
Brilliant Suggestion

“Do you have black coffee? My head feels so bad from being drunk,” Karina said as the two men stared at her.

"Just make it yourself. There's a coffee maker in the kitchen," Justin replied, pointing to the kitchen.

"Okay," Karina said with a cheerful smile and walked towards the kitchen.

"How come she still looks okay? She even look happy?" asked Norman confused.

"I don't know, I think she's a little crazy," Justin replied.

"Gosh, your taste is weird bro," said Norman.

"Jeez man! I already said I don't know her," Justin protested.

"Yes, whatever you say, but now we have to find the most appropriate way out, Justin. And I think I know what to do," said Norman.

"What is your idea?" Justin asked with wide eyes.

"Marry her," Norman replied.

"What?! You're crazy Norman!" Justin exclaimed.

"Calm down, Bro! I don't mean real marriage. You just pretending in front of the media crew. Just say she's your wife, you just haven't announced it yet. That way, our problem can be solved," answered Norman.

"No! It is crazy to marry that crazy girl, even if it's a fake marriage! No way, Norman!” Justin exclaimed.

"Lower your voice, bro," answered Norman.

"Your idea is too crazy, Norman. We can just give her some money to keep her mouth shut, then tell her to disappear to another city, or something," said Justin.

"That's not going to clear your name, Justin. Here, read today's news portal. Everyone thinks you're raping a girl in the bushes, Justin! Whether she disappears or not, your career will still be ruined," said Norman, showing the online news portal on cellphone.

"Then you want to say that my wife and I were making love in the bushes? That's not a solution, Norman! I'll still be in jail if they think I'm doing that in public!” Justin exclaimed.

"Bro, listen to me first. We're gonna say you two were drunk, you just pass out there. I'll make a convincing scenario. I will contact some people if you need to go to medical experts or something. What is clear is that there is no evidence that you doing that in the bushes," said Norman.

"Wow, that's a really good idea," said Karina who suddenly appeared behind them carrying a cup of black coffee. Justin was so shocked he was almost taken aback.

“Annyeonghaseyo… My name is Norman, you can just call me Norman. What's your name?" asked Norman, holding out his right hand in a friendly manner, while bowing.

"Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Karina," Karina replied while shaking Norman's hand and bowing too.

"Okay, Karina. There's a bruise on your head, I think," said Norman, pointing at Karina's forehead. Justin just noticed that.

"Yea, it hurts. I think yesterday when I fell I hit a rock," Karina replied.

"I will took a photo of it," said Norman, taking out cellphone.

"What are you doing, Norman?” Justin asked to stop Norman.

"This is a proof that she got hurt and passed out last night, Justin. So no one thinks you're doing anything in the bushes," said Norman while taking a photo of Karina's bruises. Karina doesn't seem to mind being photographed.

"How about you, there are no injuries, how come you fainted on that bushes?" asked Norman, frowning at Justin.

"Ehm... I was just drunk yesterday," Justin replied, lying.

Justin cannot tell the truth. Last night Justin's heart almost stopped when he escaped from his enemy. There were no external wounds but Justin was helpless.

"Okay, then we'll just put makeup on, make some fake bruises on your head. Or do you want me to make real bruises?” asked Norman.

"Damn you!"

Norman laughed at Justin's reaction.

"So Norman, you want to make up a story that Justin and I were husband and wife, and then passed out in the bushes?" Karina asked innocently.

"Yes, Karina. You can help us, right?” asked Norman gently and kindly. Very different from Justin who is now sitting beside Norman while snorting in annoyance.

"I will help, but I have one condition," she replied.

"What is it?"

Norman could already guess that Karina's terms would not be far from a matter of money.

"My dad want me to marry an old man because of his debt. I don't want to marry him. If you can pay off his debt, I don't mind marrying Justin," Karina replied. She felt this is a brilliant idea and was proud of herself. Getting married to her idol, free from debt bondage, and there is no need to marry an old bastard. This is a good idea, Karina thought.

"Don't get him wrong, Rina. This isn't a real wedding, is it Norman?” Justin asked.

"If you want it real, it's okay too," replied Norman.

"Hey! I will kill you, Norman!” Justin exclaimed angrily. Norman laughed.

"I'm just kidding! You are too tense, bro. So, I think this is a deal. You two fake a marriage for six months. After that you can get divorce. If you agree, we will give you some money that your father owes that old man, how about that?” asked Norman.

"Six months?" Justin protested again.

"Just shut up, Justin. You just agreed to marry Karina," said Norman. Justin could only be silent. He really had no other way out.

"I also want to be paid monthly, how about that? If it's okay, we have a deal," Karina replied.

Norman looked at Karina half in disbelief, it was so easy for him to negotiate with this unknown woman.

“Okay… It doesn't matter. Right, Justin? The important thing is that you always obey our words and work well together. If it's okay, I'll arrange the contract right now," said Norman.

"Okay, deal! But Justin has to meet my dad too, ask for his blessing," Karina replied.

"Ask for blessing?!" Justin exclaimed.

"Of course! What should I say to my dad later? My dad has been calling all the time, I haven't answered yet. I put it on silent mode. I don't know what to say," Karina answered.

"She's right, Justin. In this case not only you who are in trouble, but she is too. If something happen to her father because of this case, what will you do? The rumour has been spread, all parents will be ashamed," said Norman.

Justin was actually snorting in annoyance now.

"Okay then! But I want to add some points to the contract as well. She can't touch me, or get close to me, unless she's in front of the camera!” Justin exclaimed.

"Well, last night your hands were..."

Justin widened his eyes and quickly covered Karina's mouth because he knew Karina would say if Justin hugged her and even put his hand on Karina's breasts. He couldn't let Karina say that in front of Norman. Norman will make fun of it all the way.

"Shut up!" Justin exclaimed.

"Well... well... I can sense that there is a secret here ..." said Norman.

"You just made the contract. There's a laptop there!" Justin called out to a smiling Norman. In any matter, Norman always reacts calmly.

"OK. You guys get along please, I have a lot of work to do. I have to report this to the company," answered Norman.

Justin just stood there with a frown on his face. He couldn't believe his life would just get more complicated on this earth. In fact, Justin can't stay with anyone under the same roof, because he has something to do every night. A secret mission that no human should know about. Now there is a great burden and disaster named Karina that comes to his life. Justin massaged his temples which were throbbing in pain.

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