
Chapter 6

I woke just outside my small hut, naked and cold, my entries body burning in agony from the changing. I hated the pain of the  morning after, but waking up alone and scared was the worst part of all. I couldn’t handle the feeling of solitude any longer as I pulled myself from the ground, a strange scratch showing allow my lower chest. Had I gotten into a fight?

Shaking my head in anger I stumbled into my hut, quickly moving towards the spare pair of clothes in the corner, why must I always wake with no clothes? Surely that was the worst part of the transformation, waking in the nude where the whole pack could see my virtue. The pain I had gotten used to, but I could never grow used to being naked in the middle of the village; that was too much.

 Truthfully I couldn’t decide what the worst  part was, all I knew is that I hated everything about the transformation

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