
9: Beginning of hell

"Welcome back Ethin!" The voice said.

All the hairs on Ethan's skin stood up in attention, his heart skipped a beat only to resume in a more faster pace, begging to be freed as it thumbed against his ribcage.

His feet were jelly when he slowly turned around just to be met with Flash's grinning face. Behind him were his little gang member. A red haired teen sat on his bed looking straight in his eyes with his amber ones, he looked more younger than Flash. A wolf was on his desk with a dark brown fur. Another with brownish fur came out from the bathroom.

They were now staring at him letting out low growls.

So overwhelmed by fear, Ethan didn't notice when he sprinted to the door but was yanked to the floor by Flash who delivered a kicked to his abdomen making him scream out, three more kicks followed with the same reaction from him.

Flash picked him up by his hair shoving him in the bathroom before he walked in, the boy with red hair also came in shutting the door behind him.

Ethan back away from them pressing himself on the wall. Flash pulled him up slamming his face lightly on the wall, but the force was just enough to make his nose bleed as he shriek from the impact.

Flash held him there pinning his hands behind his back forcefully hurting his joint in the process. He didn't try to struggle knowing it was futile.

"I'll be teaching you one good lesson. Ethin." Flash said with a lot of calm and amusement in his tone only making Ethan panic even more.

Flashed shoved him down hard and resumed the kicking, this time they were firmed and hurt! When he had stopped Ethan was curled in a ball with tears streaming down his face with his jaw clenched.

"I ain't done yet Ethin." Flash said as he turned to looked at his friend who was staring down at a helpless Ethan.

"That's enough Flash he is human." He mind linked his friend.

"Give me your belt." Flash simply responded.

"He is human! You'll hurt him, that's enough!"

"Walt!" Flash slammed the smaller body on the door his hand holding tight on Walt's neck. "I'll fucking decide when it's enough!"

Walt nodded while staring at Ethan who was now staring at them in horror. He slowly slipped his belt out of his loops helplessly.

"Be faster next time." Flash muttered to Walt's hearing as he shoved his face lightly.

He returned back to towering over Ethan enjoying the fear on his face.

"You're human, we won't like to break a bone. Let's go softly on you." Flash said while looking back at his friend then folding the belt in two, before grabbing a hand full of Ethan's dusty black hair making him yelp with his eyelids tightly shut from the enormous pain on his scalp while Flash pulled him up to his feet and bend him over the sink opening the tap.

Cold water poured down on the back of his hair, running to his face entering his nostrils and over his shut eyelids.

A shrill left his throat echoing in the bathroom as the tight leather came in contact with his back. From that one strike he knew his skin could probably be torn from so much force and badly bruised.

Flash didn't hold back on his strength and Ethan's continuous cries didn't tell otherwise, to Ethan it felt like been hit with an iron in an attempt to break his spin.

Flash could only derive pleasure from torturing the weak human, he continued till Ethan went numb over his hold, his chest was raising and falling in a rapid rate and it looked like he would pass out any moment if he continued his assault.

Flash threw the belt on the floor and Walt went to pick it slipping it back on.

"You know why I did this Ethin." He pulled a trembling Ethan back up. Forcing him to look up with a firm grip pulling his hair down so his head was tilted up.

"Don't ever mention this to anyone, including what you saw in the woods. And the lesson you gotta derive from this is..." He lean closer as Ethan flinched. "Eavesdropping is a big no. Ethin." He completed his sentence later pushing Ethan to the floor as he left.

Walt turned around to steal a glance at Ethan who was sobbing his eyes out. He then left along with his group.

Ethan laid on the bathroom floor, just crying to himself till he couldn't no more.

He used the wall to help himself up, leaning on the sink as he stare at his reflection on the mirror. A bleeding nose, wet messy hair, a slightly pink bruise from been pressed to the wall.

He slowly took off his vest wincing at the pain then unbuttoned his shirt, taking it off. The sight of blood at the back of his now off shirt made him panic.

He had never been so hurt physically, heck! he had never received a hit in years. The pain was new and totally agonizing his hands won't stop shaking his heart beat was slow.

He looked down at the bruises scattered across his abdomen, he turned around half way so he could have a looked at his battered back, the opened bruises were dense with dried blood and only looking at it made him dizzy, he used the sink to support himself. Then he reach back to feel the injury and winced as fresh tears pour out of his exhausted eyes.

He looked down at the tub and sigh. He hated water but if the injury isn't properly taken care of it might become infected. And he couldn't go down to the clinic, Flash had clearly stated no one must be aware. 

He moved to the shower turning it on as he took off his clothes and went under the water. When the warm water came in contact with his opened skin he groaned. He didn't have his glasses on so everything was totally blur.

He quickly got out and dry up only putting on a sweat pant. Then he looked around for the first aid box finally finding it, he started treating the wounds, it wasn't easy, each time he touch his inner flesh with the alcoholic substance it caused pinch like pain but he eventually made it through, deciding he would stay shirtless which was not like him.

Ethan spent the rest hours looking up what he saw on the computer and of cause he got information on them. But it was too weird, if the plant was on social media why isn't it equally in a book? He remembered reading about almost all the plants that exist but never about a certain 'Savage Murmotorn' he search for other animals on earth but he couldn't find anything on that instead he saw non existing ones.

He tried to check in on Dan and his school but nothing. It was so clear what didn't exist in this world was non existing. A sort of different universe.

He took out his notes and compared them to what was on earth. He had also noticed the laws of gravity taught in class was a little different, so was chemistry but not too different.

What is this planet? Or universe?

He took out the books he got from the library, only noticing everything was just different.

It made him even more confused. He needed answers to his now building questions.

When he had looked through the window the sky was dark. Ethan turned off his computer and slipped in bed been careful of his bruised back, he almost forgot about the pain.

Still under his covers, lights out, just him in the dark Ethan couldn't help but wonder in the past when he had people he could trust right by his side. He wished dearly that his granny was by his side he could've trusted her with his secret, with what Flash did and what he had seen in the woods. Just maybe if he could contact her he might.

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