
The discussion


I couldn’t stop thinking about my mother’s new maid. Everytime I glanced at her, it just seemed like she had the answers to all of my problems, like she had this peace I had been looking for for a very long time. Heck, I couldn't even get her out of my mind and with every minute that passed, stuck in this same house with her, I was slowly losing my mind.

I wanted to feel her, wanted her very close to me so that i could hold her in my arms as she assured me that everything was going to be fine. I didn’t know what had gotten over me but I knew it was a sudden attraction towards her. There was just something about her that told me that she was a woman who needed to be cared for and when it came to do, I would do that without any hesitation.

“What has gotten into you?” Ethan asked, barging into my room.

I glanced up from mindlessly scrolling through my phone as I watched him take the seat opposite my king-sized bed. I knew what he meant and I wasn't sure I even had the answers to t
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