
Chapter 4

Alonso's POV

The entire crowd is still cheering as I get down the stage, moving towards Venus. This is a misunderstanding that I want to talk to her about.

But my father's hand grabbing me by my shoulder stopped me from doing so. I guess he saw the anger in my eyes, because he stepped behind and pulled his hand away from my shoulder.

I turn around to find Venus gone.

"You should have asked me," I whisper, turning towards my father again and this time, he just holds my hand and takes me away from the crowd.

We are walking towards the pack house in silence now. I can't catch a sniff of Venus's scent here. I guess she ran off in the other direction. I should have chased her, but I guess I should at least know what made my father do this. So I can explain to him that this is bullshit. And then go get Venus.

"Are you really going to be this silent? Because back there you were making real loud noise, father" I say in a tone that came out harsher than intended. As if I care at this point! I waited for five long years for Venus to recognise me as her mate. And just when things were falling into place, my father had to ruin it all up!!

"I was trying to tell you about it for the past few days. But didn't get a chance to," he tells me with his eyes softer than I had ever seen in my entire twenty three years of existence.

"Is that the only excuse you came up with? Because that's pathetic, father!" I told him.

Even he looks a bit taken aback at the choice of my words. But that's my heart and mind speaking combined. Usually I always have a war between my heart and mind but for the first time they are aligned. Because they are angry. So am I. So is my wolf.

"But if I didn't do this, we could lose a head of our kingdom," he says, making me groan silently.

"Does it really have to be with The Ocean Howlers though?" I ask him again, because losing The Ocean Howlers actually does mean something.

"I was part of a bargain that happened two decades ago. I am sorry I should have told you about it. But you didn't find your mate so it should be easier for-"

"Honestly I would rather stay single the rest of my life than have someone else decide it for me," I say that made the hurt flash his face for a second before he morphed it.

"I am sorry is all I can say, Alonso. But it's also about time you start to accept the fact that you are The Alpha King. And the Royals usually don't have the privilege to do what they like. It's all about politics. So if you want to choose your personal life, you are free to do so. But that will really cost you to watch this empire crumble before you. So it's in your hands. You either be you or either be the protector of the realm as you stated during your coronation. And come again to talk to me when you decide to act like a King,"

And just like that, he walked away without even turning around to look at me. I take a minute to look around to make sure there's no one here. Only then I scream out loud, letting a fraction of my frustration come out. But Thunder is still agitated and he wants to bite someone's head off like he did with the Rogue earlier.

I walk back towards the crowd and then catch the lingering honeysuckle scent. It took me to the lake where Venus is standing with Dorian. And she is laughing. Like.. actually laughing so it's weirdly strange.

"Oh you drama Queen," Dorian playfully shoves Venus.

But she jumped on him and grabbed his head to put him in a headlock. And just like that, they both stood straight as soon as they caught my scent approaching them.

I raised my eyebrow at Dorian when he turned around. I didn't even look at Venus, afraid I might break.

"My second and third here having fun leaving the party. What a joyous time to spend, I see" I say with a smile and Dorian bows to me before he leaves.

Venus is about to do the same but I hold her hand. She yanked her hand away from mine that actually hurt my heart. Thank you Matebond. This is getting real fun, eh?

"I didn't know about it, Venus" I whisper but she just shakes her head.

"Then why didn't you make the announcement that you were unaware? Or -" she paused to look at me,"forget it"

I hold her hand to pull her to me again, ready to kiss her until she gives in but I notice Edna walking towards us through the corner of my eye. She walks like a literal princess and I wonder if she was groomed to be this way since she was born.

Venus notices the line of my gaze before bowing to me and walks away. Every ounce of my self control is fighting to just pull her to me again, but I have to stay calm. At least for a while. At least until I come up with a solution.

"The Capital Pack surely knows how to party," Edna says in her sweet voice and I just smile at her.

Edna is that kind of girl who would be the one that starts war. She is that feminine and I bet a good amount of money that she might have broken hundreds of hearts by now.

But my heart is already taken and is with Venus.

"Do you know the reason behind this alliance?" I ask Edna and she nods at me, with a subtle smile.

"I was only told that it was a life debt," she tells me.

Life debt.

Life debt.

Life debt.

This cannot get worse now!

Because in werewolf rule books, if one does not fulfill a life debt, then they will have to offer their own life instead.

And I am the last living Royal.

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