
7. Helping the Bad Boy

We walked into the house, and I instantly regretted coming here. It was quiet now as there was no party going on this time. The place seemed much larger than I remembered.

"Where are your parents?" I asked and looked around nervously.

"They are out of town on a business trip. They are hardly ever home, so it's always just the two of us," Aaron said grimly.

So that's why Jake was able to throw those wild parties. They had no adult supervision.

A sudden realization hit me and made me more nervous. I'm about to be home alone with two teenage boys. Ones with a bad reputation, not to mention I was completely defenseless. What the hell was I thinking? I can be so stupid sometimes.

"Oh, don't look so scared. We don't bite," Aaron smirked.

"Scared? Who's scared? Not me...haha..." I stammered. "Um, where's Jake?" I needed to get this over with, so I can get the hell out of here.

"JAKE!" Aaron yelled, almost busting my eardrums.

No answer.

Maybe I got lucky, and Jake forgot about the whole math thing and left the house. I am saved!

"Well, it looks like he is not here. Oh well. I'm gonna call myself an uber and go home. Peace out," I said and proceeded to leave.

Someone grabbed my wrist all of a sudden and pulled me back before I made it to the door.

"Not so fast, Janey, you are mine for the next hour," Jake was standing there holding my hand. Fuck... I almost made it out the door.

"Let's go study in my room," Jake said and started to pull me away.

"Oh okay, le...let's," I said and looked at Aaron helplessly.

I tried to communicate with him through my eyes and gave him the 'help me' look, but alas, Aaron just stood there and looked at me. His eyes moved from my face to Jake's hand that was tightly gripping my arm. His eyes were dark, and I saw a flicker of something in them. Jealousy?

"If you do something to Jane, I swear to god...." Aaron started to say, but Jake interrupted him.

"Oh, relax, big bro. I'm not going to do anything to your precious date. We are just going to study together like good little pals, right Janey?" he smirked and put his arm around my shoulders.

"Y...yeah. I am a math geek, so I'm going to help Jakey here," I nodded my head and chuckled awkwardly.

"Okay, call me if there's a problem," Aaron glared at Jake one last time then left the room.

Jake dragged me into his room. Pretty soon, I was trapped inside the room with the biggest jerk in my high school. Alone.

"Stop looking like a petrified rabbit. I'm not going to hurt you," Jake said irritably.

"Should I be in your room like this?" I asked and fidgeted uncomfortably.

"Why shouldn't you? I don't see a problem," Jake barked and pointed at the desk for me to sit in.

Something dawned on me. Jake probably doesn't think it's weird for me to be in his room alone because he doesn't think of me as a woman. He looks at me as an ugly, wimpy, and nerdy girl he likes to bully.

I didn't know if I should be relieved or be extremely offended.

" and Aaron don't seem to get along too well," I commented as Jake sat down in front of me.

"Nah, we have a pretty close relationship," Jake dismissed my claim.

"Huh? Then why are you two always bickering and glaring at each other?" I gave him a puzzled look.

"I don't know. Probably because Aaron recently decided he needed to change and become a good person for whatever reason. I'm sure it's just a phase," Jake said. He looked annoyed.

"Oh no! Not a good person! How horrifying," I said sarcastically.

"Shut up," Jake laughed. He took out a piece of paper and shoved it on my hand.

I looked it over then looked at him questioningly. "These are already done," I said.

"Yeah, so?" he said casually.

"So why am I here?" I asked.

"To see if I did it right, obviously," Jake shrugged.

"Couldn't you have done this at school?" I asked.

"You ask too many questions, Jane Brown," Jake smirked. "What did you do with my brother on your little date?" he asked suddenly.

"Um...nothing? We just went to the drive-in theater and..."

"He stuck his tongue down your throat?" he said before I could finish my sentence.

"Ew! It's our first date!" I protested.

"And then, he finger-banged the shit out of you," he continued relentlessly.

"JAKE!" I cried and threw the book at him, but he dodged it, laughing.

"It was my first date, so we didn't do anything. Stop being gross," I said angrily.

"Not even a kiss?" he looked at me curiously.

I fidgeted in my seat. How did our conversation turn to this?

"'m saving it for someone who likes me a lot. Like, really likes me," I announced.

"I really like you," Jake said. His voice sounded deep and husky.

"W...what?" I was taken aback.

"I really really like you. Let's make out," Jake looked into my eyes. His dark brown eyes were twinkling with mischief.

It took me a second to recover from my initial shock. And when I did, I looked closely at his face and realized he was making fun of me.

He couldn't hold it anymore and burst into laughter.

"Ugh, you jerk! Stop messing with me!" I screamed.

"Hah, you stupid bitch! Did you really think I'd ever kiss you?" he said after he stopped laughing then flicked me on the forehead.

"Ouch! Why do you have to be such a bully and an asshole all the time?" I whined as I rubbed my forehead.

"Because I can," Jake sneered.

"Well, I'm leaving. Goodbye to you, shithead," I glared at him and started to walk out the door.

"Aww, did I hurt Janey's feelings?" he mocked behind me. "Nice legs, by the way!" he hollered.

I just flipped him off and continued to walk. Aaron was standing outside, leaned against his car.

"I'll drop you off," he said.

"Oh no, I can call an uber." I hesitated.

"You were on a date with me, so I'll drop you off, and that's final," he insisted, so I agreed.

"He didn't try anything with you, did he? Jake can be pretty ruthless sometimes, but I used to be just like that in high school, so I have no right to say anything to him," Aaron shook his head.

I wondered what changed.

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goodnovel comment avatar
Nysia Caisip
I love it...
goodnovel comment avatar
Ybhor Zurc Aled Torres
next episode please. I'm so excited to read.
goodnovel comment avatar
Monica Grace Elias Finch
This girl said peace out😂😂😂😭🤞🏽

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