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I Will Never Be Yours in Context: A Critical Review

Creation time: Apr 11 2023Update time: Sep 5 2023597

I Will Never Be Yours is a completed werewolf love story. It is written by Melan Pamp and currently has 190.7k views at the time of this writing. It is composed of 170 chapters and has a high rating of 9.0.


The web novel tells the story of Selena, the Alpha's second-chance mate. Despite being the alpha's mate, Selena had to leave the Alpha's kingdom and her family and friends. She learned to survive on her own and was able to build up her life from nothing.


However, fate had other plans for her. One day, she was captured by the Alpha's guards not knowing her real identity. She was accused of being an enemy and was thrown into the castle's prison. She now faces the challenge of escaping without the Alpha knowing that she has returned and ultimately keeping her secrets from him.

Author Introduction


The author of the book is Melan Pamp, Unfortunately, there is no available public information about the author. We will update this post once data become available.


Novel Key Factors


Out of many web novels, we've read, I Will Never Be Yours truly stands out. This werewolf love story has a captivating storyline, memorable characters, and thrilling twists and turns.


If it's your first time reading a werewolf genre novel and wondering if this book is for your, we got you covered. We have already analyzed the book and listed the novel key factors so you can know more about it and decide whether it's a good read for you. Without further ado, let's get into it.




The story features different themes including love, power, and survival. It was also able to explore the theme of redemption and freedom. Moreover, the characters were able to show the theme of identity as they are able to develop their values and beliefs as the story progresses.




The main characters of this novel are Selena and Alpha Kian. Read on to learn more about these two characters.

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1. Selena


Selena is an innocent-looking woman with blue eyes. She is strong-willed and values her loved ones a lot. However, she was forced to leave them to keep secrets on which their lives depended.


2. Alpha Kian


Alpha Kian is the kingdom's king or ruler. He is a cold-hearted man and full of mysteries. He has a handsome face, distinct black hair, and a tall and muscular body.


Point of View


The writer used the first-person point of view to narrate the story. Each chapter features either the point of view of Selena or Alpha Kian. To our analysis, this point of view has been effective in conveying the thoughts of the main characters. It was also a great way to build an intimate relationship between them and the readers.


With this point of view, readers can relate to the characters more and remember all the important details of the story.




I Will Never Be Yours begins with Selena being banished by Alpha Kian from the kingdom and running away from the arrogant ruler. At present time, we see Selena captured by the king's guards. She was brought to prison for interrogation and torture. Kian saw her in the prison, yet he seemed to not remember her at all as she has no scent at all. As Selena gets tortured and gets near to passing away, Kian remembers her and saves her from the other men in the pack.


Despite saving Selena, Kian appears to be cold-hearted and refused to treat her accordingly as his mate. However, as the story progresses and as they are forced to face the challenges in the pack, Selena and Kian are drawn closer to each other.


Most Notable Dialogue


There are many impactful and painful dialogues in this novel. However, we believe that the two dialogues below are certainly the most noteworthy.


Selena's POV


He takes my chin in a firm grip and tilts my head up to look at him. He looks me deep in my eyes, sparks shoot out from his touch, and I gasp from the feeling.


"You are not my mate! And you never will be!"


In this part, we can see the arrogant nature of Alpha Kian. This was the time when he banished Selena from the kingdom. He depicted a cold-hearted and full of wrath ruler.


Selena's POV


"Nice to meet you again Mate!" I say and hear several people gasp in the room. I don't take my eyes off him and see shock all over his face.


"If you came to see me take my last breath, I won't disappoint you!" I say when I start coughing up blood. I know this is it!


My time is over.


This scene happened as the guards are torturing Selena and Kian remembers that she is his mate. This part of the story is when we start seeing how strong Selena is. She is a strong-willed woman and very capable of fighting and standing up for herself.


Writing Style


The author wrote the novel using descriptive and narrative styles. These writing styles allowed the author to tell the story's developments effectively and paint a picture in each reader's mind. Ultimately, we believe that the writer was able to convey all the necessary information and was successful in creating a lasting mental image of the story's scenes.


Final Part


In the final part of the bonus season, five years later we see Selena reunited with her friends in the pack and grilling some food. Their kids are playing around and having a lot of fun. However, Selena seems to be having some worry about her daughter's curse.

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