
Chapter 5: Liam’s Tattoo

Moreover, that tattoo appeared to have been there for quite some time, deeply etched into the skin, unlike a recent addition.

If Wendy's statement held true, then 0825 must be the birthday of someone special to him! After all, Suzy was aware of Liam's birthday; it fell in April. In contrast, the birthdays of the Park Group Chairman and his wife, who were Liam's parents, both fell in July.

Of course, it had no connection to her!

Her birthday was on November 14th.

None of those four numbers aligned with hers.

Reflecting on it, the fact that Liam, a man so reserved to his core, would engage in such a wild and somewhat immature act as getting a tattoo, suggested he must be deeply in love with someone.

Suzy suddenly regretted acting impulsively the previous night. Why hadn't she thought to ask whether Liam was single? Liam might be attractive and possess impressive capabilities, but due to her strong sense of morality, she wouldn’t want to get involved with someone else's man, no matter how exceptional he might be.

"Wendy, do you happen to know whose birthday falls on August 25th among Mr. Park's associates?"

"How could I possibly know that? Our FortuneWave company is just a branch of the Park Group, and we already dominate 70% of the domestic investment market. Liam is the CEO of the entire Park Group! I have no right to pry into his personal affairs!"

Suzy fell silent.

Having no right to know didn't mean she didn't have some information.

Suddenly, Wendy recalled something. it appears that Sophia Burns, the Chief Lawyer at Park Group, celebrates her birthday in August. I've looked through her CV; she's an elegant and affluent individual. She even garnered attention on social media when she joined Mr. Park at an event. Let me find a photo for you!"

"No need," Suzy promptly interrupted.

Based on this information alone, she could already imagine a sweeping romantic saga of a wealthy family.

It's no wonder Liam had been so cold and strictly professional in his conversation today, maintaining a distance and not leaving any room for her pride. He probably worried she might say something inappropriate, deliberately portraying themselves as less acquainted to others. By creating that impression, even if she did make a mistake, no one would believe her.

Indeed, occupying the CEO position must come with quite a few strategies.

After ending the call, Suzy returned to her room, quickly freshened up, changed into comfortable attire, and then opened her computer to organize the data for the new project. With her mother's high monthly medical bills, she had no time for thoughts of romance.

Her fingers danced across the keyboard, typing rapidly, completely oblivious to her phone, which had been set to silent and had lit up several times.

It wasn't until Suzy was utterly exhausted, planning to tackle the rest of her work tomorrow, that she noticed her phone had three missed voice call requests from Liam four hours ago, along with one unread WhatsApp message.

"Reply to me when you’ve woken up."

What might he be after from her?

He most likely wanted to either warn her not to speak carelessly or maybe offer her money to keep quiet. If she took that money, it would be no different from selling herself.

Suzy hesitated for a moment, then texted, “Let's pretend last night never happened, and I won't speak a word of it.”

However, almost immediately after sending the message, she had a change of heart and removed Liam's WhatsApp contact from her list.

Maybe this would put his mind at ease.

She set her phone aside and drifted back to sleep, but her rest was interrupted by a call from Desmond. “You need to hand over the project contract to Anna.”

“Mr. Shaw, I—" Before she could finish her sentence, he abruptly hung up, not giving her a chance to respond. Suzy had no option but to get out of bed and search her luggage, but no matter how hard she looked, she couldn't find that folder anywhere! She distinctly remembered going over it when she first arrived at the hotel!

Suddenly, a sense of dread washed over Suzy. This was a serious problem. It must have been that frantic morning when she left the contract behind in room 1501, and Liam must have found it!

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