

Sebestian gaped at his bestfriend, watching the realisation sink in as she stared at David. He watched the emotions roll across her face like a tidal wave, complete and utter happiness turned to shock, fear, desire, confusion, need, pain, self-loathing, anguish, to say she looked conflicted was an understatement. He glanced at his mate when he felt Allen squeeze his hand. Allen looked equally as shocked as he was. His eyes snapped back to Dell.when he heard a ragged gasp escape her.

"But... but... but..." Dell gasped out as her world crashed down around her. Everything she thought she knew about herself, about her life and what she wanted from it was quickly disintegrating, sliding out of her grasp before she could grab a hold of it.

But she didn't want a mate. But they caused nothing but heartache. But this wasn't supposed to happen to her. But she had never felt so safe and complete in her entire life. But she hadn't even had

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