
Chapter 22 Five Supernaturals and I


I started to laugh. "I have to admit. I almost believed you back there." I hit his forehead. "You sounded so serious."

Nate narrowed his gaze and leaned forward. His eyes did not leave mine for a second. "I'm not lying."

I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah. And I'm a mermaid. Watch me flip my tail." I scoffed.

"I thought she was human!" The twins sounded surprised. Ace hit them over their heads at their stupidity.

"He's telling you the truth." I turned my head to look at Fred. Curious was I since he started to take sides with Nate on his jokes. I only raised an eyebrow at Fred, then turned to Nate accusingly and glared.

"What did you feed him?" I crossed my arms and stared straight at Nate.

"I didn't feed them anything! I'm just telling you the truth. Believe me." Nate said.

"Oh yeah? Then what are you guys then if Nate is a vampire?"

"Dan and I are wolves." Ren answered. "Fred is a warlock and Ace is an Elf."

Santa's helper says what?

I roamed my eyes at each and every one of them. They all have the same hard look on their faces as if they wanted to take a dump. That was why I couldn't stop the laughter that erupted from me. I backed away and sat on my bed as I continued to laugh. Tears had formed in my eyes so I started to wipe them away with my finger. When I looked up, they still had the same look on their faces.

Wiping the last tear from my eyes I grinned at them. "As fun as that was I think we have had enough jokes for this morning."

"You still think we're joking?" This time, it was PRINCE Ace who spoke. It was the first time that he had spoken since he came back to my room.

"Why else would you tell me such stories?"

"Because it's the truth." I was caught off guard when Fred had taken the spot to speak. "Remember yesterday when you had a sprain on your foot?" He asked.

I raised an eyebrow at him, wondering where this was going. "Yeah. But I could be imagining it. Nothing is there now."

Lies. I felt the pain of it yesterday.

"That's because I healed it." I stopped and tried to process what Fred had just said. Healed it? As in first aid? Is he a red cross in training? Well, if they have one in this world.

Ren looked at Nate with a tired look. "I think she needs proof." Nate nodded at Ren before looking back at me. He gave me a smirk. He moved in a blur that my eyes couldn't seem to follow. He moved so fast that I had to blink several times to make sure that I was seeing right. I gasped in surprise when Nate had his face close to mine.

But that was not the reason that made me uncomfortable.

It was his teeth. They were sharper and elongated. Pointed like needles that could easily pierce your skin.

I saw Nate leaning down on and exposed his fangs. "Still don't believe me?" He whispered.

Out of curiosity, I poked Nate's exposed fangs.

Making sure that he was not bluffing. Sure enough, it was real.

And that's where I lost my consciousness.


I woke up with a start. I was in my room, lying on my bed. I brushed the hair that had fallen on my face and looked around. The princes were standing by my bed staring at me. I gave each of them a curious glance as I took their appearances. I don't have to be a detective to know that something has changed on their features.

I first looked at Ren and Dan who both have snouts like a wolf. "My, what big nose you have." I suddenly said as I eyed them.

Oh and is it me or do my voice just echo?

"The better to smell you, my love." Both said at the same time. I raised an eyebrow at them before I turned to Nate.


"My what big teeth you have." I commented as I examined his canine teeth.

"The better to eat you, my love." Nate flashed me his sharpened canine teeth which sent shivers down my spine. Making me look at Fred next.

"My what pretty eyes you have." I said to Fred as I looked at his bright blue eyes which were now glowing.

"The better to see you, my love." Fred then winked at me. Which is more of an action that Nate would do and not Fred.

Something is definitely wrong here. I turned my gaze to the last prince.


"My what big ears you have." I eyed Ace's ears. They became longer and sharper making his features more fine and detailed.

"The better to hear you, my love." Ace smiled at me.

Ace smiled.

Which only leads to one thing. This is not real. Ace never smiles at all. And I am pretty sure that he won't be smiling after I made that comment about his ears.

He'll kill me for that.

And saying 'my love?' This is a fake!

I looked up at Ace again. He was still smiling. A pure and genuine smile which added more charm to his features. Wait what was I thinking? Oh right.




"Rose! Wake up."

My eyes flew open and was met by Nate's green ones. "Why are you always the one who awakens me in my slumber?" I mumbled and wiped a hand across my face.

Nate chuckled. "That's because I want you to see something beautiful when you wake up."

"Then hide your face next time." I rolled my eyes and sat up. Just like in my dream, the princes were standing by my bed. The only difference is that they looked normal. No snouts, no fangs, no sparkly blue eyes, and no sharp and pointy ears.

But just to be sure.

"What big nose you two have." I said to both Dan and Ren. Immediately, they both turned and examined each other's faces.

I turned to Nate. "What big teeth you have."

"What?" Nate suddenly used his tongue to feel his teeth if they have, indeed, sharpened. Shrugging, I turned to Fred.

"What beautiful eyes you have."

Fred suddenly looked taken aback by my comment. "Why thank you...?"

Can't someone give me a proper answer so I can confirm that this really is the real world? I turned to the last prince who was crossing his arms and looking at me. I gulped.

I am counting on you Ace.

"What....big ears you have?"

Ace's eyes suddenly narrowed and became a murderous look. "You wanna die?" he said through gritted teeth. But despite Ace's treat I have managed to throw my arms to the air and cheer. I may look a little crazy but at least it was confirmed that I am in the real world.

Thank you, PRINCE Ace!

"It's real! It's real!" Then I stopped. Suddenly remembering something very important before I passed out. I froze and my gaze wandered at the princes.

It's real

This world.

It's all real.

I started to scream again. This time in terror. "It's all real!" I started to crawl on my bed and hid behind the sheets.

"You think this news about us not being human has affected her?" I heard Ren whispering to Dan.

"I don't know. I hope not." Dan whispered back.

"I think she's just upset?" Nate wondered.

"No one asks you, fangy!" Ren and Dan both said, resulting in more bickering from the two sides. I guess the whole story about werewolves and vampires not liking each other is, in fact, real.

"Hey princess!" The twins suddenly popped up beside my bed while I was deep in thought.


These two are wolves.

"Eek!" I screamed and threw a pillow at them. It hit them both on the head. Ren and Dan playfully feinted death.

"You guys are not really helping." Nate grumbled as he fixed his coat. He glared at the twins who only stuck their tongue out at him and made funny faces. As if a switch was flipped, Nate's eyebrow began to twitch in annoyance. When the twins didn't stop, Nate rolled his sleeves up and dived at the twins.

I stared at them when Fred suddenly approached me. "Are you okay?" He had a concerned look on his face. A typical Frederick look.

I didn't give him a proper answer right away.

A Warlock.

Fred's a warlock

The room became silent. For the very first time since I came to this world, I was speechless. I still have no idea what to make of their revelations. Sure, I took the queen's confession that she was a fairy the first time, but that was it. Only a fairy.

Not wolves

Not vampires

Not warlocks

Not elves

If these boys are princes, then the kingdom that they're ruling must be full of their...kind? Or species. Whatever you call them.

I quickly imagined Ren and Dan's kingdom full of furballs running around the castle. Smelling each other's butts as a greeting and running around the palace trying to catch their tail. Well that is creepy and disgusting, but a little cute in a perverted way. I imagine Nate and his people sharpening their fangs before they sleep instead of brushing them. Drinking blood from a champagne glass. Which made me wonder if they have a blood factory? Yuck. Fred making some kind of potion for spells. Probably something that involves shiny and sparkly liquids. Zapping someone's butt and healing injured animals. Now I'm just picturing Fred doing all those stuff. And Ace, well.....doing what elfs do. Gardening?

Realizing that I was not answering, Nate and hesitantly kneeled in front of me and held my hand. His eyes bore into mine and told me he was sorry. Despite being a vampire/bloodsucker/leech/flirt he was warm. "Hey. It's okay." He said. "You're frightened and shocked. We understand that. But I want you to know that, despite our nature, we wouldn't harm you or even inflict pain. I don't know what kind of books you read in your world to have a different perspective of us. We have some hints of what it is in your books in the human world. According to Ace-"

PRINCE Ace immediately glared at Nate. Making him roll his eyes.

"Excuse me. According to PRINCE Ace, he told us that most of the time, your kind considered us as evil and vicious." Nate frowned at that and continued to circle his thumb on the back of my palm. "I dare to disagree. You're a family here, Rose. You're safe with us. And as long as you're with us nothing bad will happen to you."

"I think you need to rest. Have this day away from your training." announced Fred. "Nate and I will talk to the queen. Rest well, princess. I will have the maids to deliver your meal."

Nate then leaned down and kissed my forehead. I flinched. I may be sulking but I still prefer having my personal bubble!

Nate must have noticed this because he gave me a sad smile before he and the others stood to leave. Ace looked back at me once before he and the others disappeared from my room.

Great. So now I'm in a supernatural world after all. There might be some other species out there far more dangerous. And I'm just a human, which makes me on the bottom of the food chain. But they haven't really done anything that could possibly harm me, right?

My meals were delivered in my room. Both breakfast and lunch and later on was dinner. It was kind of lonely to eat alone, but I also want some privacy and to feel secure in my room so I guess that's just fine.

It was getting late outside judging from the color of the sky. I slumped on my bed and I started to think. Then I noticed that they left the book that I was reading earlier. I remembered the look on Ace's face when he saw the book. The way he reacted and locked me up in my room to get the others. That was when they started to reveal their true selves. Maybe - just maybe - this book is some sort of history book? If it is then it could tell me everything that I needed to know about this world and what I'm about to face.

Getting up from my bed, I walked towards my table and reached for a chair. I sat down and flipped the book to the table of contents.

Now what? I ask myself

Now you look for a solution to your problem.

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