
Chapter 2~ Prologue II


“Let’s break up, Rex. I’ve found my mate.” 

Those words linger in my mind as I recall the day Quinn left. The day my heart was broken into a thousand pieces. The day I gave up on love. 

She was my first love and we promised to be together forever. That our love would stay strong even if we found our mates. I was true to my word, unfortunately, Quinn was not on the same page with me. 

As soon as she met her mate, they went ahead and mated. She came to break up with me with her mate’s mark adorning her neck. 

To say I was devastated would be putting it lightly, this is a woman I had given my heart to. I wanted to make her my Queen yet she stomped on my heart like it was nothing. 

It’s embarrassing to say that I had begged her to stay. I practically went down on my knees and pleaded with her not to leave but she left anyway. 

I degraded myself when I’m the future Alpha King but she didn’t care. All that mattered was that she had found her mate and they were head over heels in love. 

This is why, for the past six months, I’ve stayed away from women. They are bad news. I don’t want anyone now... not even my mate. I’m too broken for that. 

All I wanted was to take over as the Alpha King from my father and rule the werewolf world. 

The only problem is, my father didn’t think I was ready to take over from him. According to him, I needed my mate to “tame” my beast. 

Fuck that. My beast was perfectly calm from the small doses of the potion I take everyday. I can handle him. 

Unfortunately, my father didn’t think so. He sent me to the academy to look for my mate since most she-wolves turn eighteen from there. As long as there is a full moon, you can scent your mate if they are within proximity.

The old man was adamant so even though I hated going to the academy, I took my two best friends and headed there. 

Zane and Reece are seated in the front of the black sleek sedan while I sit at the back, trying to get a shut eye but the fuckers wouldn’t let me. They are too noisy.

“Do you think he will find his mate?” Zane asks and Reece snickers. 

“I don’t know, man. It’s easier for a she-wolf to find her mate than a male wolf.” 

“Yeah... it’s so unfair. But Rex is the future Alpha king so I’m sure he will find his mate soon. We need a Queen.” 

I pinch the bridge of my nose and kick the back of Zane’s seat. “Quiet. I want to sleep.” I mutter without opening my eyes. 

“The boss is awake. I thought he was sleeping.” Zane whisper-yells at Reece and I shake my head. 

How did I end up with a friend like him? We are total opposites and he likes to get on my nerves. 

Luckily, we’ve arrived at the academy. We have come early so that I can have a look around and see if anyone catches my eye then I can come see them during the full moon to see if we’re mates. 

“Hey, do you think his mate will be hot like Quinn?” 

“Zane... you know Rex doesn’t like to talk about that female,” Reece says as they follow behind me. 

I furrow my eyebrows and whip around to face my future Beta and Gamma. 

Zane, although playful, was very hardworking and would do well with running the pack as my second in command, whereas Reece was a good fighter and tracker so he would be my third in command and in charge of the warriors. 

“Zane, get me a cup of coffee from the cafeteria. Reece, I want you to look for unmated females aged eighteen. Mindlink me when done.” 

“Yes, Alpha.” They say in unison knowing it was an order. I hadn’t gotten the Alpha title yet but I still did my duties as an Alpha. Reece and Zane knew when to call me Alpha or Rex. 

When they leave I breathe out in relief and leave the building until I reach the woods. If I want to rest my head then I can only do it here. 

Walking to the tall tree that used to be my favourite when I was a student here, I half shift into my beast and use the branches to propel myself up to the very top. 

When I reach the top, I sit on a strong branch and rest my back on the tree trunk.  

The sun is so direct here and it’s making me relax as it hits my face. But it’s too bright so I take out my shades from my leather jacket and put them on. Perfect. 

I’m just about to doze off when footsteps heading this way catch my attention. 

I let out a low growl of frustration. Can’t a man get some peace and quiet around here?

Unlike normal werewolves, my hearing is heightened so what should sound like normal footsteps sounds like someone is purposely stomping on the ground to piss me the hell off. 

I frown, about to jump down and teach whoever dares to disturb my sleep a lesson when I see her.

A petite cute little thing. 

She looks tired and malnourished. Since I have good vision, I can almost make out the bruises on her bare arms and legs. Her clothes look wet too. 

A vicious snarl escapes my lips. Who would hurt such a tiny little fox? Do we still have werewolves who abuse others in our society?

An inexplicable anger surges through me. I’m about to jump down and ask her why she looks like this when her soft breathing reaches me. 

She’s fallen asleep. 

I sit back on the branch and watch her quietly. 

Her face is tilted up as the sun caresses her skin. Her dark brown hair cascades down her shoulder like a waterfall... I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a beautiful creature before.

What kind of female sleeps in the open like this?

I sigh and lay my head back against the trunk and before I know it, sleep overcomes me. 

My eyebrows furrow as something dares to disturb my sleep again. I swear... I’ll kill whoever it is this time. 

A loud disturbing rumble comes from below and my eyes blaze. I’m about to growl when I remember the tiny thing sleeping beneath me. 

I look down and see her rubbing her stomach with a cute pout on her lips. She mumbles incoherent words to herself and saunters off. 

My interest is piqued so I find myself leaping down the tree and landing agilely on the ground. 

I catch a whiff of her scent... she smells like spring... a scent that’s soothing for the soul. 

Despite myself, I follow her trail and my stomach drops at what I see. She is going through the trash looking for food... why the hell wasn’t she given a coupon for her meals? 

I usually don’t get involved in other people’s businesses. But something about the way the little fox was being treated didn’t sit right with me.  

So I step forward and chase her bullies away, intentionally letting them know she was protected by me. Those who know who I am will spread the word and from now on, no one will dare touch her. 

I head straight to the cafeteria and give Myles my card, instructing him to give the little malnourished she-wolf as much food as possible. I didn’t have to describe her in detail... it seems she was well-known around here. 

Myles doesn’t ask why I was going out of my way for her and I am glad he didn’t because I don’t know too. 

I just felt like she needed my help. 

‘Zane, Reece, let’s go.’ I call out to my boys through the mindlink. 

‘Can I bring the coffee now? I knew you just wanted to get rid of us to go sleep somewhere.’ Zane grumbles, I can almost see him rolling his eyes. 

‘No, let’s go back home.’ 

‘What?’ They exclaim in unison. 

‘What about your mate?’

‘What about being the Alpha King?’ 

They say at the same time. 

‘There’s still time for it. I’ll look for her later.’

After witnessing how rotten the attitudes of most she-wolves are here, I suddenly lost interest in looking for my mate. 

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