
chapter 6

Chapter 6

  The whole scene was mesomorphic for any girl as he looked like a coiled cobra with many dangerous muscles, or like a lustful and seductive Porsche that could force anyone to eager for it.

  A scenery that would fascinate any woman.

  However, it was not his body that shocked her, because she had seen it the night before. But… Where had the wound been??!

  Eugene was holding the bandages in his hands, as if he had removed them a moment ago, however the wound had no trace on his body, as if it was removed alongside the bandages. Just like some sticker on his abdomen that had been ripped away.

  She scanned his body from up to down in search for the wound she had sewed the night before, however she could find it no where.

      “Eugene…” she murmured as her voice trembled “Where…”

  All of sudden her voice muted as she covered her mouth with the palm of her hand. She could feel nauseated staring at him, as if her stomach was churning and attacking her from the inside.

  She clutched at her belly and mouth as her eyes widened showing more white. Her eyes could not form any tears, as if they had frozen deep inside.

  Her hands were trembling as a past event popped into her mind, reminding her of an old memory that kept showing her fearful nightmares.

      “Where is what, little Lydia?” mocked Eugene as he grinned widely, showing his bare fangs. “Ah, where is my wound? Healed!! Hahahaha!!!!”

  Her breath tightened as she could remember her mother slaughtered and being eaten alive. Her screams were ringing and echoing in Lydia’s eras, as if the same scenario was playing again.

  She ushered her eyes shut, as the plate of food and water dropped onto the floor, and screamed all of sudden: “Haa!!! I will kill you!!!”

  All of sudden, she could feel her hands paralyzed and pressed with a powerful stamina. Her body was stuck to the wall as Eugene cornered her in the nook of the cabin. He clutched at both of her arms with one hand and pummeled the other one on the wall next to her head.

  His shirtless rocky chest was rubbing her breasts, as he could feel their jiggly pump and she could feel his sturdy body. He overpowered her heart, mind and body with his charms and strength. He was one of her divine dreams and hellish nightmares.

  She felt lost…

  She had no way to escape, she was cornered by him from every side. The memory of her mother was playing again and again in her head as she felt her heart warning to stop any moment. Her limbs loosened and she could fall into the ground if he was not holding her tight.

      “Were… Werewolf…” she whispered as she sighed her last breath before she would faint for seconds.

  She opened her eyes again, facing his eyes in front of her. Silvery. So silvery they were, as if they were two shining moons, or maybe a couple of twinkling gems.

  His long nails, piercing through her skin, made her believe that everything around her was reality and not a mere nightmare. Not one of her usual nightmares. His fangs, his smell, his nails, and his power, all were reality.

  His hot breath on her face made her imagine what her mother had felt at that night. And what she imagined next was the method of her upcoming death.

  She closed her eyes, sighed her last breath, relaxed her limbs and gave in to his power. She was already dead from the inside, so it would never matter if she was eaten next.

  All of sudden, she pulled one of her arms from his tight grip and grabbed the knife from the ground. Alongside the plate of food, she put a knife and fork. So, after she dropped the plate, the knife fell towards the corner of the cottage, next to her.

  She grabbed the knife with the speed of a lightening and scratched his right cheek lightly with its tip. Even though it was a powerless attack, however she could free herself from his body cage as he was startled.

  Blood drippled down from the small scratch on his face, he could feel the gentle power in that fragile woman, which arose his eager to tease her. Her resistance and her angry face could his heart beat hastily with any reason.

  He swiped at the blood on his face with the tip of his thumb and licked it slowly with his tongue. Then, he took a deep breath and promised to entertain her with fear.

  Then, all of sudden, Lydia fell on her knees in front of him, without being able to hold on her body anymore. Involuntarily, Eugene rushed towards her and leaned her body to his.

  Holding her tight, he could feel how light and thin she was, as her waist felt like a piece of straw on his board-wide body. He was sure that she was suffering from hunger and foodlessness, especially that she had been offering her food to him for two days.

  Without her father around, she would become so weak and unhealthy, since her stepmother and stepsister always torture her in inhumane ways. She was suffering deeply, yet she could offer him safety, care and peace… “Ridiculous…” he thought.

  Growl… Her stomach echoed some growling noises in the empty cottage, that even the little insects could hear the sounds of her hunger.

  In his arms, he could feel her body cold and shivering, however he was sure that it was not winter making her shake like that, but rather the deep fears in her memory.

      “I do not know what made you frightened like that…” he murmured “However, you have fought well…”

  Her resistance and fighting features could dig into the dust of his ancient memories, reminding him of a smile he had once adored, a face he had been addicted to and a woman he had always loved…

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