

I went to follow James out to the ambulance. As Marina’s caretaker and James’ wife, I felt a duty to be there, but he turned abruptly, causing me to bump into his chest, “You’ve done enough already. Can’t you see that?” he growled, turning and slamming the door in my face.

He rode in the ambulance with Marina while I stood plastered in the spot he’d left me in, wondering what to do. Chewing my bottom lip, I stared at the closed door feeling empty inside.

I’ve done everything he’s asked. Three years I’ve made sure Marina had the best care. Three years I’ve carefully followed every one of James’ requests, attempting to show him where my heart was.

I wasn’t about to throw all of that hard work in the trash.

 I rushed down to the garage, where our driver stood posted, “Mr. Green, I need a ride to Saosin Medical. Please.”

He nodded, walking over to one of the cars, and opening the rear door.

The drive was silent, outside of my racing thoughts.

If James thinks I had anything to do with what happened to Marina, he vowed to make me pay. What if she dies? Or the doctors say her condition will never get better? On the other hand, what if she wakes up? What happens to me then?

Will James just throw out our sacred vows and the last three years for her?

I chewed on my bottom lip until the taste of copper filled my mouth.

Barely waiting for Mr. Green to place the car in park, I tumbled out of the backseat, running into the familiar hospital, “Dr. Wood,” one of the nurses furrowed her brow, “Your husband just came in here with a woman by ambulance,” but I stopped her from continuing, “What room?”

Her eyes widened as she rushed back behind the desk, typing away on her computer, “Room 1272, Floor three.”

“Thank you,” I shouted, running towards the steps. The elevators wouldn’t be fast enough. James was probably already seething knowing that it had taken me this long to get here.

I was supposed to be Marina’s caretaker. Her live-in doctor.

He would find this inexcusable.

My breath came out in pants as I reached the door to the stairwell. Pushing the door with my shoulder, I rushed down the hall, past the bustling of other doctors and nurses until I arrived at 1272.

Without thinking, I burst into the room, “James,” I called out, “How is she?”

It felt as if I’d been punched in the gut when he turned towards me with glassy green eyes and a relieved smile, “She’s awake.”

My throat closed in on itself when I glanced to the left, seeing the same pair of white-blue eyes that hid behind heavy lids for the last three years staring back at me with a confused expression, “Who is she?”

“I’m his...” but James shot me a glare that had me snapping my mouth shut, “This is Rosa. She’s been your personal caretaker while you were stuck in your coma.”

My mouth dropped open at the fact that he wouldn’t introduce me as his wife.

The doctor walked into the room, interrupting the tense moment.

“Dr. Wood, lovely to see you here. Your husband was just updating me on how well you’ve tended to Marina over the years,” Dr. Orth placed a hand on my shoulder, “You have expedited her healing process. I’m pleased to let you know that after a few minor tests, your friend here will be headed home.”

Marina cleared her throat, staring at me with the same intensity that James had, “Did you say husband?” Her eyes moved between James and me.

The corner of my lip curled into a smirk, and I spun the ring on my left hand. Her eyes spotted the movement, and I could see she was fighting a snarl.

“James, what is this about?” she fluttered her stupid, perfect lashes at him, tilting her head to the side for a dramatic effect.

Everything about her was flawless, even after being trapped in a coma for years. Her long, dark hair remained straight and shiny. Her porcelain skin was flawless, void of wrinkles, acne, or freckles. Her body somehow maintained perfection, despite only moving when I manipulated it over the years.

Everything about me was the opposite.

I had dark blonde hair, streaked with soft highlights. My skin held a darker hue, dotted with freckles along the bridge of my nose and tops of my cheekbones. I wasn’t overweight by societal standards, but I wasn’t thin either.

Everything about me was simply.... average.

James turned towards Marina, reaching out to caress her cheek, “I’ll explain everything when we get home. You should rest so that we can celebrate later,” his cheeks pulled up like he was smiling at her, “You’ve finally come back to me.”

Marina looked relieved as she ate up every word that I silently wished was for me.

“You’ve changed so much,” her shaky hand reached out, running a finger along his jawline.

“Just a little stubble, and maybe a wrinkle or two,” he leaned forward, gently pressing his lips against hers. His eyes were closed but hers found mine across the room.

My fists balled at my sides as anger bubbled just beneath my skin. The urge to rip him from her arms forced me to close my eyes and take a deep breath.

Dr. Orth knocked before popping his head through the door, “Mr. Wood, I’ve come by to grab you and head to the conference room and discuss Marina’s at home care moving forward. Dr,” he addressed me, “Would you enter in her final vitals and make sure she uses the bathroom?”

“Of course,” I forced the words out of my mouth, not interested in another moment of taking care of this woman.

James pinned me with his eyes, like he knew what had just crossed my mind.

The moment he left the room, Marina spoke up, “I don’t need your help. Nor do I want it.”

“It is my job,” I gritted my teeth, “And James is very insistent that you have the best care.”

She began to stand on her own, but her legs shook, “And you think you’re the best care?” Marina scoffed.

Rushing to her side, I looped our arms together, despite her bad attitude and condescending comments, “Yes. I have been your sole caretaker for three years. Don’t make this harder than it has to be.”

She mumbled something under her breath that I didn’t catch as we made it into the bathroom, “You can leave now.”

“I can’t leave you alone. You could pass out on the toilet.”

“Get. OUT,” she leaned over, pushing the door so that I was forced to step back or get hit with it.

Stay calm, Rosa. She’s a bitter woman who just spent the last three years in a coma. It’s only slightly personal because your husband, who is also her lover, married you while she was sick.

The toilet flushed and after the sink ran for a moment, the door was pulled open, “See,” Marina quirked a brow, “I don’t need you. And as soon as James sees that, he’ll get rid of you too.”

She smirked as she took a step forward, but her legs gave out. I managed to break her fall, but the IV machine came crashing down on my face. My forehead felt warm and damp, but my arms were pinned under me with Marina resting atop my body.

“What is going on here?” James’ angry voice startled me as the weight of Marina’s body was removed from mine.

My fingers moved to my forehead and when I pulled them away, they were stained with fresh crimson. A steady throb pulsed from the split as I pushed myself up from the ground on my own.

“She’s incompetent, James,” Marina whined, “It is clear that we won’t need her services any longer. She can hardly stand to help me to the bathroom.”

James was holding Marina, but his eyes lingered on me. The anger that he’d originally felt coming into the room appeared to have morphed into concern now that he’d seen my wound.

 His nostrils flared as he stared, before blinking rapidly and turning away.

“I want you to divorce her,” she hissed under her breath, but I heard her loud and clear.

I watched James in the mirror. His body turned rigid as he stood between Marina and me.

My heart sank when I saw the look in his eyes. Despite everything, never in the last three years would I have thought he would consider a divorce. But I know that look because I know James.  

That short-lived hope was crushed into dust and blown away into the abyss.

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