

Kira was yanked up from the floor. she felt herself being lifted and a pair of arms wrapping around her. she began to struggle once more, she had earlier thought that she had accepted her faith by now, but she was still a wolf after all and she wouldn't go down without a fight. 

" quit struggling, I am trying to help you " Shane growled out in annoyance as the woman in his arms began to kick him. her eyes were still closed, and she refused to open them as if not seeing anything would make her feel any better about herself situation. Shane doesn't know why he had reacted in such a way. he doesn't know why he was helping this girl at all. he was nicknamed the Silent Beast because he was always nonchalant about violence. someone could be killed right in front of him and Shane wouldn't show any reaction. it wasn't the first time he had encountered a woman being raped before, his brother happily took part in such actions. and yet he never got himself involved in any of that. so why did the urge to protect this girl suddenly overtake him? he doesn't know it himself. All he knows was that he doesn't want all those alpha laying a single finger on this luna.

Kira opened her eyes to look up at the man who was holding her. she was met with Shane's red eyes. she was slightly taken aback by his incredible good looks. his light yellow hair looks as bright as the sun, his complexion is immensely pale which seems rather odd for an Alpha. he wasn't as muscular as all the Alphas in her Pack, but she could tell he was strong just by the tight grip he had on her arm. Kira who had never left Blood Moon Park before had always thought that Killian would be the most handsome man she would ever meet. but looking at the man in front of her, she couldn't even bring herself to compare him to Killian, the difference was too big. if she hadn't just almost gotten raped then she would have felt flattered at his proximity

the luna was hyper-aware of the alpha's close presence. she wanted nothing more than to struggle and free herself, she didn't want to stay in this place any longer and wanted to return to her pack. but she was still pretty much surrounded by Alphas, although none of them approach her for some reason. maybe it was because of the man in front of her, he didn't look as dangerous to Kira, but then again she might not be a very good judge of character. he was just holding her and staring down at her as if he was trying to figure out something, he held her firmly and yet didn't make any action to abuse her as the other alpha had. Kira was scared shitless but she was still afraid of pulling away in case she might anger her Savior. was he even a Savior? for all she knows he could be trying to rape her just like the others

" walk," the alpha said as he turned around and started walking away. he had let go of her, it would have been a good opportunity to run away, but then again where would she possibly go? Kira found herself running after him, fearing that if she lost sight of him then she would be left in the hands of those savages once more. they were already looking at her with those grinning expressions of theirs that were filled with evil intent. she figured that they were too afraid of that blonde-haired alpha to attack her at the moment. but it didn't mean that they would let her go so easily. any slight opportunity and Kira's life would be in danger. maybe there was a sort of hierarchy system in this place, maybe the alpha who had saved her was some kind of gang leader or something? why else would the others fear him. but the most important thing at the moment was finding out what exactly this person plan to do with her.

" where are you taking me?" Kira asked. he was leading her through the hallways, more Alphas were lined up observing their every movement. they all had something in common with each other, they were all alphas, and they all looked at Kira like they would jump her at any moment, it sent shivers down her spine. only the blonde-haired Alpha in front of her hadn't looked at her in such a way. it was why Kira had agreed to follow him so willingly. even if he was planning to rape her, it would be a lot better than being gang-raped to death by those alphas

how had she gotten to this point exactly? her entire body was aching and she felt very light-headed. she had scratches and bruises all over her body where those Alphas had clawed her clothes off. Kira only seemed to realize at the moment that she was only in her underwear. her t-shirt and jeans haven been ripped off. she felt like crying but was too scared to do so. she didn't want to offend the person who had saved her. if not because of him she wouldn't know what would have happened. 

"Who did you kill? how many people? "

" What?" Kira was surprised when the person in front of her suddenly spoke up. she hadn't expected him to ask her such a strange question. " I didn't kill anyone. why would you ask that? "

Shane suddenly stopped walking, which caused Kira who had been following behind him to suddenly bump into him. he turned to look at her with a sinister expression on his face. there was  annoyance as well as irritation in his eyes as he glared at Kira. " You didn't kill anyone?" Shane had been locked up in this damn place for 6 years now, and never had he encountered a female being brought here. The Mad Pact wasn't such a place where small criminals were brought. only those who committed crimes that were considered too inhuman or a threat to other packs were brought here. so for a female Luna to be brought to a place like this, it meant that she must have committed something even worse than an Alpha. and yet this girl dared to say she didn't kill anyone. maybe it was genocide she had committed, but she shouldn't have the guts to deny it. " do you not know where this place is? do you not know what kind of people are brought here? "

Kira went silent as she pondered the question. she thought back on all the alphas she had met before and how violent and sinister they were. they were even willing to rape her out in public, and no one had interfered. it made her question the idea of whether or not this was a school. if it was, maybe it was a school for psychopaths. but even psychopathic schools should have some level of decency and security right? where are all the teachers? how come no one had interfered? and was she maybe the only luna in the entire School?

" a school right?"

Shane's lips tilted up in an amused smirk. a school? this woman said it as if she truly believed it. how couldn't she possibly know what the Mad Pact was as if she had been sent here? " who did you kill?" he asked once more.

" I didn't kill anyone! why do you keep asking me that? my alpha said this was a school for prestigious students, but I suddenly got here and almost got raped! what is happening?! " Kira's eyes watered. the tears that she had been trying to hold back before now poured down her face. she was feeling too disgraced and helpless, and it made matters worse because she didn't even know what was going on. where exactly was she? how was she supposed to get out of there?

Shane's smile dropped when he saw Kira's reaction. he didn't expect her to suddenly start crying, the pain in her eyes seemed rather sincere. it was like she truly didn't know what was happening. but he didn't understand how that was possible. being sent to the Mad Pact was like a life sentence itself. it was decided by the council of Lycans whether or not an alpha deserved to be sent here. no one could just be sent to the mad pact without the Lycan King's permission. so how then was it possible for someone to be sent here by accident? Shane became curious. this was the most interesting thing that has happened to him for as long as he could remember. he wanted to see just how this matter was going to end.

" Come along " he turned around once more and started walking. Kira followed behind him in confusion, she wiped the tears from her face.

" Where?"

" you want answers, don't you? there is only one person that can give you that "

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