

Dribble, dribble…….

‘Fuck!’ I thought failing miserably in scoring. I had been in the gym the whole day. Well not the whole day but I kind of was. I gave up, sat down on the bleachers with my hands on my head I huffed frustrated.

‘I swear I heard someone say they wanted her, and that she’s the one but who. I don’t get it how and who because there were no words being exchanged, in fact it seemed the noise died down. Anyways, it cannot be her right. I mean that lady right there can’t be more than twenty five years old. She looks young and clearly not Miss Johnson from my kindergarten. It’s a shame I never knew her name, I’m sure that’s her little sister, but why would her family be everywhere I go? This is confusing!’

I huffed and laid my head on the bleachers behind me looking at the roof still conflicted.

‘I mean why did I leave class? That was not her, I’m sure! It can’t be her. I mean her eyes were crescent black not seas blue.’

‘I need some

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