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The Luna Queen Book Review: The Bitchy Luna Queen and the Overbearing Alpha King

Creation time: Jun 5 2023Update time: Oct 12 2023335

The Luna Queen is a werewolf fantasy romance meticulously crafted by The Royal Lounge with 70 captivating chapters. Set in a world where humans have long ceased to exist, lycans reign supreme. Daphne Rosen finds herself unexpectedly selected by the Alpha King to become his Luna Queen, with him expressing a personal fondness for her. Within the pages of this novel, Daphne's curiosity will be unveiled as she seeks answers to why she was chosen, along with unraveling the Alpha King's motives and desires directed towards her.

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The author of The Luna Queen, known by the pen name The Royal Lounge, is a Nigerian-based writer prominent for their expertise in crafting romance novels. Alongside The Luna Queen, which is the subject of this review, the author has gained recognition for works such as The O'Connell Brothers and Not So Good with Bad Boys. While limited personal information about the author is available online, readers can connect with them through their Facebook page, The Royal Lounge Books.




The theme of this novel explores the individuality, social defiance, and unexpected connections of the main characters. Daphne's defiance against societal norms and her mother's expectations represents her individuality and non-conformity. While the challenges to existing power dynamics within the lycan classes and the exploration of social hierarchy highlight the theme of social defiance. Also, the development of a potential romantic relationship between Daphne and the Alpha King explores the theme of unexpected connections and the complexities of romantic relationships. Additionally, the novel touches on themes of self-discovery and acceptance as Daphne navigates her new role and reflects on her feelings and relationships.




Allow me to introduce you to the two main protagonists who shape the narrative of the novel:


Daphne Rosen

Daphne is a spirited lycan belonging to the Delta class. With her fiery personality, she exudes a rebellious and defiant demeanor, earning her the reputation of being unapologetically fierce. Daphne fearlessly challenges the authority of the Alpha King, Dwayne, displaying a bold and audacious attitude. Surprisingly, it is this very attitude that captivates Dwayne's attention, eventually leading him to select her as his Luna Queen.

Despite her brash exterior, there is more to Daphne than meets the eye, and as the story unfolds, readers will witness her growth, vulnerability, and the complexities that lie beneath her tough exterior.

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Dwayne Edwards

Dwayne is the Alpha King who has been residing within the walls of his majestic castle for over a century, yet his physical appearance remains that of a youthful twenty-year-old. Possessing unrivaled power, he is a ruthless and overbearing lycan, exerting dominance over a world where humans have long vanished. At the same time, the wolves now have the ability to transform at will. In an extraordinary gathering within his opulent ballroom, Dwayne calls upon all lycans for an assessment in search of the most suitable candidate to assume the role of his Luna Queen.


However, beneath his hardened exterior, there may be more to Dwayne than his commanding presence suggests. As the story unfolds, readers will have the opportunity to delve into his character and discover the layers of his personality, exploring his motivations and the depths of his emotions.

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Daphne defies her mother by wearing a black jumpsuit instead of a white dress in the castle where the Alpha King resides. She feels like an outsider among the well-dressed attendees and seeks out her father, a Delta, who reveals to her that the Alpha King is actually in search of his suited Luna Queen. Daphne's curiosity about the Alpha King grows as she unintentionally enters the Alpha section of the ballroom and causes a scene. During a confrontation between Daphne and an alpha named Emilia, the alpha king intervenes and orders Daphne's release, intrigued by her audacity.


The assessment process begins, and Daphne decides not to participate. Alpha King Dwayne eagerly awaits her arrival, drawn to her non-conformity. When Daphne fails to appear, he becomes further intrigued. After the assessments, he personally escorts Daphne to the stage, surprising everyone by choosing her as his mate.


As their relationship progresses, Daphne is shocked by the bond forming between her and Dwayne. They both acknowledge the connection, intensified by their scents. Daphne then realizes she cannot escape this bond anymore and admits her growing feelings for him. As she gets ready, she reflects on her changed life and recognizes that a bond has really formed. Daphne then questions her feelings, contemplating whether it's love or something else. She dismisses the idea of love but acknowledges her fondness for him. She likes him for his kindness and affection directed solely at her. Daphne realizes there is no turning back from the bond that has formed between her and the alpha king.

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Writing Style


The novel employs a concise and focused writing style, prioritizing the presentation of events and the portrayal of Daphne's emotional journey. The author's language is straightforward, ensuring readers can easily comprehend the plot's progression and grasp Daphne's innermost sentiments. Furthermore, this novel boasts a descriptive and immersive writing style that vividly paints the setting, characters, and unfolding events within the reader's mind. The author's skillful use of evocative language effectively generates a pervasive atmosphere of intrigue and tension throughout the story. Moreover, it delves into the protagonist's internal musings and emotional landscapes, granting readers valuable insights into Daphne's unique perspective and her inner struggle.


Final Thoughts


The Luna Queen is an enthralling fantasy romance that delves into the captivating dynamic between an assertive Alpha King and his spirited Luna Queen. This novel boasts a well-crafted plot, versatile characters, and an immersive writing style that will captivate readers from beginning to end. Beyond their brash exteriors, readers will discover the layers of these characters, witnessing a blossoming love story unfold as they navigate their intertwined lives as chosen mates.


If you're seeking a romance novel with a tough yet endearing protagonist, look no further. Experience the undeniable chemistry between Daphne and Dwayne, and allow yourself to be immersed in this heartfelt tale that will keep you eagerly turning the pages. So, read The Luna Queen by The Royal Lounge. It's a romantic journey you won't want to miss.




Q: What is The Luna Queen novel all about?

A: The Luna Queen follows the story of Daphne Rosen after she is chosen to be the Alpha King Dwayne Edwards's Luna Queen.


Q: How many chapters does The Luna Queen novel have?

A: The Luna Queen is a completed mature fantasy romance with 70 chapters.


Q: Who is the author of The Luna Queen?

A: The author who wrote The Luna Queen goes by the pen name, The Royal Lounge.

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