
Chapter Twenty-eight


Shee was surprised by what I have said. She stopped at her intention to jump from the rooftop. I took my eyes off herand walked towards the railings she also clings to now. I looked down at the chin and saw it was too high. Whoever jumps here will surely die, there is very little chance of surviving.

“I don't understand you, you stopped me earlier from jumping and now you're making me jump? You are unbelievable, seriously,” she said.

I chuckled. “You can now jump. I don't really care if you want to commit suicide. You are just one of my annoying classmates, you are also not important in my life. So why would I stop you? Don’t feel so important.”

“I will really jump, Xienne. And I will forever haunt your conscience once I’m already dead,” she hissed. I just shrugged my shoulders because of her remarks. “Mark my words!”

I laughed at her so hard that my stomach hurt at the laughter because of her. There was a look of annoyance on her face. I think s

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