
Chapter Seven

Rihanna’s POV

"Why don't you come in?" David's words echoed in my mind, accompanied by a repugnant smirk on his cruel face.

What exactly was I supposed to do if I entered? Join the woman pleasuring him and perhaps chew off his dick?

My body throbbed with agony because of him. The twisted game he played with my life left me barely able to move, waves of pain coursing through me.

I stood defiantly at the entrance of the room, my eyes locked onto his, seething with anger and the deep-seated hatred I felt.

Heaven forbid I step into that room while he was exposed. Who knew what twisted ideas lurked in his mind? If he could hurt me with knives, he was capable of far worse, even rape.

"Leave us," He commanded the lady after a moment. In an instant, she hastily departed, passing by me outside the room.

He shamelessly rose from the bed, and I averted my gaze from his indecency, hearing a low chuckle escape him. I dared not look up until I was assured he was decent again.

"Sign this," he demand
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