


I was buried deep in the earth and have been here for centuries, yet, the howl was strong enough to seep through multiple layers of earth and get to me. Another one of the invisible chains that held me here loosened as a flare of light wrapped around it. I was bound to the female that howl came from, I could feel the bond from the moment that she was born. During her birth, it was a full blood moon, the strongest of moons, I could feel its power despite being buried so deep. The second her infant cry rent the air, announcing her birth, one of the three chains holding me bound loosened.

Today, under the light of the full moon I could feel, she released me from the second chain. I just had to wait a little while longer for her to complete the keys: Blood moon, full moon, new moon. When all the chains are gone, I will awake. And once I am free, I will destroy everyone that was involved in dooming me to this accursed prison. It was the worst fate to be given to anyone. Being forced to slumber while your soul is still tethered to the earth so you are still awake but unable to do anything but think and wallow for years and years.

When I awake, the world will burn.




It has been almost two years since I left the Brookstone pack and never returned. I ran all the way to the Grenshaw pack, my mother’s original pack before she was mated to my father and moved to the Brookstone pack with him. My grandparents had welcomed me with open arms. For several weeks after my arrival at Grenshaw, I did nothing but cry or stay in my room all day long. I only ate, showered or spoke, because my grandparents forced me to.

They were always there for me and eventually, I began to come out. The Alpha respected my need for privacy and didn’t immediately demand an audience with me to know my purpose for visiting the pack as was customary, because my grandparents vouched for me. My grandparents were honorary members of the Grenshaw pack so their Alpha respected their word.

He hadn’t been there during my failed mating ceremony at Brookstone, but I got to find out that his son had been in attendance that day and had relayed everything that happened to his father. I was allowed to stay in the pack for as long as I wanted, but I knew that it was mostly because they knew I was a white wolf, a fact that I now hated in more ways than one.

It made me stand out too much when all I had wanted to do was fade into the background and not be seen. Alas, my fate had been decided before I was born. Everyone said the Grenshaw pack flourished because of my presence, I think it’s really all a coincidence and they’re just crazy.

I sighed as I stepped out of the house I shared with my grandparents. It was still very early and the sun hadn't come up yet, but training was in about an hour and I needed to do my daily run before it started. I joined the Grenshaw pack warriors to start training about six months after arriving here. It was after my wallowing phase, when I decided to stop feeling sorry for myself or taking blame for things that weren’t my fault. I decided to get my life together and training was a way for me to do that. I was faster now, and stronger, and I’ve learned how to kill anyone with just five moves.

Training was more strenuous than usual but no one complained. We knew what we were being prepared for. For the past few weeks, A rogue Alpha has been invading and ravaging different packs. No one knew what pack would be next on his list and from the rumours going around, he was really strong, so strong that no pack has been able to defend themselves against him and his rogues. We were planning to be the first to defeat him, that’s why we were training so hard. Personally, I had a dagger with the Alpha’s name on it. I am building a good life here and his rampage is threatening to destroy it all, so I would destroy him. No one will ever call me weak after that.

I yelped as someone lifted me off the ground from behind.

“Raed! You scared me.” I laughed as he dropped me.

I turned to face him and smacked his chest. He smiled at me,

“The temptation was just too hard to resist. You were just standing there, staring into space. What were you thinking about?”

I sighed.

“Killing that damn rampage rogue.”

“Hey, stop worrying, we’ll get him, okay?” He tucked the loose strands of my curls behind my ear and wrapped his arms around me .

He kissed me and I melted into his touch, he knew just how to calm me down. Raed and I had been dating for a year now, and we had just decided to get mated. He insisted that he wanted to meet my parents first and get their blessing before we went ahead with the mating ceremony, even though I told him that I didn’t think they would even care. Maybe my mum would care, but my father definitely wouldn’t. I left years ago, and no one even bothered to come find me. I sent a letter back to them after a year just to tell them that I’m alive, I expected a reply but I got none. I took the hint, Raed apparently didn’t. And I had heard from the Grenshaw pack Alpha’s son that Tyler had won the Alpha challenge that day. I was sure that we wouldn’t receive a warm welcome now that he was the pack Alpha. I tried to dissuade Raed again.

“Raed, please, we don’t need to go back.”

“Ady, we’ve been over this. Yes, we do need to. You act like you don’t care, but I know you, and I know that you want to see your parents despite what they did to you years ago. Staying away will always keep you wondering, wondering why they didn’t come find you, why they haven’t replied to your message, wondering if they would have come if we invited them. The what if’s will haunt you, Ady, and I don’t want that for you. I’m giving you a chance to get closure.” He said and I sighed.

“I know, Raed, I just…. it’s been so long.”

“I’m here, you won’t be going alone. We’ll do this together.” He said as he kissed my forehead.

I wrapped my arms around him to absorb his warmth, hoping it would be enough to soothe my raging storm in my mind.

I didn’t know why I was so unsettled. I just felt deep down that something would go wrong if I went back. Raed said it’s just my fear, and I hope he's right. I really hope it’s nothing more than that.

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