
Unexpected Best Friend.

Elena's POV

Unexpected Best Friend.

It's the third day of college school, and my love for coffee hasn't wavered one bit. I'm a bona fide coffee addict, which probably explains why I work part-time at Relax Coffee shop. Today, like any other day, I couldn't resist the temptation of my usual hot cup of coffee. I mean, who can resist that delicious taste and the inviting aroma that fills the air?

I grabbed my hot coffee, thinking it would be my trusty companion against the raging cold weather of Minnesota. I was sporting a skimpy red gown, trying to emulate the sexy style of the other girls on campus. But as soon as I stepped out of the house, the cold breeze hit me like a ton of bricks, and the warmth from my coffee vanished instantly. I found myself rubbing my arms to generate some warmth, but I was already outside, so there was no turning back. My beloved hot cup of coffee had bailed out on me, I was betrayed.

As I got to school, I couldn't help but realize that I had made a fashion faux pas. My sexy red gown stood out like a sore thumb amid a sea of students donning sweaters, jackets, and jeans. I felt like the only one who hadn't received the memo about the weather change. I was supposed to look sexy, something I could swear, I was never, but even though I tried to be today, I turned out feeling odd, and out of place.

I walked very close to the walls, not only trying to hide from the cold now but also trying to hide from the preying eyes of students who might see me as odd. So, by the time I got to my class, I discovered that it was already packed, a far cry from what I had experienced on Monday. I quietly scanned the room, desperately seeking an empty seat in a place where I would not have to mingle much with people and also not be seen as an antisocial person. To my surprise, I spotted a familiar face waving and smiling at me. It was the cute boy who had kindly given me his pen on Monday. I smiled back at him and approached, and he tapped on a vacant seat beside him, whispering, "I reserved it for you." His smile revealed adorable dimples, and I wondered if he was trying to flirt with me.

I settled into the seat, acknowledging him with a casual "Hey, thanks, pen guy." However, his reaction was unexpected. He clutched his chest and contorted his face as though he'd been shot in the heart, almost making me panic, thinking he was having a heart attack. "So, after saving your ass the other day, all I get is a 'hey'? I was expecting at least some form of monetary appreciation or a cup of coffee," he teased.

I couldn't help but be amused by his sense of humour. I smiled and playfully bumped his shoulder. His reaction was utterly unexpected as he dramatically fell off his chair, causing everyone around us to stare in disbelief. The entire class turned to see what had caused the commotion, and I hurriedly tried to help him up. He was already causing a scene, and I hated to have the eyes of the crowd around me.

Whispering a shout at him, saying "What's wrong with you?" He responded with a mischievous grin, "Oh, and you're violent too? You want to kill me?" he said jokingly, At least I felt he was joking, I never punched him that hard for him to fall that way to the ground. I told him sorry, and he said no to me. He said I owe him a favour. And hearing cute boys like him say anything about a favour from a girl, then it's sex that they need, I look at his innocent looking cute feminine face, in my mind I was like "As innocent as you look, you want to fuck me." Typical of his gender. I looked him in the face and gave him a big fat no. "NO! I owe you nothing." I said to him, and he smiled with a wicked grin.

Being an introvert, I preferred to avoid attention, but it seemed like he was taking advantage of my discomfort. He seemed about to shout something when I used my hand to cover his mouth. But it was too late; we'd already garnered the attention of the entire class. The teacher paused but decided to continue the lesson. In my desperation to end the awkward situation, I reluctantly agreed to whatever he was about to suggest, even though in my mind, I was never going to keep to it. "I will, I will do anything, Please just stay quiet already," I said to him, I never intended to do anything for him, I'm not like those thirsty girls who will open my thighs for some cheap guy to crawl in just because he lent me a pen.

He now smiled and gave me a wink, I looked at him, only seeing dirty thoughts in his mind. Well, just when it seemed like all was going well. It felt like a rain of pens, this motherfucker emptied a full bag of pens on my desk, he literally made it rain on my desk, I looked at him seeing how he grinned at me, he was obviously having the best day of his life, he was indeed enjoying everything. I think this bully just found his new prey. I thought of what to do to him, to let him know that I am not the girl to pick on. But anything I do will help him to achieve his goal, which was getting the attention of the class, hence embarrassing me the more. So, I chose to stay calm, but deep down, I felt like biting his throat off.

After school, I headed home. I had no friends yet and no reason to linger at school. But as I walked, someone suddenly grabbed my hand and began dragging me. Startled, I turned to see it was the pen guy.

"What are you doing, pen guy?" I asked, trying to free my hand from his grip.

He replied, "What does it look like? You owe me a favour, and I'm taking you to redeem it," still holding onto my hand.

I pulled my hand away, now walked backwards, looking frightened. "I won't do it, I'll never do it with you. I don't even know you," I stammered.

He seemed puzzled by my reaction and said, "Sorry, you won't do what? I just wanted to have a coffee with you." I felt embarrassed; I had completely misjudged him. I had to change this habit of mine of jumping to conclusions, a very bad habit of mine that thought that all guys wanted was sex. "What were you thinking before? No, you didn't think I was going to... Oh my God, you have a very wild imagination," he said, laughing heartily. "Ok let me tell you something you're missing, I am gay, I'm so gay, and I am in a very serious relationship."

I felt so embarrassed, I thought to myself, "How could I not have known? This guy is just too handsome and too feminine not to be gay."

He continued, "So, please tell me, what's your name?"

I responded, "I'm Elena, what about you? I can't call you Pen Guy the rest of this semester.".

He smiled and said, "I'm Alex." He then shared, "You see, my boyfriend is really worried about me, he thinks I might never make a friend on campus, and he wants to bring me to school and back every day since he doesn't attend college. But that would be embarrassing, I told him I already had a friend, so he could stop worrying. So, I want you to join me at the cafe as my friend. He'll also be there with his best pal."

I was amazed by the depth of his relationship, and his boyfriend must be a caring person. "Alright, for today, I'll be your fake friend," I agreed.

Alex gave me a sharp look and exclaimed, "You'll what? You're already my best friend, you bitch! There's no going back now. What if you need a pen tomorrow? Who will be there for you?" We both laughed at the absurdity of it.

He said to me that we would be going the Relax Coffee for a drink, and it was amazing, I work part-time at Relax Coffee. I told him that I worked there and he was also amazed. I told him about the different coffee recipes served at Relax Coffee. As we approached Relax Coffee shop, a strange feeling washed over me, like butterflies in my stomach.

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