to talk to her again, I spent my night thinking about what caused her to act like that. 


Vin, who's sitting at the salas said it to me.

"I know." With this face, everybody will notice that I stayed up all night last night. 

Well, I can't do anything about it since it's really noticeable. 


"Does something happen?" Mui patted my head.

I shook my head.

"I'm alright." 

I took a glance at Freya but she's not looking at me.

Will she just stay like this? 

I didn't expect that she would act like this when she is mad at me, I thought that she would tell me what is in her head to clear things out but she didn't. 

When we were eating breakfast, she still didn't talk to me, even Mui and Shoyo noticed that there was something going on between us but still Freya didn't talk about it.

She was also asked by Elder but she just kept on being quiet all the time, so we just let her be.

They said that it is just normal for a teenager and maybe she's just having mixed feelings and she is figuring it out herself but I don't think that is the reason. 

I know that there is something on her that's telling me that she hates me, I just hope that she will open up to me one day. I don't want us to stay like this forever.

First of all, it's so sudden, the day after she started acting like this, I can't remember that we had an argument or something. 

When the afternoon came, Elder's nephew came to the house.

"Hello, I am Elder's nephew, my name is Orlando."

"Hello, I am Araia."

We shook our hands, Elder told us to go to the backyard maybe because Elder doesn't want others to hear what we will talk about.

We went to the backyard and sat on the chairs that they provided.

I observe the man in front of me. He looks nice , timid and shy but is it really okay if we trust him about my secret?

"He is the one who will accompany you when you travel." 

He pointed to his nephew Orlando and smiled at me so I also smiled at him.

I'm still hesitant to let him accompany me but I don't want to be a burden to Elder anymore. 

I'll just trust Elder's words. 

"When will we depart, Elder?"

Elder told us the schedule of our departure, it's tomorrow. 

"Isn't it too sudden?" 

Elder shook his head.

"It's not, it's better if you meet my friend as soon as possible so you'll get to get back to your family, I know that you're happy here, that's what I am seeing to you but I know you still miss your family." 

Elder gave me a warm look.


"You're right…" 

I couldn't disagree more, they're really concerned to me and what they're doing is what's the best option now.

"Thank you, Elder…" I'm sincerely thankful to them for helping me.

But, does Orlando already know what I am?

I glanced at him, he's looking at me.

"Don't worry, he'll keep your secret." Elder must have noticed my hesitation towards Orlando. 

I nodded my head.

If you say so, Elder.

"I'll tell you now what you'll do while traveling." 

Elder told us the things that we need to do while we're traveling. 

I just remember that there's no means of transportation here, wait- don't they have horses here?

I tried to ask him about it.

"We do have horses here but since wolves are quite territorial, even small animals or big animals aren't allowed to enter one's territory, unless they were given permission by the Alpha."

"Really? Even if we are going to use them for travel?"

"Well, yes. We can't use them here Araia." 

Elder seems to avoid that topic.

 it must be an important topic for them so I didn't ask anything about it anymore.

"How many days will it take us to get there?"

I asked them, Orlando is the one who answered.

"Well, it would probably take us one week since we don't have an Alpha who will accompany us." 

"Wait, do you mean we will walk from here to there?"

Orlando nodded his head.

Wait. Is he serious? 

We're going to walk from here to there and it would take us one week, isn't it just an insane idea? Who would walk that far?

"Then, it would be really dangerous for us right? We will take the road of the forest and since it will just be the two of us, it has the higher risk of encountering dangerous wolves like those monsters." 

Orlando and Elder seems has it had to answer but they still noted otherwise 

"Yes, but we will avoid them before they even notice us if that happens."

"How could we avoid them?" 

Is it really possible to avoid those monsters?

"We will climb the tree."

Orlando said, as if it's a common thing. 

I don't know how to climb a tree, I am really unsure of this trip but I am trying my best to push myself because Elder is busy and he cannot accompany me.

It looks like he wants to do me this favor as soon as possible even though I myself don't know if my family is looking for me. If it's my friends then it's possible but I don't think that iI have a family that is waiting for me in our home.

We spent almost an hour talking about what we will do tomorrow.

They said that we will depart early in the morning so we will have the whole day to travel.

They also said that it is necessary to depart early because we still need to find a good place to stay during the night to avoid danger. 

As soon as we finished talking, I went straight to my room to prepare for our trip.

"Where are you going?" Vin suddenly entered the room.

I didn't notice him at all..Am I just too occupied by the trip tomorrow?

 I am now packing my luggage, although I don't have that many clothes because I have just been here for almost a month and change of clothes are quite expensive here, so I didn't ask for more as I don't have money even though Mui and Shoyo insisted.

"I am going somewhere."

 I told him, the child went to my side.

"Where are you going?"

He asked again. Looks like a simple I'm going somewhere will not pass.

"Well, I am going to a faraway land to learn something important."

"When are you going back?"

I couldn't answer his question as I don't know if I am still going back here.

"I am not sure but it will take awhile since we don't have an Alpha who will accompany us."

Vin didn't say anything but he looked sad so I hugged him.

"Don't be sad anymore…" I couldn't continue my sentence because I'm still not sure if I'm going to get back here.

"Take care on your travels…"

"I will…"

I hugged him tightly because he was like my younger brother to me while I was here so I will definitely miss him if I happened to go back to Earth.

"Would you like me to help you pack your things?" He then asked me.

"I will be glad!"

He helped me pack my things, he even called Xin to help me and as usual, Xin almost cried after knowing that I would leave the house.

I just assured him that I will be safe and if I get the chance to go back here, I will gladly do so.

Vin just told him that I need to go back to my family and I will visit them from time to time.

I just nodded even though I'm not sure about that. 

Both of them helped me and they also gave me souvenirs so that I won't forget about them.

While packing, I suddenly realized that this would be my last day staying here and I will go back to Earth after we meet Elder's friend. 

To Earth where the cold treatment of my family will be the one who will welcome me everyday.

 I will definitely miss this family, their laughs, the way they treat each other and how they became a second family to me.

I don't regret that I stayed here while I was in this world because it made me happy and content even for a short time.

I thought about Freya, how is she doing? Is she still mad at me?

I'm about to go home tomorrow and she's still not talking to me.

I need to go and talk to her.

After we finished packing everything, I told the twins that I would talk to Freya.


I knocked on her door but she is not answering.

"Hello? I want to talk to you. You know, I am going to leave tomorrow and I think we should clear things out regarding the matter between us before I leave…"

There is no answer from inside.

It looks like she still doesn't want to talk to me.

"Freya come on, let's talk."

I tried a few times to convince her to talk to me but she still doesn't go out of her room.


I called her one more time but she still didn't answer me so I decided to go back to my room.

I guess it would take time for her to forgive me or whatever bad thing I did to her.

I am sad that we will not make up even though I am going to leave tomorrow but I can't do anything about it since it is still her choice if she wants to talk to me or not.

I spend my night thinking and being nervous of what will happen tomorrow.

"Can I wake the twins? I'll just bid them goodbye." I ask Elder Baster.

"I think it is better if you don't because those two will just cry if they saw you leave."

That is right…

Elder Baster is right. I think I will just live like this.

"So, should we go?"

Orlando asked me. We are now here at the front gate of the elders house. We are carrying our own luggage and we are wearing a coat. My coat is color read while Orlando's is color black.

"Good luck on your trip."

Elder buster said.

I hug him as I am thankful for his efforts in helping me.

"Thank you for your efforts, I'll definitely pay you back if I have the chance."

He just caressed my hair and told us that he better get off, so that is what we did.

"Don't worry because I will not let my guard down during our travels."

Orlando assured me while we were walking towards the forest direction.

"Thank you Orlando."

"Is this your first trip?"

I guess?

It's because I traveled before but that is when I am still on earth and this isn't earth so I think it is not counted right?


I replied to him.

"Don't worry, I will take care of you."

He patted my shoulder, although it's a little bit awkward. I just let him because it's just a pat on the shoulder and he stopped it immediately.

That's right, I just hope that our trip will be safe.

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