
Ep 11.

Kayla's POV.

Just as I was about to leave the office and head for mine after taking the documents from Alpha Reynolds, I was instantly and unfortunately welcomed by the sight of her.

"Ava!" I instantly froze in my tracks the second I saw her walk into the office where I was, and even worse, I was with Alpha Reynolds, her husband.

My fear intensified, and a fearful gulp escaped me as I bowed my head to the ground, desperately avoiding any eye contact with her.

It would definitely be the end of me if she knew I was the one, but at this point, there was no way I could leave the office without her knowing that it was me.

Besides, I was standing before her, and Alpha Reynolds was standing behind me.

'What should I do? How do I react? Should I act as though I've lost my memory? What do I fucking do?!'

A barrage of questions slammed into my mind, each one fueling my fear and confusion.

My eyes trembled with the weight of uncertainty as I grappled with the unexpected meeting.

I simply was
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