
Needs More Time

              With a satisfied sigh, I plopped myself down on the edge of my bed, toweling off my still damp hair. I missed my bathtub and its warm relaxing waters. I missed the scent of the lavender soap that wafted the air and sank into my skin. I missed being clean. With the itch dirt no longer invading my body, I felt like I could take on another battle. I wanted to conquer another Mercenary camp and take on the evils of the world. Of course, I knew this feeling was temporary and that as soon as the feeling wore off, I was going to become dead weight again. I might as well take advantage of this feeling while I still had energy and get some work done. I could only imagine how much work had piled up in my absence.

              I rose from the edge of my bed and headed towards my desk. A neat pile of papers were stacked on the corner. With a gasp of disbelief,

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