
Chapter 5

Chapter Five

Zayn was exhausted and fell asleep in the armchair with his cell phone in his hand.

On the bed, Morgana moved her head from side to side. Frowning, she let out a slight moan of pain.

“Oh…” Turning her head a little more, a sharp pain seized her. “Ouch!”

Morgana put her hands on the top of her head, the unbearable pain hitting her. She also felt her mouth drying out and a strong discomfort in her throat. She managed to open her eyes slightly. For several days, she had woken up in the dark and felt very cold, but now everything was different. She was lying on a soft bed, with a huge window next to her, through which the soft light of the moonlit night came in.

Once again, a sharp pain in her head made her groan loudly:


Zayn wakes up as quickly as he fell asleep. He gets up abruptly, causing his cell phone to crash to the floor. But he takes no notice of this fact.

She's awake, he thought, before approaching slowly so as not to startle her.

Morgana watched the moonlight. Her body felt a little sore, but what hurt most, apart from her head, were her feet, because she had walked so much in the desert. The memory alone made hot tears run down her face.

Where am I? At home? At the Aguiar Mansion? But I don't recognize this room. Maybe it's a guest room…

Feeling a movement on her right side, she turned her face and was startled to see Zayn. She jumped onto the bed and cowered far away from the man watching her silently.

Zayn looked down, then Morgana realized she was completely naked. She pulls the covers over herself with more tears in her eyes.

Feeling horrified at what he might have done to her, Morgana tries to lubricate her lips with the tip of her tongue, and then tries to speak:

“What have you done to me? Why am I naked?,” she asked with great difficulty, completely upset and desperate.

Zayn had just spotted a problem. The girl spoke Portuguese, and he only understood a few words, but not enough to understand her.

The sheik tried to talk calmly to the young woman, to convey serenity in his voice, but in his language, nothing he could say would make her calm down.

Noticing her difficulty in swallowing and coughing, he raised his hands to the bedside. Slowly, he picked up a jug, poured some water into the glass and offered it to her.

Morgana was thirsty, but on the other hand, she was afraid of accepting it and being poisoned. So she summoned up all her courage and turned her face away, denying herself the water her throat had been begging for.

Zayn couldn't get any closer, as she was too scared. Thinking for a moment, he tried to communicate in English, since the girl clearly didn't understand his language.

“It's water, drink it.”

Morgana looked at Zayn, and her gaze showed that she understood what he was saying very well.

The sheik held out his arm again, offering her the glass. As Morgana was too thirsty to ignore it, she accepted; if she didn't drink the water, she might faint.

With trembling fingers, Morgana held out her arm. Her body was shaking so much with thirst and hunger that she could barely hold the glass.

She drank the water in a hurry. When she finished, she felt a strong pain in her stomach. Since he had been empty for so long, even the water was bothering him.

Morgana grimaced as her stomach felt heavy and sore. Then she handed the glass back.

“Stay away from me!” she said, frightened, but in a firm tone.


Zayn was reassured, at least she could communicate in English. He thought the girl's voice was beautiful, and his whole body shivered at the light, husky tone.

“Would you like something to eat?,” He's still talking in English.

“My stomach hurts, I don't know if I'll be able to eat anything now.”

"Alright. I'll leave the water jug right here close to you, in case you want more water. The bathroom is over there. If you'd like to take a shower, feel free to do so," he said, walking over to his massive closet to grab a towel and a robe.

He left the items at the foot of the bed within the girl's reach and headed toward the room's door.

"If you want to lock the bathroom door, that's fine. I'm not your kidnapper, so you can relax. A doctor has already been here to examine you and informed me about your delicate condition. Next to the water jug, there's pain medication. It's also anti-inflammatory and antipyretic. Take it, you'll feel better. If you need anything, I'll be outside."

Morgana found herself alone when Zayn left the room. Recognizing that he indeed wasn't the one who kidnapped her. She managed to pay attention to his tone, which wasn't that of the man who mistreated her for days on end.

But perhaps he bought her from her kidnapper.

"If that's the case, he's just as disgusting as the other one!" she thought.

Lost in her thoughts, she swung her legs off the bed, grabbed the water jug, and despite the stomach ache, filled a cup to take the medication.

Running her hand through her hair, she felt the rough skin and heavy hair. She really wanted a good shower, as she felt filthy.

She made the decision to clean herself, heading to the bathroom. Morgana was astonished by the luxurious and extremely modern environment, much more so than her mansion.

After figuring out how to work the water controls, she filled the bathtub with very warm water. The desert's daytime heat burned her shoulders and feet, while the intense night cold made her shiver.

Despite the suffering she had endured, Morgana was able to trust the Arab man who was taking care of her. He seemed like a good person. His melodious and low voice; his striking, seductive yet concerned gaze.

Morgana couldn't help but notice him, as everything he did put her on alert.

Still feeling a certain apprehension about being attacked by him, maybe even claimed for having been purchased, and believing he has every right in the world over her.

Yes, he must have bought her from the cursed human merchant. And once again, she grew angry at him, but on the other hand, he seems much better than the other one, who reeked of camel dung.

How many times had she vomited upon smelling the unpleasant odor of that man? She couldn't stomach even the water he offered, let alone eating something. In fact, Morgana couldn't eat because he gave her the same thing every day, a bowl of slop that looked like vomit.

Morgana had never seen his face, living blindfolded. The man only removed the blindfold to offer her food, but he covered his own face during these moments.

Now, she was submerged in the hot water of an immense bathtub, cleaning all the dirt that had accumulated on her skin and hair.

With a smile on her lips, she forgot for a few moments everything she had been through in the last few days. Closing her eyes, she savored her pleasurable moment in the water.

After several minutes, Morgana got out of the bathtub. She needed to know who that Arab was.

Determined, she dried her entire body, put on the robe, and went to confront him, despite being very weakened.

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