

Sunlight filtered into the room. It glinted off every surface. The dust motes danced and shifted in the beams, as though they had a life of their own.

The morning was warm. It made Raine feel like a blanket wrapped around her when she lay down in bed. If she had a mother, then this is what her love would feel like.

The gentle wind outside ruffled her hair, and she got a whiff of the scent that surrounded her. Raine’s eyes widened, and she sprang up from the bed. Her scent. There was something different. about it.

She opened her dresser and peered at herself in the mirror. At first, she saw nothing unusual. Then it came to her. There was a giant wolf bite on her shoulder.

Tyrion had marked her.

“Shit.” Raine cursed. She ran her fingers through her red curls and bangs, trying to tame the wild hair until her fingers reached her nape. She massaged lightly, and the memories of the previous night assaulted her.

They didn’t come as flashes and images. They were all clear. How Tyrion’s lips had been pressed against hers. The kiss. Her father’s pronouncements to have their mating ceremony in a week’s time. How she fought against him until he sank his teeth into her.

Tyrion had claimed her. In front of the entire pack. Against her wishes. Raine felt abused. She felt like someone had raped her.

Shakily, she grabbed the desk in front of her and tried to clear her mind.

She focused on a point outside of the window. Soon, her breath evened out.

Quickly, Raine threw on a pair of jeans and a black long-sleeved shirt. She made sure the bite mark was completely shielded. Not knowing what to do to her mane, she tied a scarf around it and went down to join the rest of the family for breakfast.

Usually, Raine preferred to eat alone. Her father, step mother, and step sister rarely wanted her around the table. She was a constant reminder of a taboo. But Alpha Tiki insisted she have breakfast with them. To present a United front.

It was his duty to keep his household in order before running the pack. Raine sighed and padded across the house to the patio where a breakfast table has been set up.

“Nice of you to join us. I was almost glad you were dead.” Bellona snapped in a low voice, but low enough for Raine to hear. Raine rolled her eyes and ignored her.

“Good morning.” Raine greeted. Atticus and Tiki looked up from the conversation that had engrossed them in. Tiki grunted in response while a pleasant smile stretched across Atticus’ face.

“Tyrion wore you out, huh?” he mocked in a teasing voice. Raine chose to ignore him instead of dishing out her own sarcasm. There was some truth in his words, after all. And she was still mad.

Shania carried on ignoring her like she didn’t exist. Raine wasn’t bothered. She was already used to the silent treatment.

Raine took a seat at the end of the table. Her eyes scanned the food on the table, and she picked up her fork.

Conversation carried on between Atticus and Tiki, thus, filling the silence that was stretching among the four of them.

“Dad, what about the sacrifice?” Atticus asked.

“For the moon dance?” Tiki asked with a mouthful of berries.

“Yes, dad. Can I hunt the deer?” Bellona chirped in. Raine snorted and tried to cover it by coughing into her cup of orange juice.

“I haven’t decided if we need a deer or something more challenging for the sacrifice.”

“Dad...” Bellona whined.

“Fine, fine. You can hunt the deer. Your brother and I were planning to go out there tonight. I guess you can come.” Tiki said. Bellona grinned like a Cheshire cat and went back to her food.

Raine felt like an outsider. She wanted to ask her father if she could join in the hunt, too. But she knew her father would beat down that idea. All her life, he had tried to keep her as weak as possible.

Raine ate silently as she listened to the men argue over how the ritual should be conducted. Bellona chattered loudly to her mother about how she would hunt the biggest deer in the forest.

The only reason Bellona wanted to be part of the hunt was so she could brag about being high and mighty later. Their father encouraged her just so he could brag to his friends about his daughter.

“Maybe Raine could come, too.” Atticus suggested. Raine’s ears perked at the sound of those words. She slowly raised her head to find everyone staring at her. Bellona was livid. Shania’s gaze was filled with hatred. Tiki looked at her like he couldn’t make out what to do with her.

“Well, Raine, do you want to come?” Tiki asked. Raine couldn’t believe it. She had granted an opportunity for once. She peered at her father to know if he was serious, but his face showed no emotions. Atticus nodded his head in encouragement.

“Well, I’ll love to join the hunt,” she began gauging the reaction on her father’s face. His eyes darkened and his face tightened with anger. Raine knew at once that she had picked the wrong answer.

“... but I’ll only get in the way of the hunt. I’m sure the three of you are more than capable of capturing the deer for the sacrifice.” She finished.

“Coward. As if you would even know what to do on a hunt.” Bellona chided.

“It’s settled then. She doesn’t want to be a part of the hunt.” Tiki said, ignoring the insult that Bellona just threw at her. He always turned a blind eye to the bullying she endured.

Atticus looked disappointed, but went back to his food without meeting her eye.

Tiki’s lip curled up in disdain, and he stabbed his fork into his eggs harder than necessary. Raine stared at her plate and tried to swallow the lump in her throat. This was the first time she would ever attend a real hunt.

She hasn’t been to one since she was born. It was her right as a wolf, but her dad would never let her. He never considered her as a wolf. And now, she was presented with an opportunity, and she backed out. Bellona was right. She is a coward.

“Will you do the moon dance, at least?” Atticus asked.

Raine felt herself smiling at the question. The moon dance wasn’t just about the sacrifice to the moon goddess. It was a time when the female wolves showed how much the goddess has blessed them. They participated in the feline dance.

The dance was the highlight of every moon dance for Raine. She loved to dance, and it was one thing her father could never keep from her because it would destroy the perfect family image he’s tried to build.

“Of course I will.” She answered. They had expected her to decline. The look of disapproval they shot her way was mesmerizing, but Raine didn’t let it get to her. She would pay for participating in that dance later. But whatever punishment awaits her, she wouldn’t regret it.

“That’s great.” Atticus commended. “You know, Belly, if you join the hunt with Dad and I, you won’t be able to play The Moon this time around.” Bellona smiled.

“That’s okay. I didn’t want to play The Moon, anyway. Cujo told me that the wolves from the Zircon pack are smoking hot. I might be lucky enough to find my mate tomorrow.”

Tiki belted out a loud laughter. “You, my daughter, are the most ambitious wolf in the pack. Next thing I know, you’ll be challenging my position as Alpha.”

“That won’t happen, dad. I’m too submissive a wolf to even do that.”

Raine tuned out their voices. The bite mark on her shoulder burned her. She sighed and plucked off another berry. It wasn’t that she wanted to play The Moon.

Whoever played the moon also filled the role of the high priestess and was considered untouchable by the male wolves. She’s seen as pure and made to avoid sexual interactions. No, that wasn’t it at all. She didn’t want to be the holy virgin.

Raine just wished they had given her the chance to choose her own mate. Just as Bellona had said, new males will be arriving at their grounds. And like the rest of the female race, she also wished she would find her mate among them. Finding a mate would send her out of her family’s den.

Suddenly, it dawned on her. Tike forced her into the betrothal with Tyrion because he wanted her out of the way. He didn’t want her to have the liberty of choosing her own mate. He wanted her under his control forever. It wasn’t about the stupid ties he hoped to have with his beta. Her father feared she could find her mate among the males in the Zircon pack or even elsewhere and escape his control.

The realization slammed into her like a Mac truck. She looked up to find her father staring at her. There was a malicious glint in his eyes. Her betrothal to Tyrion wasn’t enough for him. Her heart plummeted.

“Raine will play the moon tomorrow night.” He declared with a smug smile.

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