
Chapter Four

The morning sun was slowly making its way into the sky. But the day was not yet fully blown out. Every pack member was still in the comforts of their bed chambers. On a normal note, no noise would be coming from any part of the pack unless the abused Omega was doing her labored morning duties. But it was different this morning. The atmosphere around the whole pack was still yet dry and intense. Sophia was nowhere around the pack . So, the duties were still as they were. Ruckus' men paced through the environment with their eyes darting from corner to corner. They had not been able to get the tiniest amount of sleep through the night. All the shifts were active. After the little drama of the previous night, Ruckus wanted to make sure that there was no reason to be worried at the moment. Two guards walked into Sophia's attic and turned it upside down in search of the tiniest clue of what she might have planned before time. 

" Totally clean!" One said , sniffing through the rags that were littered there. 

" Same here." The other replied , pulling her mirror down . 

The cracking of glasses tore into the stillness of the night, sending a bit of shock and reason to be more tense to the guards outside. Was that a fight? No way! 

The chief guard stormed I to the attic with eyes wild open. 

" What was that sound?!" He asked with eyes filled with tension. 

" It was just the … mirror. " The guard stuttered. He knew he had messed up. " I.. broke it ." 

" Was that why you caused the noise?" The Chief guard asked, raising his hand to land a slap on the poor guard. 

His hand was mid-air when someone called his name. 

" Badmus. " 

He ceased the action and turned swiftly. It was one of the council members of his father, the alpha. 

" Good morning. What is the occasion of your visit?" 

" Ruckus needs you right now. " The elder said . " He demands you come at once. " 

" Got it. " Badmus replied. " Where should I meet him? " 

" He is right in his chamber. " The elder replied. " I believe you know the reason. Be cautious with your words. I have delivered my message. Have a good morning. " 

He turned and left. Badmus sighed and gnashed his teeth. Have a good morning? What was good about the already damned morning? Of course, he knew why Ruckus was calling him. Another reason to be troubled. All thanks to the miserable Omega girl that saw what she should not have seen. He glared at the guards . 

" And both of you should get busy with something." He said. " Miscreants. " 

With that, he walked away with one destination ringing on his mind. Ruckus was waiting for him. 

Ruckus was not exempted from the tension that had piled up in the atmosphere of the pack. He paced to and fro with a load of anxiety spiraling through his entire body. The people he had sent after Sophia were yet to be back from the chase. A knock landed on the door and an announcement was made. 

" Lord Ruckus, the chief guard is here and seeks your presence." 

" Let him in at once!" He shouted , walking over to a marble slab and leaning on it. 

The door opened and Badmus let himself in. With every air he breathed in, he could swear the tension was even heavier inside the chamber of Ruckus than it was out there. 

" Lord Ruckus, " Badmus said, not knowing what to expect," you sent for me. How may I be of help?" 

Ruckus scoffed at him. 

" What did you just ask me ? What did you say to me right now?" He glared at Badmus with eyes that wanted to kill. " How may you be of help?" 

" Apologies for my misconduct. " Badmus replied. " I must be tense. My anxiety took a better part of me. " 

" What anxiety?!" Ruckus yelled. " Are you more anxious than I am?! Where are the men you sent out? What is the update? Where is the damned Omega girl?! " 

Badmus could not bring himself to speak. The answers Ruckus was expecting were not in his hands. How on earth was he going to come up with answers? 

" I asked you a damn question, Badmus!" Ruckus said with greater fury. " Where is Sophia?! What happened to the boys you sent out there to bring her back?" 

" Lord Ruckus, " Badmus began in a very calm tone with his head tilted in a low but cowardly bow," there is no information regarding the men that we sent out last night. " 

Ruckus stroked his hair and became more restless. He walked away from the marble slab and came closer to Badmus. Badmus' heart pounded heavier now. 

" Tell me, Badmus. " He said. " Did you send out little female children to go and get Sophia?" 

No response came. .

" Are your men this incompetent that they have been going after a poor Omega girl that has multiple bruises all over body. Her healing has retarded through the months and years. How could she outrun your men? Or perhaps you connived with Sophia. Are you two in this together?" 

Badmus raised his head with widened eyes. 

" My Lord, how can you say such a thing? My loyalty lies with you. I have done and carried out your orders without mistakes. " 

" So, what is the problem right now? How can you convince me into believing that three men have not been able to get hold of a lowly girl that recently turned into an adult? How will you do that?" He paused for a moment and thought. " Or perhaps they are already dead. " 

" Dead? I don't think so. " Badmus said. " I sent trustworthy people. My men are not weak . " 

" Then , bring me the little girl! How can—"

The remaining statements were cut off in mid-air. A knock landed on the door. 

" What is it this time?" 

" Lord Ruckus, the men that went to get Sophia are back. " 

Badmus and Ruckus exchanged eye contacts. 

" They are back. " Badmus said with a smile crossing his face. It seemed good news was already knocking. 

" Bring them here!" He ordered and glared at Badmus. 

Badmus understood the look. Ruckus was not in any mood to entertain the smiles that had crossed his face. Slowly, he replaced the smile with a serious look and entered into a state of wishing that it was really good news that those brats brought with them. 

Moments later, the voice brought the announcement. 

" Lord Ruckus, the men you summoned are here . Should I —" 

Ruckus cut him off. 

" Send them in. " Ruckus said and walked to a throne he had carved specially for his room. Without delay, he mounted it and stared at the door. 

The men walked in. On their faces was registered the look of disappointment and fear. Ruckus stared at them without speaking. The situation was obvious to him. They definitely did not return with the girl. 

" Where is .. where is the girl?" Badmus asked with a tone of frustration. " Is she out there?" 

Ruckus sighed. " Is it not clear enough to you ,Badmus? Do you still think they came back with Sophia? I doubt that. " 

" Speak up, fools!" Badmus said angrily. 

" I will speak on behalf of us. " One of them said. He had mustered the courage to speak. 

" I do hope you are not willing to die in their stead. " Ruckus said and smiled. " Where is Sophia? Is she dead already? If she is dead, I won't be mad. But at least, tell me she is dead. " 

" No. " Man replied.

" No?" Badmus asked. " No in what sense ? Be direct with your words. " 

 " Sophia is not dead yet. " 

" So, did you bring her back with you?" Ruckus asked, rubbing his palms together on the throne. 

" Lord Ruckus, she was difficult to get. " 

" That lowly girl had injuries that could not heal. " Badmus said. " How is it that you guys were not able to get her back?"

" I can't seem to explain it but she was too fast for an injured person. I know this does not make any sense at all. But it is the truth. We ran after her all night and could not get her. Not even for once did she stop. " 

" So, you are saying that the girl got away. " Ruckus said. " Am I right?" 

" Yes, Lord Ruckus. " 

" Badmus, I want the three of them beheaded before sundown. " 

Their eyes widened and they fell on their knees. 

" Lord Ruckus, spare us. " 

" Lord Ruckus, please show mercy. " 

" One more opportunity to prove our loyalty. " 

" You are getting no other opportunity." Ruckus said. " You could not catch up with that lowly brat!! Badmus!!" 

" My Lord!" Badmus responded. 

" I want these men dead before sundown! Am I clear?!" 

" Give us one more opportunity! Even if it means crossing into the deadly territory to find her. " 

Ruckus felt his ears twitch. Did he hear correctly?

" Cross into dead valley territory?" Badmus asked. " Did she cross our territory?" 

The men nodded fearfully. 

" If she did, " Ruckus said," then that means she is currently in the next territory. " 

" Yes. " 

" The territory next to us is the death valley. " Badmus chopped in. 

" Did you see her run into the death valley?" Ruckus asked. 

" We only stopped going after her when she crossed into the territory of that monstrous pack. " 

Ruckus could not help but smile . The fury he felt had faded away entirely. And now replaced with the cloud of ease and joy. Badmus felt the same way. At least, the chase was not entirely wasted. If they chased Sophia into the death valley, then that could be another good news. 

" Lord Ruckus," Badmus said," they chased Sophia into the death valley territory. I believe that should be a relief to you." 

" It would have been very good if they had brought back the lowly thing. But anyway, I presume she is dead by now. " 

" We also heard a loud howl moments after she crossed the territory of the death valley. " One of them said, feeling a bit reassured that their lives were no longer going to end soon. 

" Death valley. " Ruckus muttered. " I hope you do your duty well. " 

" Lord Ruckus, shall we still go on with the execution?" Badmus asked, hoping to hear something good. 

Ruckus rose from his throne and walked to where the men were kneeling. 

" Hmm. " He exhaled weakly. " I think I will spare them. " He stared at them for a while. " Get tye fuck out of my sight before I change my decision. " 

Within a split second, the men scurried away like raccoons under threat. 

" Badmus. " 

" Yes, Lord Ruckus." 

" What do you think I should do now?" 

" The case is already settled. Sophia must be dead by now. Even if she is not dead, she will remain a slave in that land of no return. " 

A knock came on the door. 

" What is it this time?" Ruckus scowled. 

" Your majesty, the alpha king has requested your presence in his throne room. " 

Ruckus sighed. " I expected as much. My father must be calling to discuss this matter. " 

" I believe so. " Badmus replied. " I think you should frame the death of the moon goddess on Sophia." 

Ruckus eyed him. Badmus was making sense. Soon , the bell will ring and the members of the pack will start rising to their day. 

" When everyone wakes up to the news that the moon goddess is no more, it will be devastating news to embrace. And it would likely stir up the people. " 

" Their opinions don't matter that much. " Ruckus said. 

" But they will look for who to blame. Someone to hate. You should give them one. " 

Ruckus smiled. The thought of it was refreshing. At least, if he could not get to punish Sophia as much as he wanted for seeing what she should not have seen, he would tarnish her image forever. 

Moments later, he was walking into the throne room to meet his father. 

" Ruckus!" The alpha king shouted his name. " What took you so long? " 

" Sorry, father. I have been busy with a couple of things. " 

" Busy with what exactly? Is this how you will run this throne's affairs in my absence? Always seeking for lousy excuses to refrain from duties when they matter the most. " 

" Sorry, father if I have kept you waiting. " 

Ruckus was not a good fan of his father. There used to be a time when they were close enough to share top secrets. However, matters began to change with time. Ruckus did not expect that at a time when his father should have left the throne for him to run the affairs of their pack, he was still gallivanting around it. Ruckus was already mature enough to take over. His father was already in control even before he got to his current age. Now, he is grown. But the old man did not want to leave. Since their first heated argument about succession, the alpha king has always tried to rule Ruckus out of the picture. But little did he know that Ruckus' appetite to take over the throne was about to eat him up. 

" Busy with the body of the moon goddess. " The alpha king said, sending the shock through Ruckus. 

No one knew yet. Was information leaking from his side? 

" How… how did .. you know that?" Ruckus asked. 

" That does not matter at the moment. How do you intend to fix this situation?" 

Ruckus stroked his hair. " I have a plan." 

" Had Sophia returned?" 

Ruckus recoiled. How did his father know Sophia was missing? 

" Answer me , urgently. " 

" No, father. But what is with this sudden concern about Sophia? What is the matter?"

" First of all, what will you do about the death of the moon goddess?" 

" Sophia witnessed it. " 

" What?" The alpha king asked , surprised. 

" Yes, father. I am putting the blame on her. The people need someone to hate. They already have one. So, I will make it easier for them. " 

" That's perfect. " 

The alpha king summoned an elder and passed the order to summon everyone to the palace. Ruckus could not stop wondering what was going on. 

" Ruckus," his father said," you are not the only one with secrets. " 

" What?"

" The moon goddess was not the only one that died last night." 

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