
Planning for two

I was busy for the rest of the day, there was pack business that needed my attention and Davies was hounding me for the time schedules for next week’s training. Once our members' turned eighteen they were given an option to either become fighters, teachers, healers, or become part of our computer whiz kids department.

Both Iris and Addison would need to decide which group they wanted to belong to come Monday, and by knowing their personalities I already had an idea where they would slot into.

Iris was definitely a feisty little fighter that’s for sure, but Addison seemed more of a whiz kid but I guess I would have to wait and see come Monday whether I’m right or not. Now however I needed to prepare for the pack run tonight, and at the same time, I needed to plan something special for both Iris and Addison’s birthday today. With everything that happened earlier I never even got a chance to wish them, but I would make up for that tonight.

I mind link Davies and ask him to meet me in my office, he’s knocking at my door within five minutes and he gingerly strolls in as he casually plops himself down on the couch.

“Okay so everything’s organized for tonight’s run,” He said whilst flipping through his I*******m feeds. Rolling my eyes at him I smirked,

“Are you seriously still trying to find that girl?”

“Dude, it’s like she vanished. I can’t find her anywhere,” He answered despondently,

“Maybe she doesn’t want to be found,” I laughed. And Davies just scoffed,

“Who wouldn’t want all of this,” He gestured pointing at himself, which only caused me to smirk.

“Ok, well Casanova. The reason I asked you here right now has to do with your sisters,” Davies instantly looked up from his phone as his brows furrowed,

“What the fuck have they done now?”

“No nothing, I just wanted to plan something for their birthdays tonight before we have our run.” The surprise on his face immediately made me divert my gaze,

“Was this one of their conditions to stay, to have a big ass party or something?”

“Hell no, this is all me. I wanted to do this for them is all,” and then Davies narrowed his eyes suspiciously,

“Why?” and  I just scoffed,

“Just because Dude, it’s their eighteenth birthday which just so happens to fall on the night of our pack run. Don’t you want to do something special for your sisters?” He thought it over for a moment and then shrugged,

“You’re not the one who’s been stuck with them your whole life dude, I feel fucking sorry for their future mates. As much as I love them, and I do, trust me when I tell you they are a handful when they're together and an even bigger handful when they're apart,” His words instantly had a lump forming in my throat. I’ve spent the last few years being able to have any girl that I wanted to spend the night in my bed, no strings attached.

But now it instantly felt like none of that appealed to me any longer, all I wanted was to be with my fated mates. And that’s what they were to me, they were mine. Each and every second I was apart from them was starting to drive me insane, was I in way over my head to assume that I could handle two very complex women?

Davies suddenly pulled me from my reverie when he sighed,

“Okay man, you’re right. They’re my baby sisters and they're eighteen today, so what do you want to do?” and I could tell that he instantly felt bad for not making an effort for their birthday, after all, this is something their mom would have done for them. But she had died a few years ago and both Jon and Davies had been the ones who had had to pick up the pace, so I had to right to judge them on any of this ever.

“Well, let’s start with what kind of cakes they like?” I asked nonchalantly as I tried to start this thing off because I didn’t have much of a clue on how to organize a birthday party for girls either, with dudes it was way different. We just liked to hang out at the pub down the road, have a few beers, and hook up with she-wolves, that was kind of perfect for us. But when it came to actually plan a party with cake, balloons and…

Oh fuck, how am I meant to pull this off?

Davies shrugged and then his eyes lit up, kind of like that light bulb moment when you’re brains switches on,

“Chocolate, Iris loves chocolate cake,” He said with the first bit of enthusiasm I had had from him throughout this whole conversation. Nodding I quickly wrote it down,

“Okay, and Addison?” and that’s when his brows furrowed,

“Addi will have whatever Iris decides on, she’s always been that way,” that comment made my brows furrow in return,

“You mean you don’t actually know what kind of cake she likes?” and he thought it over for a short while as he ran his finger over his chin,

“Addi likes carrot cake, at least that’s what mom used to make her. But since it’s been dad and I taking care of them we’ve only ever bought them one cake and it’s just always been Iris’s choice,” nodding I quickly wrote down Addi’s choice of cake.

“What about balloons, what color balloons do they like?”

“Definitely silver blue,” He nodded quite pleased with himself,

“And Addi?” I asked looking up at him. Something definitely told me that Davies only knew Iris’s likes and dislikes, something told me Addi just got lost in the shadows of it all after her mom died, and for that brief moment I felt a soul-crushing sadness run over me.

“Um, she likes silver yellow. But again dude, she just normally-”

“Goes with whatever Iris goes with, yeah, I got that part,” I nodded nonchalantly as I took mental notes of their differences. Looking up at Davies after a short while I finally got up as  I walked over to him and handed him a piece of paper,

“Here, I need you to get all of this organized before tonight’s pack run.” Davies scanned over the piece of paper as his eyes widened,

“You want me to get all of this done before tonight?” He asked astonished,

“Yeah, oh and Addi likes the movie Sleepless in Seattle, so add that onto the list. What is Iris’s favorite movie?” I asked him as I raised a brow,

“She likes that old action flick man, what’s it called, it’s a classic… Blade, with Wesley Snipes,” nodding I merely smirked. Of course, Iris liked movies like that, I definitely nailed it when I presumed her to be the fighter. But Addi however seemed more of a mystery to me, a mysterious girl who intrigued me completely.

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