
Chapter 10: Confronting Reality

The morning after their intimate night together, Sally and Gavin woke up with a sense of contentment and excitement about the day ahead. They checked out from the hotel, their fingers laced together, and decided to head to Sally's house before going to their respective offices.

As they drove to Sally's house, their conversation flowed effortlessly, with laughter and affection. They couldn't help stealing glances at each other, knowing that something special had bloomed between them.

Upon arriving at Sally's house, they decided to get ready for work together. Sally rummaged through her closet, searching for a formal shirt that would fit Gavin. She pulled out a crisp white shirt, holding it up to him with a playful smile.

"I think this will look great on you, I thought it would be nice for you to have something to change into at the office," she said, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

Gavin chuckled and took the shirt from her. "Well, if you say so, I'll trust your fashion sense."

As Ga
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