
Chapter 2

I took a deep breath as I mustered up the courage. Tears won't bring back my virginity. So, I had to do something to make him regret taking my precious possession and even curse what he had done to me.

I slowly moved my body, changing my sleeping position to supine, then turned to the man lying on my side while closing his eyes.

"How desperate are you that the Moon Goddess did not bring you to your mate, so you had to fuck a half-breed werewolf like me to satisfy your lust?" I said, confronting my cruel Alpha.

Ace quickly opened his eyes. He turned to me with a hardened jaw and a darkened glare. “You!”

It was no secret that Alpha Ace Cassilas had yet to find his mate. There was not a single female werewolf he claimed as a mate. He was Alpha without Luna. I assumed he's been masking his loneliness by taking advantage of the slutty girls who adore him.

Someone once told me that Ace Cassilas considered half-breed werewolves to be the most despicable creatures who did not deserve to be part of our kind. And I took great satisfaction in seeing him so surprised by my confession, even if it was a lie. He was an Alpha. I was sure I had managed to hurt his pride.

Ace got up. He sat up and flanked my face with his fingers. His sunken green eyes glared at me, but I was no longer afraid. The hatred in my heart had killed that fear. I was prepared for all the risks, even if he would kill me.

"Say that again!" His voice hissed in front of my face. He was furious.

"How pathetic! You just took the virginity of a half-breed female werewolf, Alpha Ace," I emphasized earlier.

I saw his jaw tighten. His ragged breathing sounded full of anger.

He looked into both my eyes in turn as he said, "You will suffer more severe punishment for defiling my bed, bitch!"

I couldn't believe he would say such a thing. My mouth would have gaped if his sturdy fingers hadn't been firmly clasped around my face. But his reaction was enough to make me laugh inside. If I wasn't mistaken, the look in his eyes showed great disappointment. No! Not in me but in himself. He was the one who had dragged me to his bed. He must have felt cheated.

Ace tossed my face roughly and got off the bed. He put on all his clothes. He went to the door and left the room without saying anything, leaving me to laugh bitterly at the door that had swallowed him.

"If I had that power, I would have killed you," I muttered with hatred that choked my breath.

I couldn't stop the tears falling down my face. It was pathetic. I was the victim who also had to bear the punishment. However, I didn't think he was interested in fucking me anymore. It was sad, but at least it was better than me having to be a slave to his lust.

With my remaining strength, I tried to get up. My only clothes were torn. I had no choice but to wear them. My head turned away as I heard the bedroom door open. I thought it was Ace, but it wasn't. Two men entered the room, and they walked towards me. I squeezed the front of my torn shirt. Their gazes were just as horrifying as Ace's. They looked at me from head to toe as if they were stripping me naked.

"Such a good body," said one of them, who shook his head with his lips curled downward. "If you weren't a half-breed, we'd be fortunate to fuck you," he continued.

"Half-breed or not, I don't think I'd pass up such a delicious meal," the other said.

"You won't, Buddy. Alpha Ace will kick you out," the friend retorted.

I didn't utter a single word in reply to the insults. I remained silent as they laughed at me, who they thought was a half-breed. I was grateful if they were disgusted with me, too. I'd rather receive physical punishment than have to serve their lust.

"Come on, bitch! I'll show you where your new room is," one of the men said.

He didn't give me a chance to speak. He grabbed my arm and led me out of the room.

My legs shuffled in their vast strides. The pain in my groin added to the agony I felt. He dragged me down corridor after corridor, room after room, until we finally arrived in front of a metal door with a large padlock hanging firmly on one side.

Another man opened the lock with a key. Then he pushed the metal door open and revealed another dark hallway. The place smelled terrible, as if it had never been cleaned. I gulped as they led me inside. As I entered the hallway, I felt my hair stand on end with its pungent stench.

"Are you scared?" the man holding my hand said mockingly. He seemed to realize my fear.

I discovered it was a prison when I saw the barred cells filled with prisoners. And he put me in one of the cells at the far end. He pushed me roughly, causing me to fall onto the cold, damp floor.

"This will be your room until Alpha Ace mercifully releases you," he said after locking the door.

They then left without looking back. I staggered backward until my back hit the wall behind me. I sat hugging my knees as I looked around. This place was so dirty. Even the warehouse behind Meggie's house was much better. This place gave me the creeps. My eyes caught patches of stains on the damp, mossy wall on my left side. It was not so obvious, but I guessed it was a dried blood stain. The atmosphere in this prison was becoming increasingly tense due to the moaning voices of the other prisoners, who sounded in great pain. But this was not the time to feel sorry because my fate was even more miserable.

I leaned my head against the wall while sighing. My eyes were closed, lamenting the lousy fate of my life. Today was supposed to be my happy eighteenth birthday. But I had to get a very painful gift. The bastard Ace Casillas took away my virginity.

"Why did you give me this miserable fate? I have lost my parents in a tragedy. Isn't that enough to make you happy? I hope you'll reunite me with my mate on my eighteenth birthday, but what? You give me this miserable fate. I need support to avenge my parents. Why did you set me up with that bastard Ace Cassilas instead? I kept my virginity for my mate. Why did you let him take it away from me? Isn't my suffering enough for you?" I protested disappointedly to the Moon Goddess.

I opened my eyes and took a deep breath. The Moon Goddess had been so cruel to me. Would she give me a fate even more offensive than this?

As I started to despair, I suddenly felt it. Something just happened. I touched my chest. My heart was pounding, and every second seemed to get stronger.

"He's here," I said, standing on my feet.

My eyeballs moved restlessly. I tried to control myself, but it was so hard. I felt him—my mate. He was here, not far from me. My whole body tingled as I smelled his scent growing more intense. He was coming for me.

“Is he coming to save me?”

I slowly turned around as I heard steps come closer. His scent was thicker, as it was binding my soul tighter. My eyes were glued to the dull wall outside the jail until I saw a man emerge. A man I never thought would be my mate, Ace Cassilas.

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