

She burrowed her hand under his waistband and to the hot hard length of his cock. The car jerked and worry and excitement shot through her. His reddish head peeked out and she could feel the veins bulging as his desire for her swelled. 

She could feel her nipples scrape against the material of her bra. Every sensation heightened. With him firmly in hand, she moved her hand up and down, starting slowly.

Adrian groaned, trailing off in something that almost sounded like a growl. She quickened her pace and his hips bucked in the seat. With half a thought to his need to concentrate while driving, she slowed her hand. Adrian bit off a curse and she felt the car come to a stop.

"Are we there already?" She asked.

He gave her no answer, instead of covering her hand with his own and jerking his length between them. His head rolled back and his eyes fluttered closed. But the tight line of his mouth belied his true feelings. His pulse beat strongly in his neck,

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