
Chapter Five: Searching for the jewel

*The world of Tulkas is a world in the seventh dimension, thousands of light years away, and it is impossible to reach it, because it is separated from the rest of the worlds by what is called a barrier that is protected by seven guards of each type. The world of Tulkas is divided into seven worlds, the strongest of these worlds is the werewolves kingdom , which imposed their control since the last war that took place between them and the vampires - since that war, the vampires have disappeared, and their appearance has become rare.

They even became considered a rare species, because it has become very rare to meet a vampire. Some say that they live in the dark forests, serving the evil lord Aragon, who promised them that the day he was released, they would regain their glory.

But it is just a rumor, because no one entered the dark forest and returned from it. It is just a legend, passed down by the worlds that took what happened to the vampires as a lesson for them, and swore not to approach the kingdom of the werewolves, unless they asked to be under its service*

He closed the book in his hands with a wide smile, before returning it to its place

"You look very happy"

said Stephen, who entered Arthur's office, carrying a stack of papers, and to a cup of hot drink.

"Kinda of"

Arthur said, making Stephen smile at him, as he placed the papers in front of him, before looking at him carefully, so Arthur continued calmly.

“What have you done about the Ark Kingdom, have they agreed to our demands?”

Stephen smiled arrogantly, placing the papers in front of him, before looking at him with a sarcastic look

"And what do you think, for example, did they have the audacity to stand up to the kingdom of werewolves? They bowed their heads?"

Arthur stood and moved to the window next to his desk, looking out with dark eyes

“You cannot confirm that they have bowed their heads, the only thing that can prove this to you is that you obtained their energy gem.”

There was tension on Steven's face

“You know it's impossible for her to agree to give us the energy gem so easily.”

Arthur smiled and looked at him with a smile that he knew well

“It's okay, it'll be fun.”

Stephen shook his head, placing his hand in front of him on the desk

"Yes, it will be fun, but I don't think it will be that easy. As for vampires, you know they are almost an extinct species."

Arthur turned to go back to his desk, sitting in front of it

“Yes, because the energy gem was connected to Lucien's mate , but she died.”

Stephen scratched his head

“And this is what I want to understand: how can we make the energy gem return to us again, while its bearer has died?”

An evil smile appeared on Arthur's face, as he turned the magic crystal on his desk, showing Ethan while he is training.

“It's true that we lost Emilia, but we still have a part of her. I'm sure the jewel will appear, once Ethan reaches puberty.”

The smiles of both of them expanded, as they looked at Ethan, who was at that moment training, and the sound of their laughter rose in the place.

In the dark hallway of Lucien's palace...

Eugene, the Gamma of the Kingdom, and Galadriel, the Beta of the pack, were standing at a huge door, looking at Lucien who walked up and down the corridor.

"Can you stop walking, I'm feeling dizzy?"

Eugene said, as he stood up and looked at the alpha, who looked at him with a deadly look, which made him step back as he said:

"What's wrong, I was just trying to calm you down?"

“Can you shut your mouth for a bit, the situation not allows for your pettiness?”

Galadriel said, making Eugene curse him internally, before folding his hands to his chest, looking out, while Lucien took a deep breath, and looked at the huge door in front of him, praying with every fiber of his soul for her to be okay.

Inside the room, Emilia was sleeping on a huge bed, surrounded by seven magic crystals, emitting multiple lights, all pouring into her body.

Behind each crystal stood a witch, muttering an ancient incantation

Everyone was clearly tired, but they continued trying to save her, using their magical energy

After a while, everything calmed down, and the witch who was supervising the physical treatment came out. As soon as Lucien saw her, he ran to her and stood in front of her, looking at her in horror.

“I'm really sorry, Alpha, but the lady has been in great shock, and she has a very serious injury.”

"Fuck it, now we're the ones who'll pay the price."

Eugene said, muttering to himself, forcing everyone to look at him

“Please act as if I am not here, take your time, I will leave.”

He said with a nervous smile, before quickly leaving the place, even though he really wanted to see their Luna, but his life was more precious, because the Alpha was obviously going to rip his head off at any moment.

He squeezed his hand very hard, looking at him as he ran away, but he tried to control himself as he looked at the witch again.

"When will she wake up?"

The witch smiled at him, trying not to show her fear in front of him. The energy he was giving off was truly terrifying, in addition to his aura portending evil.

"Not now. I put a strong spell on her, in order for her to rest a little, because her injury requires rest."

He took a deep breath, looking at her calmly


She bowed to them respectfully, before leaving, and behind her were the six remaining witches. Galadriel looked at his friend

"You know, I can't believe that the Luna is back. If I wasn't with you, I wouldn't even believe it?"

He smiled tiredly, and looked at the door in front of him to say

"Yes, I didn't believe it either at first, but she's back."

His eyes were filled with tears that refused to fall, and he looked at his friend with a smile that he could not hold back.

“My beloved was restored. I was confident that she would return, because it was impossible for her to abandon me.”

Lucien said very proudly and happily, which made his friend smile at him

"I really can't believe it. Do you know that her return is truly a miracle?"

Lucien smiled comfortably, as if he was carrying a huge mountain on his chest, before he looked at his friend with confident eyes, and said:

“Yes, it is a miracle... my miracle.”

Galadriel smiled at him, before his gaze turned wary

"Okay, what will happen now?"

Lucian looked at him without understanding

“What do you mean what will happen now? Everything will be fine, Luna has returned, we will live together, as it should have happened 300 years ago.”

Galadriel sighed as he looked at his friend angrily. Of course this will not happen. Lucien is just trying to hide the truth from his eyes, and he will not allow him to do that. He must remedy the situation he is in.

"Lucian, you know what I mean?"

The color of his eyes turned to dark yellow, indicating the presence of his wolf, which began to emit a terrifying energy, forcing Galadriel to look at the ground.

"Nothing will happen. She's my mate , mine . She came back to me after I lost her. This time everything will be as I want. I will not allow anyone to touch a single hair from her, and whoever even thinks about that, I will erase him from this earth."

Galadriel felt suffocated by his immense power, and all he wanted at that moment was to run away.

"Okay, calm down now."

“I cannot calm down, I cannot, no one understands what I feel now. The gods finally, after a long struggle, were satisfied with me and returned her to me. I will not allow anything to take her from me this time.”

Galadriel was silent for a while, until he felt that the atmosphere seemed to return to normal, so he took a breath after he almost lost consciousness due to Lucien's energy.

“Okay, I understand, but you still remember the agreement between you and Goddess Seren.”

Lucien's features changed, and tension seemed to control him from every corner

“Nothing will happen, and I do remember the agreement well, but I will not give up, and I will not give up my love.”

Galadriel looked at him in disbelief. Is he going to break the covenant with Siren? She will curse him before he thinks about it.

"Lucien, you're breaking the agreement like this."

Sadness and pain appeared on his face

"Yes, I know that, but I cannot abandon her, Galadriel. I cannot lose her after I finally got her back."

Galadriel looked at him sadly, and tried to make him understand

“Lucien, but the agreement was...”

“The agreement was a mistake, my birth was a mistake, my whole life was a mistake, they manipulated me, Sereen and my father all manipulated me, and kept her away from me, so I am not breaking any agreement. They are the ones who should bear my anger, not me.”

Galadriel could not wait any longer and shouted at Lucian angrily

"Stop acting like you're the victim. Your crimes cannot be denied. Did you Forget everything you did to her of your own free will."

“Yes, I know that.”

He said with a feeling of despair and disappointment that took over his features, before he looked at his friend again, and anger took over him, and he said with confident eyes that Galadriel had never seen before.

“But still, they manipulated me, they cheated on me, and I will never accept losing her again.”

In the middle of the dark forest...

The mysterious person who was wearing his cloak over his head stood at the side of the river, placing his hand on the ground, sensing the energy emanating from him.

“She was here, her energy still fresh.”

He said as he told the person who was standing behind him, who was wearing the same black clothes that covered his face, to approach the ground while placing his hand.

“Yes, her energy is still fresh, and besides, doesn’t you feel it?”

The first person looked at him, and the other said as he continued his speech, while still feeling the energy emanating from that place.

“Emelia’s energy has become cleaner than it was before. Is it possible that this has something to do with what you did to her before her death?”

The first one looked at him in surprise, before looking at the path she was taking as he said

“I don't know, let's keep going.”

He moved while the other remained standing in his place, trying to solve the matter in his mind, then he followed him

They both froze in place when they found themselves standing in front of the kingdom of werewolves. They looked at each other to say the first

“This is impossible, it is impossible for her to be here, how could she come to this place?”

The other placed his hand on his back, squeezing him

“Stop acting like this, we have to find her quickly, before Lucian finds her.”

The other's eyes widened, and he looked at him in horror to say

"No, this is impossible. Listen to me. You go from here, and I will go the other way. Whoever finds her will take her to the side of the river first.. deal "

The other noded his head, then they both disappeared at the same moment. The first stood in the middle of the market, after hiding his smell and energy well, and began walking through the alleys of the market, trying not to attract attention.

But he stopped when he found two men talking about something that made the blood stand in his veins

“Did you come to the death race today? It is said that something unique happened there?”

The other man looked at him without interest

"No, I was busy. What happened?"

“It is said that Alpha Lucian saved a girl from the middle of the death ring, and some said that the girl was the luna of our kingdom.”

"Do you mean the girl who was not confesses by Alpha Lucian until after her death?"

"Indeed, what else could it be? It's Ethan's mother."

"What is this rumour? Have we despaired of the curse that befell the Alpha and his race to this degree?"

“Do you know something? The Alpha is really a good person. I hope this rumor is true, and that the Alpha will break his curse. We are really tired.”

“I also hope it's true, but I don't think she's our Luna.”

His friend looked at him angrily

"What is this pessimism? Maybe it's her. go to work."

The other man looked at him angrily, then went to continue his work, while he stood behind them, holding his hand very tightly. He closed his eyes again, and tried to sense its energy this time. It was very clear. When he opened his eyes, he looked at the place the energy was coming from, his eyes darkened with anger like a volcanic

Because the energy he was sensing was coming from Lucien's Palace, this meant that she's there, and that this rumor was true.

“Lucian, you bastard, there is no way I will let you take advantage of my sister again. This time, I will kill you before you do that.”

He said while closing his eyes, before disappearing from the middle of the market to appear in the middle of the forest

"Why did you call me? Did you find her?"

"Yes, Lucian has her ?"

His friend's eyes widened, looking at him angrily

“Damn it, what are we going to do now, we have to save her Lucas.”

Lucas looked at him coldly

"Not now, Eren."

Eren felt the blood boiling in his veins, so he approached Lucas, grabbing his clothes in extreme anger, and shouting at him.

“Have you finally gone mad, have you lost your mind, are you going to leave Emilia with that bastard, like you did before? Do you know what we went through to bring her back to life?”

"Do you think I'm happy to allow my sister to stay there, but we don't have any other solution?"

Lucas screamed with hellish anger, making Eren know he was tearing up inside

“Don't, Lucas, please don't make us lose her again.”

Lucas approached and grabbed his arm

“Don’t worry, I won’t allow it this time, we will overthrow Emelia and we will regain our glory.”

Eren smiled weakly, before looking at the Werewolf Kingdom angrily, unable to believe that they had failed to bring her back after all these years.

Inside Lucian's palace

"So what are you going to do now?"

Galadriel asked Lucian, who was sitting next to Emilia's bed, holding her hand, as if she might disappear at any moment.

"I don't know"

Lucien said while looking at her face. To this moment, he cannot believe that she is in front of him. To him, it seems as if he is in a beautiful dream that he never wants to wake up from.

"Well, how about you at least tell Ethan?"

His eyes widened with extreme fear, and he looked at Gadriel, who was standing behind him, looking at him with regret.

"I cannot do this. If I do this, I will lose them both. I cannot, I cannot lose them, Galadriel. I will die if they left me again. My life is nothing without them."

Caladriel kept looking at his friend in disbelief. Is this really the alpha he knows? Damn, he looks like someone who is truly obsessed with his family.

“Okay, calm down, I get it , but didn’t you notice something strange? She was looking at you strangely, as if she had never saw you before.”

Lucien looked , before looking again at Emilia, who was sleeping deeply, not knowing what was going on around her, before he smiled sadly as he kissed her hand.

"It's normal. There's no doubt that she hates me. What I did is an unforgivable sin"

He placed her hand on his head, sighing very sadly

“It is impossible to gain her forgiveness, but I will try. I was deceived just as she was deceived. She will understand, and she will forgive me and come back to me.”

He was speaking as if he was trying to convince himself before anyone else, while Galadriel was standing behind him, looking at him despairingly, because he knew very well that what he was saying was impossible.

"It's okay, everything will be fine"

said Galadriel, though he knew in his heart that this was impossible

"Yes, everything will be fine. She won't leave me , and Ethan will understand. They will never leave me, because if they decide to leave, I swear I won't be able to live without them this time. I will die. I swear I will die."

Lucien said, squeezing his mate's hand, as if he was begging her not to leave him

“Please stop, nothing will happen, everything will be fine, just wait when the Luna wake up, and you will explain everything to her, and she will accept it.”

Galadriel said, encouraging him with a smile. It made Lucien be grateful, because this was what he really wanted to hear.

"Thank you"

Lucien said, and Galadriel smiled at him encouragingly, before Lucien stood up, squeezing his hand very hard, while Galadriel looked at him nervously.

"He's here, what are you going to do?"

Galadriel, who sensed Arthur's energy inside the palace, said to Lucien . This means that Arthur also sensed Emilia's energy. He knew of her existence earlier than Lucien thought.

“There is no way I will let him get close to her or my family again.”

Lucien said, looking at Emilia, who was sleeping very peacefully, and approached her while reciting his incantation, then he went out with Galadriel to meet his father.

While at the door of Lucian's palace, Arthur was entering the palace, followed by Stephen, who was reading a set of instructions on Arthur about the business in the kingdom.

But he stopped in his tracks when he found that Arthur had frozen, as if he had seen a ghost

"Are you okay, sir?"

He turned to look at his assistant, who looked at him in surprise, and said with great hatred

"The bitch is back."

His assistant looked at him without understanding, and Arthur squeezed his hand very hard, until blood gushed from his hand, and he whispered in a voice dripping with death and threat.


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