
Chapter 2: Rejection

Jane's POV 

"What are we going to do?" I whimpered. The room was bare except for a simple bed and wardrobe. No windows or other means of escape exist. 

Defeated, I curled up on the bed and sobbed. In one cruel stroke, my aunt had ruined my only chance at love and belonging. I cried until I had no more tears left.

As the sky outside darkened, the mating ceremony began. My wolf sensed our mate getting further away with each moment that passed. She howled and clawed inside me, desperate to get out and find them.

"I know, Frey," I whispered sadly. "But we'll find another way, I promise."

"You're right, we can't give up!" I would get out of this room if it killed me. I will find my mate!

Jumping up, I tore through the room like a whirlwind, overturning everything. The bed, wardrobe, loose floorboards - nothing yielded an escape route. I scratched and banged on the walls and door until my hands bled, screaming for help. But no one came. 

Collapsing in exhaustion, a glint caught my eye - the brass keyhole! If I could just get the key...

Frey showed me memories of the times I'd watched the warriors pick locks during raids. I was allowed to tag along when I was young before they realized I was hopeless. Maybe I could pick the lock with a hairpin! Fumbling in my red locks, I found one and straightened it out. 

With trembling hands, I inserted the pin and twisted it carefully, listening for the lock clicks. One tumbler down...two...almost there...

Click! The lock sprung open! I cried out in joy, throwing open the door. I was free!

I quickly changed into my beautiful midnight blue gown that accentuated my petite frame. The silky material swished around my legs as I moved.  

Taking a deep breath, I crept downstairs using the servant passages to avoid running into my aunt and cousin again. Their mocking laughter still rang in my ears, fueling my determination. I will find my mate tonight. 

The mating ceremony was being held under the moonlight in the great stone mating court. My heart pounded as I slid into the shadows at the edge of the crowd. The air was thick with anticipation and the musky scents of the unmated wolves mingling together. 

I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply, sorting through the myriad smells like my mom had taught me. Under the perfumes and colognes, each wolf had a unique scent signature. If my mate was here, I would know it. 

Finally, a rich, earthy scent with a hint of pine hit me - it called to me stronger than anything I'd ever experienced. Frey perked up, her tail wagging excitedly. Without thinking, I followed the scent blindly through the crowd. 

"Mate...must find mate..."

"Oof!" I bumped straight into a solid, muscular chest. Large hands grasped my shoulders to steady me. Looking up, I found myself staring into familiar golden eyes. 

"C-Caleb!" I stammered. Of all the wolves to literally run into, it had to be the pack's strongest warrior and future Alpha. Heat rushed to my cheeks. I tried to step back, but Caleb's grip on me tightened, his nostrils flaring as he scented me slowly. My own were filled with that addictive pine and earth aroma radiating off him in waves. couldn't be. Caleb was my mate? 

As if hearing my thoughts, his handsome face darkened into a scowl. 

"Impossible," he growled under his breath. Letting go, he took several steps back from me. The rejection in his eyes stung, even though I knew an Alpha like him could never want someone as weak as me. Not only was he the next Alpha, but Caleb has been betrothed to my cousin sister May, two years ago.

I opened my mouth to apologize for the accident, but before I could get the words out, an ear-piercing shriek rang through the air.

"You!” May emerged from the crowd, her face contorted in rage as she stabbed a manicured finger at me. “How dare you try to steal my mate, you slut!"

"N-no, you don't understand, I didn't mean to..." I tried to explain it had been an accident, but May cut me off.

"Shut up! Everyone knows you've been obsessed with Caleb for years, you freak!" She raged. Murmurs rose from the crowd and heads began to turn our way, drawn by the commotion. My face burned in humiliation at being called out so publicly.

"But the mating bond doesn't lie! It brought Caleb and I together." I pleaded desperately. 

Caleb sneered. "Well I don't give a damn about fate. You mean nothing to me. We are not mates. I don't know what you did, but there's no way a weakling like you could ever be my mate." 

Frey whimpered at his hurtful words as May smirked at me triumphantly. 

"Let this be a lesson to you - I would never accept a pathetic weakling like you." Caleb took a deep breath, I felt my heart cracking before he even uttered the words.

"Because I, Caleb Salvatore of nightingale pack, reject you, Jane silva as my mate." As if to prove his words, he turned around and slammed his mouth against May's in a bruising kiss.

Hot tears rolled down my cheeks. The rejection crushed my soul. How could Caleb so easily throw away our sacred bond? 

Suddenly May cried out theatrically, pointing at me. "Mother! Jane tried to sabotage my mating!" 

All eyes turned to me with accusation. Aunt Tia's shrill voice cut through the murmurs.

"How dare you embarrass me like this! You jealous, deceitful girl. Get out of my sight!" 

Face burning with humiliation, I fled from the hall with jeers and insults following me out. 


"How can she do that to her cousin after all these years?"


I didn't stop running until I reached the servant's quarters on the edge of the pack grounds. It was empty, with everyone still at the ceremony. Catching my breath, I sank down on an old crate, finally letting the tears fall. Frey nuzzled me comfortingly, but the rejection still cut deep.

Mate...Caleb was my mate. Fate could be so cruel. 

Sniffling, I wiped my eyes, wondering what to do. I couldn't go back to the ball now, but I couldn't hide here all night either. My aunt would surely punish me harshly for sneaking out, probably lock me back in the attic for days. 

As I sat there debating my options, the wind carried voices from the open window above me. 

"...heard the Cruel Alpha has come."

"Damon? Here?" A hushed female voice responded in surprise. "Why would he come to our pack?"

Cruel Alpha Damon? I had heard whispered rumors of him - the merciless demon wolf who had slain his own father to become Alpha of the Blood Fang pack. It was said he had no heart, only hunger for power. 

The Blood Fang pack were notorious in these parts for their merciless brutality. And their Alpha Damon was the most feared of them all. Rumors said he possessed rare black fangs and his enemies called him the Grim Reaper. What business could he have with us?

"I overheard Beta telling the guards to escort him to Alpha David's study," the male voice continued. "They mentioned something about a breeder.”

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